ISSUE: 21Content
- Lode Runner Contest Results (Who won? We break it down right here!)
- Carriers At War: A Review (Bill Nichols explains what he likes and dislikes in this new naval war sim)
- War in Russia: Replay of Case Blue, Part II (Kirk [Russia] Robinson and Jay [Germany] Selover conclude their head-to-head battle in the Eastern Front)
- Kampfgruppe: Tactical Armor in WWII Russia (Mark Bausman rolls his tanks through this WW2 Eastern Front sim)
- Robot Simulations: Robot Odyssey I and Chipwits (Gregg Williams has high praise for these two edutainment titles)
- IBM Goes To War (Russell Sipe explores combat with The Ancient Art of War and Gato)
- The World of the Playtester (Tom Cheche has some stories he'd like to tell you about what it's really like being a playtester, and it's not all fun and games)
- Taking a Peek:
- By Fire & Sword (IBM PC/PCjr)
- Incunabula (IBM PC/PCjr)
- Legionnaire (C64/Apple/Atari)
- Pro Manager (IBM PC/PCjr)
- Black Belt (Apple/C64)
- The Battle of Chickamauga (Atari)
- Bank President (IBM PC)
- Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (Atari/Apple/C64)
- On-Field Football (C64)
- Battle of the Atlantic (Apple II)
- Computer Ambush (Apple/Atari)
[*]From The Editor: Stop the Presses (Just as the issue is about to go to print, IBM announces they're discontinuing the PCjr)
[*]Letters (Yup, letters!)
[*]Strategically Speaking (Reader-submitted tips for the following games):
- Reforger '88
- Fifth Eskadra
- Sundog 2.0
- Lordlings of Yore
- Fighter Command
- Objective: Kursk
[*]Commodore Key (What's Commodore doing for users with its new 128? Roy Wagner has the scoop!)
[*]Dispatches (Why do we 'play', anyway? Dan Bunten looks at the psychology behind computer entertainment)
[*]Come Cast A Spell With Me (Roe Adams offers tips for would-be adventure writers and the puzzles they might design)
[*]Silicon Cerebrum (Bruce Webster returns after a one-year hiatus to explain how computers learn)
[*]Atari Playfield (David Stone's head-over-heels in love with the Atari ST)
[*]Name of the Game (When stalking the wild 'concept', Jon Freeman points out where most publishers are going wrong)
[*]Scorpion's Tale (Another day, another crime as Scorpia offers hints for exonerating yourself in Infocom's Suspect)
[*]Reader Input Device
[*]Game Ratings
- By Fire & Sword (IBM PC/PCjr)
Notable Stuff:
- The banner in the upper-left corner of the cover now reads, "For the owners of Apple - Atari - C-64 - IBM"
- The reference to Psalm 9:1-2 appears on the masthead.
- Jon Freeman is back! Feel his sting, publishers! Feel it!
- Shay Addams, creator of the venerable QuestBusters newsletter, gets a letter in this issue's column correcting some misconceptions about the original Colossal Cave Adventure's development.
- Roe Adams documents one of the most absurd puzzles in adventure gaming history (the change machine puzzle from Yaquinto's Timeship) in his column this issue, giving it a right proper lambasting as an example of completely illogical design by a programmer who simply wanted to create a "difficult" puzzle.
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