ISSUE: 28Content
- Virtual Boy
- Nintendo 64
- Sega Saturn
- Cannon Fodder (SNES, Mega Drive)
- Legend
- J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. 1
- Clayfighter 2: Judgment Clay
- Blackhawk (Blackthorne)
- The Adventures of Mighty Max (SNES, Mega Drive)
- Ultimate Future Games (Video game magazine)
- Kick Off 3: European Challenge
- GamesMaster (Video game magazine)
- TOTAL! (Video game magazine)
- Action Replay MK2 (Adaptor)
- Mickey Mania (SNES, Mega Drive, Mega CD)
"Bikes, Bats & Boots" (Konami video games)
- Biker Mice From Mars
- The Adventures of Batman & Robin
- International Superstar Soccer
(All games are for the SNES unless noted)
- From the Big Chair (Issue summary)
Virtual Boy: The Facts
- Galactic Pinball (Virtual Boy)
- Teleroboxer (Virtual Boy)
- Mario Clash (Virtual Boy)
[*]Super Play Comments (Virtual Boy is a failure)
[*]Battle in the Future Zone (Future Zone has all copies of Super Street Fighter II in the UK)
[*]Merchandise of the Month (Final Fantasy VI mini figures)
[*]Hi-Ten Mario World (Mario Bowling system)
[*]Shigeru Miyamoto Heads for 3D Paradise (Miyamoto will work with Paradigm Simulation Inc. to create the next N64 game (Pilotwings 64?))
[*]Final Failure (Final Fantasy III (VI) may not work that good with adaptors)
[*]Injection-Moulded Trunks (Dragon Ball Z merchandise)
[*]Fantasy Quest
- Albert Odyssey 2: Jashin no Taidou
- Wonder Project J: Kikai no Shonen Pino
- Double Take (Square/Enix rivalry)
[*]Fanhunter: You'll Find no Finer Fanzines (Fan-made magazines)
[*]Super Play Guide to Buying Mail Order
[*]The Super Quiz
[*]Addams Family Values
[*]Send in the Clones (Nintendo may take legal action against manufacturer that make console duplicates)
[*]Anime World (Genocyber anime)
[*]Shoshinkai (Convention summary)
- Virtual Boy
- Donkey Kong Country
- Chrono Trigger
- Tales of Phantasia
[*]Inconceivable (Games too weird for the west)
- Hold it There
- Classic Road
[*]Super Bomberman 3
[*]Fighting Polygon (FX Fighter, Unreleased?)
[*]Virtua Fighter (Sega Saturn)
[*]SimCity 2000
[*]Fantasy Quest Fulfilled
- Chrono Trigger
- Tales of Phantasia
- Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
- Albert Odyssey 2: Jashin no Taidou
- Res Arcana Diara Rei
- Dragon Quest VI
- Sound Novel Tsukuru
- Wizardry VI: Bane of the Cosmic Forge
[*]Virtual Boy Software
- Mario Clash
- Teleroboxer
- Galactic Pinball
[*]Live From Hell City
- The Pinnacle of Human Achievement (The software company Human has a developer school)
Famous Alumni (Student projects that became games)
- Dragon Earth
- The Firemen
[*]A Happy New Year From Nintendo
- Kid Klown in Crazy Chase
- Uniracer (Unirally)
- Cannon Fodder
- The Ren & Stimpy Show: Time Warp
- The Adventures of Mighty Max
- Clayfighter 2: Judgment Clay
- Barkley Shut Up and Jam!
- Sensible Speaks (With Jon Hare from Sensible Software)
- Samurai Spirits (Samurai Shodown)
- Kirby's Tee Shot (Kirby's Dream Course)
- Power Drive
- ESPN Speed World
- New Horizons
- Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
- Donkey Kong Country
- Wild Guns
- The Jungle Book
Ask Allan: Invaluable Monthly Gaming Advice
- Final Fantasy III (VI)
- Illusion of Gaia (Illusion of Time)
- Super Aleste (Space Megaforce)
- Soul Blazer
- Secret of Mana
- Dungeon Master
- Breath of Fire
[*]Stunt Race FX
[*]Beauty and the Beast
[*]Clayfighter: Tournament Edition
[*]Double Dragon 5
[*]Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky Sports Challenge
[*]Samurai Shodown
[*]Action Replay Codes
- Cybernator
- Donkey Kong Country
[*]Super Metroid
[*]Mortal Kombat II
Top Five Plots
- Final Fantasy III (VI)
- Super Metroid
- Shadowrun
- Secret of Mana
- Assault Suits Valken (Cybernator)
[*]Top Five Music
- Final Fantasy III (VI)
- Rock 'n' Roll Racing
- Super Puyo Puyo
- Plok!
- Secret of Mana
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