ISSUE: 2Content
Atari 2600
Atari 7800
Atari XE
(The following is loosely based on this issue's Table of Contents, featuring select excerpts. (Notes) and bullet lists have been added for clarity. The TOC includes a short 'Hello Power Players!' message.)
Garry Kitchen
We talk to the pres of Absolute Entertainment ('Garry Kitchen, Game Designer' by David H. Ahl; two pages, including unrelated 'Contest: Name our Superhero' sidebar and 'Alex' comic strip)
REVIEWS (game reviews; one page each unless noted)
- Crystal Castles (2600,XE)
- Dark Chambers (2600,7800,XE)
- Super Football (2600)
- Super Skateboardin' (7800; 1/2 page)
- Bump 'n' Jump (2600; 3/4th page)
- Hardball (XE; 1/2 page)
- Ballblazer (7800,XE; 1/2 page)
- Crack'ed (7800)
- Blue Max (XE)
- Crossbow (2600,7800,XE)
- Commando (2600,7800,XE; 3/4th page)
Mailbag (reader mail)
Here's what you've written to us.
Top 30
Your favorite 10 games for 2600, 7800, and XE.
10 Years Ago
Popular games in years gone by.
Tips & Tricks (two pages; reader submitted tips)
Reader tips for overcoming the obstacles.
- Asteroids (7800,XE)
- Choplifter! (7800)
- Crystal Castles (XE)
- Desert Falcon (7800)
- Pac-Man family ("All")
- Necromancer (XE)
- Ballblazer (7800,XE)
- Tower Toppler (7800)
- Hat Trick (7800)
- Space Invaders (2600)
- Kung-Fu Master (2600)
- Xevious (7800)
- Star Raiders II (XE)
Adventures of Atari
The evil Ninja-Endo kidnaps Beth and sets an underground trap for Milo Mender. (two page comic)
Take a break with these challenging stumpers. (riddles and word search puzzle)
Fascinating Facts
Amazing statistics about Atarian club members.
Sneak previews of new games coming out soon. (approx. 1/4th page each, most with screenshot)
- Off the Wall (2600)
- Radar Lock (2600)
- Mean 18 Golf (7800,XE)
- Xenophobe (7800,XE)
- Midi-Maze (XE)
- Mat Mania (7800)
PLAYING STRATEGY (two pages each unless noted)
- Jungle Hunt (2600,XE; 'How to Beat Jungle Beat' by John Jainschigg)
- Thunderfox (XE; by Jerome Strach)
- Double Dunk (2600; by Jerome Strach; one page)
CLASSICS (game reviews; 1/2 page each unless noted)
- Super Breakout (2600,XE; approx. one page)
- David's Midnight Magic (2600,XE)
- Jr. Pac-Man (2600)
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