ISSUE: 14Content
- They Call It Murder, Baby: Murder on the Zinderneuf (David & Diana Stone review this computer-themed whodunnit)
- Carrier Force: Overview & Play Tips (Floyd Mathews helps you bring more of your boys home in this operations-level military sim of Pacific naval warfare)
- Titan Empire: Review (James A. McPherson takes a spin around this galaxy-spanning title)
- Two From Simulations Canada: Grey Seas, Grey Skies & Fall Gelb (Jay Selover puts these two WWII-themed sims under the microscope)
- Ringside Seat: Review and Rating System (Dave Long thinks he's got what it takes to go the distance with this boxing sim)
- Golf: Two Simulations (FORE! Roy Wagner and Russell Sipe weigh the pros and cons of Tournament Golf and Professional Tour Golf)
- NATO Commander: Review (Mark Bausman wants YOU! [to stop the Commies, that is...])
- Geopolitique 1990: Review (Bob Proctor reviews this political intrigue/diplomacy title)
- Whipping your M.U.L.E. Into Shape (Carl M. Evans shares his hints for getting the most out of your mechanical buddy)
- Knights of the Desert: Strategy and Tactics (Let Mark Bausman be your sandy guide to this tank war title)
- Inside the Industry (Dana Lombardy reveals the results of the October 1983 CGW survey)
- Hobby & Industry News (CGW reports their impressions of the Winter CES in Las Vegas)
- Taking a Peek
- Drol (Apple/C64/Atari)
- Lode Runner (Atari)
- Charles Goren: Learning Bridge Made Easy (IBM PC/Apple)
- Cyberchess (Apple/C64/TRS-80)
- Ardy (Apple/Atari/C64)
- Cavern Creatures (Apple)
- Cohen's Towers (Atari/C64)
- Cosmic Tunnels (Atari)
- Monster Smash (Atari)
- Mr. Robot (Apple/Atari/C64)
- Nightraiders (Atari)
- Super Bunny (Apple)
- Tail of Beta Lyrae (Atari)
- Pooyan (Atari/CoCo/Apple/C64)
- The Sands of Egypt (Apple)
- Infidel (Multi)
- Adventures in Flesh (Apple)
- The Black Death (Apple)
- Plato's Caves (Apple)
- Soloflight (C64/Atari)
- Antonym Antics (Apple)
- The Function Game (Apple)
- Intellectual Decathlon (Apple)
- Bouncing Kamungas (Apple)
- The Coveted Mirror (Apple)
- Pie-Man (Atari)
- Aquatron (Apple)
- Encounter! (Atari)
- Rainbow Walker (Atari)
- Crypt of Medea (Apple)
[*]Atari Arena (Allen Doum takes stock of where Atari is in the gaming world right now)
[*]Scorpion's Tale (Scorpia rounds out the trilogy with a look at Zork I: The Great Underground Empire)
[*]Learning Game (Bob Proctor's column answers the question of just how educational is that computer?)
[*]Commodore Key (There are plenty of peripherals and software titles out there; with Roy Wagner's help, you might just find the right ones for you!)
[*]Tele-Gaming (What can you do with your subscription to GameMaster mansion? Patricia Fitzgibbons tells all...)
[*]Silicon Cerebrum (Part 3 of Bruce Webster's series on Heuristic Search)
- Starbowl Football (Atari)
- Gumball (Apple II)
- Julius Erving and Larry Bird Go One On One (Apple)
- Floyd of the Jungle (Atari)
[*]Chip & Ferb (Mark Eliot's comic strip about a user trying to outwit his computer)
[*]Reader Input Device
[*]Game Ratings
[*]Index (Volume 3) (Wondering what all got covered during CGW's third year? Wonder no more, it's all here at your fingertips)
- Drol (Apple/C64/Atari)
Notable Stuff:
- Cover price increases to $3.00 starting with this issue. Subscription prices remain unchanged.
- Reference to Psalm 9:1-2 appears on the masthead.
- According to Dana Lombarby's column, CGW's monthly readership is roughly 25,000.
- Oops! Avalon Hill's not looking to sell the rights to Computer Diplomacy to anybody like we reported last issue. They were just setting up a marketing arrangement.
- CGW is impressed by the Coleco Adam. Too bad it won't be around long enough for anyone else to really care...
- Despite what the title may lead you to believe, Adventures in Flesh isn't a porn simulator, a zombie slaughterfest or a cannibal-themed game. It's an educational title teaching anatomy and physiology. Darn.
Crypt of Medea was panned in its day for it's descriptions of unpleasant things like maggot-eaten corpses and severed limbs. It stands as one of the earliest examples of a horror-themed graphical adventure on a home computer.
- You think level editors and game trainers started with the likes of Doom? Try again: Moxie published The Great Escape Utility in 1984, a program meant to be run in conjunction with Castle Wolfenstein to fix many of the complaints players had about the game and hack it to their likings.
- Err...I think you mean 'Warsaw pact' and not 'Warsaw pad' in your NATO Commander review, Mr. Bausman.
- Somehow, the Micro-Reviews column got left off the table of contents. But it's there.
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