ISSUE: 11Content
- Editorial (Wataru Maruyama considers replacing the entire staff with E3 Booth Babes)
- Letters (Fans write, OUSPSM responds)
- PlayStation News (The DualShock controller is on the way, the monthly Top 20 list, and software Coming Soon)
- g.e.a.r. (Tote your system in style with these goodies)
- Demo Disc (What's on this issue's disc? Maybe some Tekken 3? How about some Metal Gear Solid too!)
- Review Recap (Missed some of the recent reviews? These capsulized quick-takes can help!)
- Trick Archive (Missed a recent issue? Don't miss out on these recapped tricks!)
- Next Month (September brings a special birthday issue on the PlayStation, and a new demo disc packed with playable demos of Spyro the Dragon, Duke Nukem: Time to Kill, WWF War Zone, The Unholy War, S.C.A.R.S., and some non-interactive videos too)
- Metal Gear Solid: a post-E3 look at the must-buy product of Fall, 1998
- E3 Aftermath - Highlights from other non-MGS stuff the staff witnessed.
- Tomb Raider III - Lara's baaaack!
- NFL Xtreme - 989 Studios drops their own arcade-style football game to rival Midway's. How does it stack up?
- Vigilante 8 Strategy - Level maps and tips to help you dominate the new car combat contender from the team behind the first two Twisted Metal titles.
- Metal Gear Solid
- Cool Boarders 3
- Silent Hill
- Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus
- Test Drive 5
- Heart of Darkness
- Ninja: Shadow of Darkness
- Tomb Raider III
- 007: Tomorrow Never Dies
- Brave Fencer Musashi
- G. Darius
- Thrill Kill
- Colony Wars: Vengeance
- Deception 2: Castle of Deception (released as Kagero: Deception II)
- Duke Nukem: Time to Kill
- NBA Tonight (released as ESPN NBA 2Night for PS2 and Dreamcast)
- Dead in the Water
- Tales of Destiny
- International Rally Championship
- Wild 9
- Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within
- Asteroids
- Dragon Seeds
- Kensei: Sacred Fist
- Centipede
- Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (cancelled for PS1; later released on GBC, PC, and Nintendo 64)
- Gex 3
- Bloodshot (cancelled)
- Circuit Breakers
- Trap Gunner
- Bomberman World
- Brigandine
- The Fifth Element
- Tenchu (released as Tenchu: Stealth Assassins)
- Twisted Metal 3
- Jeff Gordon Racing
- T'ai Fu (released as T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger)
- Bass Landing
- NFL GameDay 99
- X-Men (released as X-Men: Mutant Academy)
- The Diabolical Adventures of Tobu (cancelled)
International Previews:
- Stolen Song
- Doki Doki Pretty League
- SolDivide
- Debut 21
- Double Cast
- Great Peak
- Gangway Monster
- Gunnm
- Road Rash 3D (3/5 discs)
- NFL Xtreme (2/5 discs)
- Tomba! (4/5 discs)
- Elemental Gearbolt (4/5 discs)
- Mortal Kombat 4 (3.5/5 discs)
- International Superstar Soccer '98 (4.5/5 discs)
- Sentinel Returns (2/5 discs)
- N2O: Nitrous Oxide (2/5 discs)
- VR Baseball 99 (3.5/5 discs)
- Risk (4/5 discs)
- Fox Sports Pro Golf '99 (2/5 discs)
- Turbo Prop Racing (4/5 discs)
- Pocket Fighter (4/5 discs)
- Fox Sports Soccer '99 (2.5/5 discs)
Tricks of the Trade:
- Hot Shots Golf
- Need For Speed 3
- Shadow Master
- Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout
- Tennis Arena
- VR Sports Powerboat Racing
- Deathtrap Dungeon
- Rascal
- San Francisco Rush
Ads (in order of appearance):
- Turbo Prop Racing
- Wild 9
- DBZ: Dead Ball Zone
- Duke Nukem: Time to Kill
- Expert Gamer magazine ad
- Dead or Alive
- Ninja: Shadow of Darkness
- Jersey Devil
- Azure Dreams
- Heart of Darkness
- Thunder Force V: Perfect System
- Elemental Gearbolt
- Tomba
- Thrill Kill (unreleased)
- Akuji the Heartless
- O.D.T.
- The Granstream Saga
- Intensor gaming chair
- S.C.A.R.S.
- NFL Xtreme
- NFL Xtreme $10 off coupon from Sears
- Newman/Haas Racing
- Crime Killer
- Circuit Breakers
- Alps gamepad for PS1
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Retaliation
- Alien Resurrection
- WWF War Zone (PS1/N64)
- ad
- Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling
- The Unholy War
- Jeremy McGrath Supercross 98
- Adidas Power Soccer 98
- Pocket Fighter
- 1-900-PRE-VIEW phone line
- N2O: Nitrous Oxide
- Eidos multi-ad: Tomb Raider III / Ninja: Shadow of Darkness / Omikron: The Nomad Soul / Fighting Force 64
Interesting Stuff:
- There's a tribute to actor and voice-over artist Phil Hartman's passing on page 24.
- The teaser poster for the Tomb Raider movie has shown up in theaters. There's a small picture of it on page 25.
- Football (Soccer) games dominate the charts in both the UK and Japan. North American gamers, on the other hand, couldn't care less. Baseball and basketball games are the big sellers this month.
- Proofreader alert! In the Silent Hill preview, we learn the game's foggy environments are for atmosphere, not due to system "kimitations".
- Between pages 50 and 51, there's a special sheet of 4 Ninja: Shadow of Darkness postcards bound into the magazine.
- The preview for Brave Fencer Musashi includes a sidebar explaining who the real Miyamoto Musashi was.
- The ad for Alien Resurrection says it's coming this Fall, but it wasn't actually released for another two years.
- Gunnm is the Japanese title for the anime we know in the US as Battle Angel Alita.
- Doki Doki Pretty League was based on the movie A League of Their Own, which was re-titled Pretty League for its Japanese release. The game has you managing an all-female baseball team.
- Searching the S.T.A.R.S. desk in Resident Evil 2 fifty times to find that cringe-worthy picture of Rebecca Chambers' head Photoshopped onto some poor Japanese teenager's body has to be one of the weirdest Easter Eggs in PS1 history.
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