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RewindGamer Has Switched From BlueHost To HostGator

RewindGamer has switched hosting companies as of last night. I was with BlueHost for the past year or two. Unfortunately their servers feel sluggish, and I recently noticed that they were “throttling” my websites. None of my websites are resource intensive, nor do any of them receive a great deal of traffic. Each website I [...] Source



About Phillyman ? The Atari Years

If I am going to blog about video games and give you my opinions. I believe I should first take you back and explain how I got into video games and my past experiences. Source



G4 Icons ? The History of the Sega Dreamcast

G4 Icons – The History of the Sega Dreamcast Originally Aired: March 11th 2004 Part 1 of 2 Part 2 of 2 From G4 “We explore the rocky history of Sega’s last venture into the console market. Hear from Sega insiders Bernard Stolar and Kathy Schoback about the Dreamcast’s last days of life and how [...] Source



Remaining NES Games Named for 3DS Ambassador Program

Today Nintendo announced the remaining NES games for the Nintendo 3DS ambassador program.Nothing really surprising or exciting, most of the games we probably already own in some form or another. I have the Classic NES versions of half of the games in the list below. Oh well at least it will lessen the load when [...] Source



Own a Nintendo World Championship cartridge without going broke

We all know that the holy grail of collecting for the NES is the Nintendo World Championship cartridge. The last few times these have appeared on Ebay, they have literally gone for thousands of dollars. So the good folks over at RetroZone have created a reproduction cart that the rest of us can afford. Source



Nintendo 64 Game Prices Inflated to 2011

I am always hearing people complain about the price of video games. Now being an avid gamer since the NES days, I can remember some real eye openers when it came to buying games. There were quite a few SNES games and Nintendo 64 games that cost me damn near my entire Christmas budget. Source



Rebuilding My Original Game Boy Collection

Back in the early 90's I remember driving to Toy's R Us with my parents and purchasing a Game Boy. I can still remember unboxing it and discovering this game called "Tetris", which I played on the ride home! Source



RewindGamer Retro-Quiz (8-25-2011)

Test your knowledge and name the game that has this game over screen! Previous Weeks Answer – Smurf: Rescue in Gargamel’s Castle (ColecoVision) Previous Weeks Champ (????) Source



The Legend of Zelda All-Stars, Why Not?

I grew up playing Nintendo systems and the Mario series, but even closer to my heart is the “Legend of Zelda” franchise. So back in 1993 when Super Mario All-Stars came out for the Super Nintendo, I was sure that Nintendo would give the Zelda series the same treatment. Its now 18 years later and [...] Source



Super Mario Memory Challenge Game

Its honestly been a while since I even remember hearing about the game of Memory. I thought it had disappeared with other items from my childhood, you know….He-Man, G.I. Joe, Simon. But browsing around ThinkGeek today, it seems as though someone had the brilliant idea to do a Super Mario Edition. This find comes at [...] Source



New Wii Remote Colors Sucker Us For Another $150

Back on November 16th 2006 I stood in line outside my local Bestbuy waiting for a chance to buy a Nintendo Wii. I cared nothing about the PS3 launch that was happening the same week, and years earlier I ignored the launch of the Xbox 360. All I knew is that I would own a Nintendo Wii on launch day, and thats what I set out to accomplish. I believe that I ended up with two controllers, two nunchucks, two classic controllers, and 4 games. Within a week I was the most popular house for people to v



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