ISSUE: 35Content
Reviews: (page 24)
- Rival Turf - (SNES)
- Might & Magic II - (SNES)
- Jack Nicklaus Golf - (SNES)
- Super Battletank - (SNES)
- PGA Tour Golf - (SNES)
- F-15 Strike Eagle - (NES)
- MIG-29 - (NES)
- Yoshi - (NES)
- Splatterhouse 2 - (Genesis)
- Cyber Cop - (Genesis)
- Bulls vs. Lakers - (Genesis)
- Kid Chameleon - (Genesis)
- Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego - (Genesis)
- Winter Challenge - (Genesis)
- Mutation Nation - (Neo-Geo)
- Yoshi - (GameBoy)
- NBA 2: All Star Challenge - (GameBoy)
- Nail 'N Scale - (GameBoy)
- Basketbrawl - (Lynx)
- Rampart - (Lynx)
Next Wave: (page 92)
- Super Battletoads - (SNES)
- Super Star Wars - (SNES)
- USA Basketball - (Genesis)
- Caesars Palace - (NES)
- Fables & Fiends - (SNES, never released)
- Utopia - (SNES)
- Sim Earth - (SNES)
- Cool Spot II - (SNES)
- Heavy Nova - (Sega CD)
- Moon Crystal - (NES, Japan only release)
- Baseball Stars II - (Neo-Geo)
- Death Valley Rally - (SNES)
- Andro Dunos - (Neo-Geo)
- Prince of Persia - (NES)
- Final Fantasy Saga - (GameBoy, released as Final Fantasy Adventure)
Tricks of the Trade: (page 70)
Super Smash TV, Smash TV, Shadow of the Beast, Contra 3, Legend of the Mystical Ninja, Addams Family, Trouble Shooter, Syd of Valis, Desert Strike, F1-Roc, Task Force Harrier EX, Golden Axe 2, Parasol Stars, TMNT 3, Steel Empire, Kid Chameleon, Lemmings
International Outlook: (page 56)
Super Bases Loaded II (Super NES), Bionic Commando (Game Boy), King of the Monsters (Super NES), Prince of Persia (Super NES), Ranma 1/2 (Super NES, released in NA as Ranma 1/2: Hard Battle), Pipe Dream (Super Famicom), Super Aleste (Super NES, released in NA as Space Megaforce), Ogre Battle (Super NES, released in NA as Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen, Baby Jo (PC Engine, released as Baby Jo: The Super Hero), Cyber Road (Mega Drive)
In Depth/Previews: (page 108)
TMNT IV (Super NES), Wings 2 Aces High (Super NES), Hook (Super NES), Super Bowling (Super NES), The Combatribes (Super NES), Super Soccer Champ (Super NES), Battle Blaze (Super NES), NCAA Basketball (Super NES), Magic Johnson's Super Slam Dunk (Super NES), DragonStrike (Super NES), Mr. Gimmick (NES, Japan/Europe only release), The Simpsons: Bart vs. The Space Mutants (Genesis), Shining Force (Genesis), Barcelona '92 (Genesis), Side Pocket (Genesis), Dragon's Fury (Genesis), Todd's Adventures in Slime World (Genesis), Fighting Masters (Genesis), Bonk IV RPG (TurboGrafx-16, never released), Falcon (TurboGrafx-16), Last Resort (Neo Geo), Aerial Assault (Game Gear), Jeep Jamboree (Game Boy), Super Hunchback (Game Boy), Square Deal (Game Boy), Rolan's Curse 2 (Game Boy), Lynx Casino (Lynx)
Features: (page 166)
Super Play: Joe & Mac, Street Fighter 2: CE (pg.86), SNES CD-Rom Specs (pg.48)
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