ISSUE: 2Content
Insert Coin
Interface Letters to the Editor
Fandom Central - An Introduction to a Paper Party
Press Start
Gaming Gossip
Tricks of the Trade:
F-1 Roc II (Super NES)
Rokudenashi Blues (Super Famicom)
Ranma 1/2: Super Battle (Super Famicom)
Art of Fighting (Super Famicom)
Stunt race FX (Super NES)
Jeopardy: Sports Edition (Genesis)
Mega Turrican (Genesis)
Lethal Enforcers (Super Famicom)
Cotton 100% (Super Famicom)
Sonic Blastman 2 (Super Famicom)
Dynamite Headdy (Genesis)
Aladdin (Game Gear)
Kirby's Pinball Land (Game Boy)
Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land (Game Boy)
Super Troll Island (Super Famicom)
Saturday Night Slam Masters (Super Famicom)
Super Street Fighter II (Super NES)
Mega Man Soccer (Super NES)
Chavez (Super NES)
Pirates of Dark Water (Super NES)
Fatal Fury 2 (Super Famicom)
Super Bomberman 2 (Super Famicom)
T2: The Arcade Game (Super NES)
Outrunners (Genesis)
The Terminator (Super NES)
Next Wave:
Ristar: The Shooting Star (Genesis)
Wild Guns (Super NES)
Looney Tunes: Hoop it Up (Super NES, released as Looney Tunes B-Ball)
Uniracers (Super NES)
Mega Man: The Wily Wars (Genesis)
Captain Commando (Super NES)
The Punisher (Genesis)
Myst (Sega CD)
Dungeons & Dragons Slayer (3DO)
Robotrek (Super NES)
X-Men (Super NES)
Puzzle Madness (Super NES)
Sonic & Knuckles (Genesis)
Stargate (Super NES)
Aero Fighters 2 (Neo Geo)
Lion King (Super NES, Genesis)
Loadstar (Sega CD)
Cadillacs & Dinosaurs (Sega CD)
Viewpoint (Genesis)
International Outlook: Ghost Chaser Densei (Super Famicom), Ragnacenty (Mega Drive, released in NA as Crusader of Centy), Boy Ninja Sasuke (Super Famicom), Drift King-Highway Battle '94 (Super Famicom), Zig Zag Cat (Super Famicom)
Arcade Action: Darkstalkers, Virtua Cop, Fast Draw Showdown, Alien vs. Predator, Daytona USA Deluxe, Fighter's History Dynamite
Special Feature! 3DO - Samurai Shodown, Road Rash, Gex, Slayer, FIFA International Soccer, Star Control II, Alone in the Dark, Return Fire, Demolition Man, Sesame Street Numbers
Special Feature: Sega 32X
Super NES:
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Tecmo Super Baseball
Demon's Crest
Mega Man X2
Super Punch Out
Batman The Animated Series
Michael Jordan in Chaos in the Windy City
Kidd Klown in Crazy Chase
Zero Tolerence
College Football's National Championships
Aero the Acro Bat 2
Jurassic Park Rampage Edition
Starblade (Sega CD)
Battlecorps (Sega CD)
Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp
Game Gear:
Beavis & Butthead
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