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  • Softballchic10

    An Open Letter to Ellie and Joel

    By Softballchic10

    There are certain games that come along from time to time that really get your attention. It could be for the action, the graphics or game play. However, it is a rare occasion that a game grabs you for all of these, plus the amazing experience of becoming emotionally attached and involved in the actions of characters. It is to this that I write this open letter to Ellie and Joel. I met them in the “The Last of Us.” *(Please note that I've tried to write this to contain no spoilers.

Steam Treasure Chest

Over the past two weeks, we were able to highlight three fantastic budget-sized and -priced titles available in the massive Steam holiday sale. With one final day left of the sale, there’s still hopefully just enough time to recap these reviews and perhaps help you make that final decision to grab – or pass – a title or two! Below, you’ll find one-paragraph snippets from and links to our reviews: Shatter “Originally released on the PSN, Shatter is on the surface a high-definition rendition of



[Let's Read] - Nintendo Power #6

Let's Read - Nintendo Power #6 Welcome back folks to another exciting episode of Let's Read magazines with Areala! Today, we're tackling the sixth issue of Nintendo Power. Why are we tackling the sixth issue of Nintendo Power, you ask? Because we've already taken care of issues 1-5 in previous blog entries, and it's always best to avoid redundancies. A quick look at the cover will tell you that this is, in fact, the May/June issue from 1989, and the feature everybody will be talking



Steam Treasures: Dark Void Zero

No beating about the bush: First and foremost, Other Ocean?s downloadable minigame Dark Void Zero brings your inner AVGN to the fore, the game being above all a meticulous, studious replication (compared to a revision or a reimagination) of the features that often make older games so highly resistant to enjoyment, in turn rendering the game an easy target for naggish nitpicking. Before its release, the PC and DSiWare title created a minor stir in the games press with its cleverly orchestrated m



Steam Treasures: The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom

Published under the 2K Play budget moniker and developed by the aptly named the Odd Gentlemen, The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom is a story of the titular gentleman thief getting suckered into a paradox of time, place and the self. His strange-sounding shenanigans are dressed in lavish Victorian-style steampunk and early filmic elements, coated with a glaze of Edward Gorey – rated “E” for “Comic Mischief” by the ESRB – and finally capped by the swinging sounds of a boisterous backing band –



Movie Review ? Sword of Doom

Get "The Sword of Doom" from Amazon.com It’s been a while since I put a film review together, for something outside of a genre film for Bureau42. However, what better place to get back into the swing of things than the 1960s jidaigeki film Sword of Doom. The film stars Tatsuya Nakadai as samurai Ryunosuke Tsukue, a sociopathic-at-best samurai, who cares for nothing but the improvement of his skill. The film follows Tsukue over the course of two years, as his violent tendencies slowly get the b



Laggard La-Mulana Loved

Japanese indie developers Nigoro have released by far the most endearing press release of 2010 (just compare theirs to Square-Enix’s latest). On their blog, the team announced their Nicalis-published Nintendo WiiWare title, La-Mulana, will not make its scheduled 2010 released date after all thanks to Nintendo?s highly stringent requirements and testing policies. Their unique, Engrish-flavoured announcement goes on to state that We did a lot of thinking. As a result, we come to the conclusio



Steam Holiday Sale 2010

For the past few months, Steam has operated in permanent discount mode – and this year’s “Holiday Sale” isn’t exactly a change of pace. In fact, its daily discounts are progressively more preposterous still! May cooler heads prevail, and do absolutely remember not to purchase any non-daily deals until the very last day of the sale. SavyGamer have a flat list of each deal on their website, if you fancy that sort of thing. Other current sales events you might want to check out: Humble Bundle



Steam Treasures: Shatter

The Great Steam Treasure Hunt, a large-scale metagaming event organized by Valve this holiday season, has had Steam users complete objectives every two days in order to win games from the Steam store catalogue. Tasks have ranged from using various community features to completing specific in-game achievements in discounted games. That moaning sound in the background? That’s just the good ladies and gentlemen from Impulse, GamersGate and Direct2Drive sighing audibly – the Treasure Hunt has been



The Humblebee Flies Again

The de facto pay-what-you-want package deal is back! Colour us surprised, as last May?s Humble Indie Bundle seemed so much like a one-off. But here it is, a fresh assortment of indie titles: Braid, Cortex Command, Machinarium, Osmos, and Revenge of the Titans, each of them cross-platform and sans DRM. Exactly like last year, buyers can choose how to best split their payment between the five games and two charities, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child?s Play; in addition, there now exis



The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

?has, with the most recent batch of screenshots from the game, confirmed what CD Projekt RED senior producer Tomasz Gop boldly stated in a March 2010 developer preview, that The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings would be ?the best-looking RPG you?ve ever seen.? Above, the detailed greens of the grasses contrast against the charred, smouldering red hues of a battlefield partially shrouded by smoke, together with the dynamic silhouettes and tense poses struck by soldiers and burned-down tree trunks s



2K Loves Me, Loves Me Not, Loves Me!

Ever since the BioShock 2 launch, 2K Games have been giving PC players high blood pressure and ulcers thanks to a laundry list of problems with the game, ranging from its Games for Windows Live integration and DirectX issues to the infamous ?Rapture Metro? map pack, giving much credence to the view that the game was effectively left to rot on the platform. To add insult to injury, this sentiment was already firmly established before the publisher?s wishy-washy approach to ?The Protector Trials?



Bionic Commando Recharmed

The new Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 characters that Capcom has been posting on their official Facebook page are adorable and really wacky: The game itself will probably play just like the first one – not everyone’s cuppa tea and whatnot – but hey, this time around, it sports a roster full of cute chicks with big teeth along with a series of funny slash fugly dudes! Really, just seeing characters with natural smiles is a change of pace, and heck, I think I even see some overbite to go with the big



The Road More Traveled: 5TH Cell?s Hybrid

Cowabunga! Washington-based Scribblenauts devs 5TH Cell probably could not have done a more complete 180 degrees in licensing Valve?s Source engine for their latest game, Hybrid. The just-announced game is unfortunately going to be released on the wrong platform ? that is, as an XBLA exclusive, at least for the time being: 5TH Cell is proud to announce Hybrid, a revolutionary new video game available in 2011 exclusively for Xbox Live Arcade (XBLA). Hybrid is a pioneering third person shoote



The New Vegas Fallout

Major video game launches are a huge deal these days, and sprawling, feature-rich open-world titles like Obsidian Entertainment?s Fallout: New Vegas come very close to being MMO-like in their courting with danger. As soon as the early reviews begun pouring in, New Vegas indeed turned out to be just as bug-riddled as Fallout 2 originally was back in 1998: At least the player above got in-game, though – while personally installing Fallout 3, I was met with a faulty DVD, an “Error: -5006 : 0x800



Movie Review ? The Crimson Cult

Get The Crimson Cult from Ebay Occasionally a horror film comes about where the premise might be unimpressive, but the film’s cast commands attention. The Crimson Cult, originally titled ?The Curse of the Crimson Altar? in the UK, is one of such films. The film follows Robert Manning, an antique dealer who has come to the town of Graymarsh, in search of his brother ? another dealer who has failed to return from an antique buying expedition. In the town he arrives in time for a festival celebra



The Source of a Bloody Good Time

One of the most surprising video game announcements in recent memory ? honest! ? is Bloody Good Time, a new eight-player multiplayer game “regrouping ambitious teen actors ready to kill for fame? from Scottish The Ship developers Outerlight, who have suddenly made their return to the gaming headlines. Bloody Good Time, launching today on the 29th of October and available on XBLA and from Steam, has the ignoble distinction of only being the second Source title to be published by Ubisoft, the firs



Vindictus: MMO, Hack and Slash or Dungeon Crawler?

Korean MMO maker Nexon?s forthcoming English-language conversion of Mabinogi Heroes, re-titled Vindictus, is launching today in North America and Canada. What makes this launch particularly notable in our minds here at The Slowdown is Nexon?s curveball partnership with Valve Software: Instead of going for the common go-to engine in Epic?s UE3 (which is used, for instance, in DC Universe Online, Mortal Online and Huxley), the game instead runs on an adapted version of the Source engine. Bear wi



UDK Hat Trick: The Ball, The Haunted and Sanctum

Ever since Epic Games announced the Unreal Development Kit in November 2009, with UE3?s market penetration, a $99 starting price and comparably modest licensing terms (0% royalty on $5,000 and 25% above $5,000), the big step for aspiring mod teams to take in moving over to the commercial side of video game development has considerably shrunk. In fact, there are already three promising Unreal Tournament 3 mods that have not only made the jump over to the UDK but also gone commercial, and curio



Quality Control ? Mighty Final Fight

Get Mighty FInal Fight from eBay.com On multiple occasions, I’ve heard the expression mentioned that restrictions breed creativity. Sometimes that doesn’t hold true. My last Quality Control pick, Raging Fighter, was a great example of this. The game was a fighting game that just didn’t hold up well on what was essentially a 4-bit hand-held system. Such is the opposite with this Quality Control pick, Mighty Final Fight, from Capcom for the NES. Capcom was basically given the task of porting the



Where I Read ? Nintendo Power #50

Just in time for the 25th Anniversary of the US launch of the Nintendo Entertainment system, my Where I Read for Nintendo Power has reached issue 50, for July of 1993. It shouldn’t be a surprise to say that this issue’s cover game is a notable one ? Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening for the Game Boy ? the first portable outing for the series. Our letters column for this issue has an interesting question ? when they added two more face buttons on the SNES controller (in addition to the two shoul



Where I Read ? Analog Computing Issue 2

We move on with the issues of Analog Computing with its sophomore issue, for March and April of 1981. As you can see from the cover, we’ve got coverage of some printers for the Atari 8-bit systems. Editorial Last issue’s Editorial column was a statement of principles, while this issue’s column is a request for feedback from readers asking what they’d like the magazine to become. They also stated that at the behest of Atari dealers they’ve decided to stop running ads for their own Atari softwar



Quality Control ? Raging Fighter

For this review of Raging Fighter for the Game Boy, I have to admit that I didn’t get into the game as much as I’d like. By “get into the game” I don’t mean get interested in the game, as much as I mean make progress in the game. For those unfamiliar with the title, and there probably are a lot of you, this game is a fighting game for the Game Boy, published by Konami. In the game you play one of several martial artists, who beat each other up in a martial arts tournament. I can’t really put a



Where I Read ? Nintendo Power #49

After a far too long delay, I’m finally carrying on with my Nintendo Power Recaps with issue #49 for June of 1993. Our cover story for this issue is the crossover that nobody was really anticipating ? Battletoads and Double Dragon. It perhaps bears noting that it is the Battletoads which are hogging the spotlight here (no pun intended) while one of the Lee brothers is in the far background. The letters column this issue has a request of more reviews of alternate controllers. It does bear mentio



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