ISSUE: 205Content
Full cover:
Letter From the Editor: Video Gaming Is On The Move (Andy McNamara discusses the surprising success of the Wii)
Feedback (Reader Letters, Responses and Artwork)
Sony Showcases The PlayStation move at GDC (Impressions on the new motion controller from Sony and some of the game announced for it)
Modern Warfare: Activision & Infinity Ward in Legal Battle (Former president and CEO of Infinity Ward sues after sudden firing by Activision)
Face Off (A look at the numerous roles of voice actor Nolan North, including an interview)
Top Ten: Developer Blogs
The DS Does 3D (Nintendo unveils new 3D-capable handheld)
Impulse (A look at downloadable titles Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes, Bit.Trip Runner, Money Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge, Comic Jumper and Rocket Knight)
A Conversation With the Prince (Interview with Jake Gyllenhaal, star of the new movie Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time)
Afterwords: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Questions answered by DICE producer Kristoffer Bergqvist)
Afterwords: God of War III (Questions answered by game director Stig Asmussen)
Life On The Farm (A look at Facebook game FarmVille from the eyes of a hardcore gamer)
Interview: Jessie Schell (Interview with the founder and CEO of Schell Games)
Cover Story: Bulletstorm (PS3, 360, PC)(For years People Can Fly have focused on the Painkiller series, releasing expansions and ports of their 2004 first-person shooter. Now, six years on, they are ready to create their follow-up with the help of Epic Games and EA, a new shooter that gives players a multitude of creative ways to kill their enemies)
Toy Story 3 (PS3, 360, Wii, PC, PSP, DS)(With the upcoming third Toy Story movie on its way, Disney and developer Avalance Studio prep their tie-in movie that aims to be more than a simple retread of the movie and instead give players the opportunity to stretch their imagination)
Dead Rising 2 (PS3, 360)(Having found a winning formula in the original Dead Rising, Capcom now continues with those mechanics in a new setting and a new developer that plans to give players the opportunity to slay zombies together with a friend)
F.E.A.R. 3 (PS3, 360, PC)(In the third entry of the F.E.A.R. series, original protagonist Point Man returns, but is now accompanied by the ghost of his dead brother, Paxton Fettel, one of the chief protagonists from the first game)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)
Fallout: New Vegas (PS3, 360, PC)
Transformers: War for Cybertron (PS3, 360, PC)
Civilization V (PC)
Crysis 2 (PS3, 360, PC)
True Crime (PS3, 360, PC)
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions (PS3, 360)
Guilty Party (Wii)
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom (PS3, 360)
Iron Man 2 (PS3, 360)
Metroid: Other M (Wii)
Multiplatform Reviews:
Metro 2033 (360, PC)
Super Street Fighter IV (PS3, 360)
Resonance Of Fate (PS3, 360)
PlayStation 3 Reviews:
Yakuza 3
3D Dot Game Heroes
XBOX 360 Review:
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Wii Reviews:
Red Steel 2
Cave Story
PC Reviews:
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberium Twilight
The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom
Nintendo DS Reviews:
Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver
Picross 3D
WarioWare D.I.Y.
Infinite Space
The Score (Short, one paragraph reviews):
FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa (PS3, 360)
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Chaos Rising (PC)
Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon (Wii)
Toy Soldiers (360)
Samurai Shodown Sen (360)
Full cover:
- Letter From the Editor: Video Gaming Is On The Move (Andy McNamara discusses the surprising success of the Wii)
- Feedback (Reader Letters, Responses and Artwork)
- Sony Showcases The PlayStation move at GDC (Impressions on the new motion controller from Sony and some of the game announced for it)
- Modern Warfare: Activision & Infinity Ward in Legal Battle (Former president and CEO of Infinity Ward sues after sudden firing by Activision)
- Face Off (A look at the numerous roles of voice actor Nolan North, including an interview)
- Top Ten: Developer Blogs
- The DS Does 3D (Nintendo unveils new 3D-capable handheld)
- Impulse (A look at downloadable titles Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes, Bit.Trip Runner, Money Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge, Comic Jumper and Rocket Knight)
- A Conversation With the Prince (Interview with Jake Gyllenhaal, star of the new movie Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time)
- Afterwords: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Questions answered by DICE producer Kristoffer Bergqvist)
- Afterwords: God of War III (Questions answered by game director Stig Asmussen)
- Life On The Farm (A look at Facebook game FarmVille from the eyes of a hardcore gamer)
- Interview: Jessie Schell (Interview with the founder and CEO of Schell Games)
Cover Story: Bulletstorm (PS3, 360, PC)(For years People Can Fly have focused on the Painkiller series, releasing expansions and ports of their 2004 first-person shooter. Now, six years on, they are ready to create their follow-up with the help of Epic Games and EA, a new shooter that gives players a multitude of creative ways to kill their enemies)
Toy Story 3 (PS3, 360, Wii, PC, PSP, DS)(With the upcoming third Toy Story movie on its way, Disney and developer Avalance Studio prep their tie-in movie that aims to be more than a simple retread of the movie and instead give players the opportunity to stretch their imagination)
Dead Rising 2 (PS3, 360)(Having found a winning formula in the original Dead Rising, Capcom now continues with those mechanics in a new setting and a new developer that plans to give players the opportunity to slay zombies together with a friend)
F.E.A.R. 3 (PS3, 360, PC)(In the third entry of the F.E.A.R. series, original protagonist Point Man returns, but is now accompanied by the ghost of his dead brother, Paxton Fettel, one of the chief protagonists from the first game)
- Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)
- Fallout: New Vegas (PS3, 360, PC)
- Transformers: War for Cybertron (PS3, 360, PC)
- Civilization V (PC)
- Crysis 2 (PS3, 360, PC)
- True Crime (PS3, 360, PC)
- Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions (PS3, 360)
- Guilty Party (Wii)
- Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom (PS3, 360)
- Iron Man 2 (PS3, 360)
- Metroid: Other M (Wii)
Multiplatform Reviews:
- Metro 2033 (360, PC)
- Super Street Fighter IV (PS3, 360)
- Resonance Of Fate (PS3, 360)
PlayStation 3 Reviews:
- Yakuza 3
- 3D Dot Game Heroes
XBOX 360 Review:
- Splinter Cell: Conviction
Wii Reviews:
- Red Steel 2
- Cave Story
PC Reviews:
- Command & Conquer 4: Tiberium Twilight
- The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom
Nintendo DS Reviews:
- Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver
- Picross 3D
- WarioWare D.I.Y.
- Infinite Space
The Score (Short, one paragraph reviews):
- FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa (PS3, 360)
- Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Chaos Rising (PC)
- Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon (Wii)
- Toy Soldiers (360)
- Samurai Shodown Sen (360)
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