ISSUE: 3Content
- Atari VCS - 2600 - Supercharger
- Atari 400
- Atari 800
- Coleco ColecoVision
- Mattel Intellivision
- Magnavox Odyssey2
- Bally Astrocade
- Radio Shack TRS-80
- Commodore VIC-20
- arcade
- stand-alones
(The following is loosely based on this issue's table of contents. Bullets lists and (notes) added for clarity.)
Special Reports
A $300 arcade game? by Ted Iacobuzio
Talk about bringing arcade action home! We tell you where to go, how to buy, and what to watch out for.
Video Games Vs. Computer Games - The war between the states-of-the-art by Marc Wielage and Walter Salm
It's the War of 1983. Which games are better, and by how much?
Feature Articles
Secrets Of The Video Game Superstars by Len Albin
Tips to the hottest games by some of the hottest players. Now you can become a video jock in your arcade. (arcade game strategies)
- Gorf
- Donkey Kong
- Asteroids
- Centipede
- Qix
- Berzerk
- Stargate
- Omega Race
- Tempest
- Scramble
Games On TV, TV On Games by Mark Trost
This season, after you turn off your video game system, there are even more video games on TV! Read how the networks jumped on the bandwagon.
Video games you'll never see (We hope!) by Randi Hacker
First they turned arcade games into home games. Then they turned movies into home games. Well, here's some things they'll never turn into home games. We hope. (tongue-in-cheek game ideas)
Trouble in a video game company - Three new games you may never see! by Dan Gutman
This Texas company started by placing an ad in the paper. Can these cowboys shoot it out with the big boys of video games? (Apollo developer profile)
Making Your First Million - Strike it rich in software by David Tuller
You know who's making a mint writing games and computer software? Teenagers! You can be one of them.
Video Game Crossword
And they say gamers are mindless idiots with their eyes glued to the tube.
Continuing Series
Gamemakers: The Empire talks back by Dan Gutman
This month we talk with Red Bradford and Sam Kjellman, the designers of Parker Brothers' hit game, The Empire Strikes Back. Find out what happened to the missing power generator. (interview)
First Screening: Zotto!
17-year-old Phil Gerson shows you his game, Zotto. You can play it yourself or send us a game that you have designed. (winning reader-submitted game; BASIC for Atari computers; includes game program code)
Equipment Reviews
Game Workout: Astrocade by Michael Blanchet
While everyone's jabbering about Atari and Intellivision, there's a hot dark horse in the race.
Computer Workout: TRS-80 - A test report by David Thomas
Tandy is dandy and the TRS-80 won't rot your teeth. Find out about this popular computer - its pros and cons.
Game Reviews
('Little ET... Home at Last;' game reviews with 1-5 joystick rating scale and "promo" screenshot; some reviews include second opinion and/or "pro-tip.")
- ET (VCS)
- Deadly Duck (VCS)
- Jawbreaker (VCS)
- Infiltrate (VCS)
- Gorf (VCS)
- Suicide Mission (VCS)
- Lady Bug (Col)
- Space Spartans (Int with Intellivoice)
- Sky Jinks (VCS)
- Meteor Run (VIC20)
- Darts (400,800)
- Submarine Commander (400,800)
- Moonbase Io (400,800)
A word from our editors. ('Eye of the tiger' by The Editors)
Letters to the Editors
We welcome your feedback. (reader mail)
New Products
The latest in equipment. ('Remote control joysticks and whirly buckets')
- New Video Engineering Beamscope (projection TV)
- Exidy Whirly Bucket (skeeball)
- Coleco Expansion Module (VCS adapter for ColecoVision)
- Game Mate Remote Control Joystick
- Imagic Storage Center (VCS,Intellivision system & games storage case)
- Odyssey Talking Video Games (Nimble Numbers Ned, Type & Tell)
Got a question? We've got the answer. ('The disappearing card trick;' Q&A)
Michael Blanchet's strategy tips. ('King of the jungle: Me Tarzan, you joystick;' Jungle King arcade game strategies)
E.F.G. Times
You read it here first. (news section)
- Spielberg Helps Design New E.T. Game (Spielberg's involvement in game development)
- E.T. Phones Atari! (ET game overview)
- Defender - For $18.95 (Forest Hills Used Video Game Cartridges accepting trade-ins)
- Bushnellvision in 1983? (Bushnell rumored to be getting back into video game biz)
- Are You A Twerp? (Twerps for Apple II)
- CA Beats NC In Inter-State Championship (high-score competitions)
- Monthly Contest! (Berzerk contest)
- Ball Boy Whips Tennis Champ (Brian Robinson wins Activision sponsored tournament)
- Arcade Penguins (Pengo arcade game)
- Pac-Man Rip Offs Get Gobbled (Video Technology, Soundic Electronics sued for infringement over Pac-clones)
- Meet a 10-Year-Old Video Guru (Rawson Stovall, 'The Video Beat' columnist)
- Sip and Puff Tournament (special needs video game controls; related tournament)
- Quote of the Month...
- Free Money From U.S. Games (U.S. game rebate offer)
An irreverent gazette of gaming news. ('A comical catch-all of odds and ends')
- Dumb Bombs
- Terminal Terminals
- 64K On Your FM Dial
- Your Move
- Mole In One
- Fish & Chips
Reader's Tips
Your hints for higher scores. (reader & designer submitted tips & strategies)
- Major League Baseball
- Demon Attack
- Tron
- Yars' Revenge
- K.C. Munchkin
- Lost Luggage
- Alien
- Astrosmash
A Show of Handhelds
The latest in games-to-go. ('GameTime marches on;' 'GCE and NELSONIC GameTime, ArcadeTime, SportsTime and Pac-Man;' game watch overviews; Time watches shown)
The EAT Report
Your old games may be valuable. ('Collectible cartridge$;' commentary with the following sections:)
- Original Lochjaw (Shark Attack may have been released with original title, Lochjaw)
- Monogrammed Space Chase (your initials appear in-game for $99)
- Skeet Shoot (original defective release recalled)
- Basic Math and Hunt and Score (rare re-releases with new names)
- CommaVid's Magic Card (design-your-own-game cart; 500 in existence)
- Maze Craze (early box packaging claimed 256 variations)
- KC Munchkin (recalled)
- Starship, Slot Machine and Miniature Golf (discontinued games)
- Steeplechase, Stellar Track, and Sub Commander (Sears exclusives)
Top Secret
The latest in gaming gossip. (rumors & speculation by The Fly)
Report Issue