ISSUE: 221Content
- Editorial: The Coolest Dad in the Third Grade (tech editor William O'Neal visits his son's school only to learn he's got a lot of catching up to do if he wants to keep being the cool dad)
- Letters (The fans write back!)
- Penny Arcade (Ripping on Starcraft: Ghost, a game which has yet to see the light of day more than ten years later)+
- Discovering Games #11: The Most Violent Game (Scott McCloud's comic about the most violent game in the world: Chess!)
- CGW Top 20 (What reigns supreme in the world of computer gaming? Warcraft III takes the top spot, but The Sims and four expansions eat a full fourth of all the slots)
- The Last Great RTS (Will Age of Mythology rock the RTS genre harder than anything else?)
- Behind the Scenes of QuakeCon (The Texas-sized LAN party hosted by iD Software)
- Greenspeak (Jeff Green touts the merits of vacations, even for people who play games for a living)
Previews (The real, full-length stuff):
- Lionheart
- Command & Conquer: Generals
- Medieval: Total War
- Icewind Dale II
- Arabian Nights
- Arthur's Knights II: The Secret of Merlin
- Mafia
- The Sims: Unleashed
- Grand Prix 4
- Game Patches (Morrowind, Battle Realms, and Warcraft III get much-needed fixes)
- Divine Divinity
- Chessmaster 9000
- The Mystery of the Nautilus
- Sudden Strike II
- MechWarrior 4: Clan Mech Pak
- Space Horse
- Farscape: The Game
Tech (Everything you need to know about hardware):
- Starfish Technologies' SS2000 desktop
- Dell's Inspirion 8200 laptop
- ATI Radeon 9700 Pro graphics card
- Electro-Voice's SonicXS 2.1 speaker system
- Altec Lansing's 5100 5.1 speakers
- Microsoft's Natural Multimedia keyboard, Optical Mouse Blue, and Notebook Optical mouse
- How To Upgrade Your Motherboard
- Tech Medics (Will O'Neal answers reader questions about their systems)
- Killer Rigs (Building the ultimate gaming machine)
Gamer's Edge (Strategy, tips, and dirty tricks):
- Icewind Dale II strategy guide
- Warcraft III dirty trick and Horde player's guide
- Madden NFL 2003 player's guide
Loading... (Screenshots of hot new titles):
- Ralli-Sport Challenge
- Asheron's Call 2
- Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force II
Read Me (Short previews, news bytes, etc...):
- Black Hawk Down
- Pro Race Driver
- SimCity 4
- Tron 2.0
- The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal
- Yahoo game rental service
- John Tiller: The CGW Interview (CGW peppers a veteran game dev with questions)
- The Hulk and Hobbits Head Online (Marvel and Lord of the Rings go MMO)
- Dumpster Diver (Thierry Nguyen offers you a choice: spend $40 on Farscape: The Game, or hit the bargain bin and pick up Freedom Force, Sim Golf, and the Microsoft Action Pack [Metal Gear Solid, Crimson Skies, Starlancer] for the same price)
- The Rebirth of Tribes 2 (CGW updates their previous look at Tribes 2 due to high volume of user complaints about their initial review)
- 5, 10, 15 Years Ago in CGW (What we were playing 5, 10 and 15 years ago)
- Game Art Culture (Are video games art? What about the really violent ones?)
- Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf
- Extended Play Homebrew (Freeware doesn't mean Suckware)
- Pipeline (The editors take a stab at when anticipated titles will show up)
Notable Stuff:
- Man, is it easy to cheese off the fans of Tribes 2 or what? Look at all those screeds in Letters.
- And a dig at PC Gamer magazine in the same letter column...from the CGW editors no less.
- Yahoo!, the directory service, offered a PC game rental service? Yeah, I didn't know that either...
- According to a quick poll, 44% of gamers valued the single-player experience over multiplayer, 6% valued multiplayer over single-player, and 48% claimed they were both important. Wonder what those numbers would look like today?
- "If Divine Divinity had come out for Christmas 1992, we'd have raved about it unreservedly." OUCH!
- The Chessmaster 9000 reviewer felt "overmatched" by the AI. When playing a game called ChessMASTER 9000. Gee...maybe you should have tried ChessNovice instead?
- Farscape: The Game gets 1.5 stars out of 5. And it still scored higher than Space Horse.
- With two batteries installed, you can get over five hours of battery life from your Dell Inspirion. My old Toshiba laptop from 1996 gave me more than twice that on a single battery. WTF, Dell?
- This issue features the final Greenspeak column from editor-in-chief Jeff Green.
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