It’s been almost a month since my last Where I Read, so to make up for it here’s my Where I Read for Nintendo Power issue #52 for September of 1993. This issue’s cover game is Super Mario All Stars, with Mario jumping and hitting a block. However, the inside includes guides for Final Fight 2, Rock & Roll Racing, and Enix’s RPG The 7th Saga. Let’s read on, shall we?
Normally I don’t discuss the ads in the issues, because they’re generally for the magazine they’re in. However, I’m making an e
I’m starting off my character write-ups for the NWCW with two stars from NJPW, and currently one of their top tag teams – Apollo 55: Prince Devitt and Ryusuke Taguchi. As a note, as this is a write-up for their status within my fictitious promotion, as opposed to actually being in New Japan, their stats will be slightly different than what their stats would be within New Japan.
Prince Devitt
Height: 5′ 11″
Weight: 178 lbs
Weight Modifier: +0
Attitude: Face
Level: 11
Athleticism: +5
Get "Shawn Michaels: From the Vault" from
Now, once again I have another wrestling DVD review this week, though this one takes a different tack from my other reviews, because I’m not doing a match-by-match recap this time. Why? Well, the review will explain.
The Premise:
The DVDs recap some of Shawn Michaels’ wrestling career, from his tag career, to the beginnings of his solo run, to his return to the WWE.
The Good:
Most of the matches on here are classics. Shawn Michaels’ ladde
<p>The Nintendo Power Retrospective rolls on with Nintendo Power #3 – featuring the first port from a PC that I’ve reviewed thus far.<span id="more-2545"></span></p>
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<p>Main Title: ‘Jazz Plumber Trio’ – Remixed by DJPretzel – <a href="" rel="nofollow">
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The Legend of the Mystical Ninja series is a game series I’ve heard a fair amount about in the past. I’ve heard that it’s a good game series, and I’ve heard it’s got a tongue in cheek atmosphere. Despite all this, I’ve never taken the time to try any of the games in the series. Maybe it’s because many of the more lighthearted 16-bit games I’ve played haven’t been that good. Maybe it’s because of a certain degree of cognitive dissonance – for me the definitive ninja game serie
<p>This episode we get one step closer to the end of Nintendo Power’s 3rd year, featuring the Metal Storm, and the Nominees for the 3rd Annual Nester Awards!<span id="more-2740"></span></p>
<p><span class='embed-youtube' style='text-align:center; display: block;'><iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='585' height='360' src='href=''>videos</a> Tagged: <a href='http://countzeroor.wo
<p>This week I’m continuing to review Ben Aaronovich’s Police Constable Peter Grant series of Urban Fantasy Mysteries with “Moon Over Soho”<span id="more-2735"></span></p>
<p><span class='embed-youtube' style='text-align:center; display: block;'><iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='585' height='360' src='href=''>Books</a>, <a href='
<p>This week we continue with Nintendo Power #2, and a few games that are somewhat controversial – including the first Castlevania game I’ve reviewed thus far.<span id="more-2527"></span></p>
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="392" allowscriptaccess="never" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>
<p>Main Title: ‘Jazz Plumber Trio’ – Remixed by DJPretzel – <a href="
We continue on with Electronic Gaming Monthly #98 for September of 1997. No, I still don’t have issue number #100 – I wish I did. Our cover story for this issue is Tomb Raider 2, and they’re playing up the game’s sex appeal pretty heavily. Right inside the cover we have a gorgeous two-page spread advertisement for Final Fantasy VII, of the big cutscene with Sephiroth removing the Jenova statue. While the graphics haven’t aged incredibly well, I still think it looks nice. It’s also one of the f
<p>This episode I’m moving on to Nintendo Power Issue #21, for February of 1991.</p>
<p><span id="more-2737"></span></p>
<p><span class='embed-youtube' style='text-align:center; display: block;'><iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='585' height='360' src='href=''>Video games</a>, <a href=''>videos</a> Tag
I’m sorry, but I have to admit that I wasn’t able to get past the first level of this one. The game sends a never-ending string of enemies at you in the first level, and I wasn’t particularly able to figure out a pattern for the first boss, so I wasn’t able to get past it – at least not within my self assigned deadline. This is not a game I would have been happy to spend money on. Pass on this game unless you don’t have any problems regularly running into a brick wall.
No, seriously – if you’re
<p>This week I’m vlogging on one of this year’s Hugo Award Nominees for Best Novel – Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie. I’m also putting my brief thoughts in on the BBC miniseries “The Hollow Crown”, which adapts William Shakespeare’s plays Richard II, Henry IV Parts 1 & 2, and Henry V.<span id="more-2731"></span></p>
<p><span class='embed-youtube' style='text-align:center; display: block;'><iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='585' heig
For this review of Raging Fighter for the Game Boy, I have to admit that I didn’t get into the game as much as I’d like. By “get into the game” I don’t mean get interested in the game, as much as I mean make progress in the game.
For those unfamiliar with the title, and there probably are a lot of you, this game is a fighting game for the Game Boy, published by Konami. In the game you play one of several martial artists, who beat each other up in a martial arts tournament. I can’t really put a
<p>After a long absence, the Nintendo Power Retrospectives are *back*. This time I’m covering issue 18 for November, 1990.<span id="more-2725"></span></p>
<span class='embed-youtube' style='text-align:center; display: block;'><iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='585' height='360' src='href=''>Capcom</a>, <a href=''>Castlevania III<
<p>This week I’m giving my thoughts on New Super Mario Bros. for the DS – which I couldn’t capture gameplay footage of, so I’m not making this a standard review.</p>
<p>Please support my Patreon at <a href="href=''>Video games</a>, <a href=''>videos</a> Tagged: <a href=''>New Super Mario B
<p>This week we’re coming to Nintendo Power’s final strategy guide issue, featuring a collection of games that support multi-tap.</p>
<p><span id="more-2729"></span></p>
<p><span class='embed-youtube' style='text-align:center; display: block;'><iframe class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='585' height='360' src='href=''>Video games</a>, <a href='http://countzeroor.wordpr
Keep on the Borderlands is a lot of people’s first experience with a pre-written D&D adventure. While it isn’t the first published D&D adventure, or even the first 1st Level D&D Adventure, it’s one of the first ones with a drawn out map and wilderness environment combined, and many people’s first D&D adventure – including mine. Since the first time I’ve played the adventure, I’ve played many more RPGs in a multitude of systems, and had an opportunity to GM a couple times. So, I’m
Get Area 88 from
In the anime portions of Gainax‘s OVA series Otaku No Video, there’s a sequence where the main character is being shown the various types of Otaku that the members of his friend’s club are part of. There’s the vehicle and mecha otaku, who is a geek about engines and how things work, and so on. One of the members of the club is an animation otaku, and he demonstrates his affinity for animation by pointing out the detail in an animated sequence (taken from the
So, I’m continuing on with the Nintendo Power Recaps with issue #46, for March of 1993. I’m also posting this issue of my recap on Hello to you all! Anyway, this issue’s cover game is Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose. All things considered, the cover art for this issue is a little better then some of their earlier cover art for licensed properties (as opposed to licensed photographs).
Our letters column actually has stuff that’s worth mentioning this time. We have a lette
We’re moving on to Nintendo Power’s 6th year, with our cover story for this issue being Mickey’s Magical Quest from Capcom. There’s letters about Mario Paint, but not much of note. Also, from the Table of Contents, we have a significant note – the SNES games have been moved to the front of the magazine, with the NES games being moved to the back. It’s doesn’t seem like much, but it’s a really big shift.
The Magical Quest Guide
Pete has kidnapped Pluto, and Mickey must save him! We get notes
This week I start with the retro video gaming, as I make my way through Nintendo Power, one issue (or so) at a time, starting with the first issue of the Nintendo Fun Club News, and a little background about how Nintendo Power came to be.
Wil Wheaton’s Blog Entry about the tournament
Pick of the Episode: Super Mario Bros.
Filed under: Video games, videos Tagged: NES, Nintendo, Nintendo Power, video game, video game magazines, Wil Wheaton
This week I’m taking a look at Tom Clancy’s Magnum Opus – Red Storm Rising (Feat. Larry Bond)
Filed under: Books, videos Tagged: book review, Larry Bond, Red Storm Rising, Tom Clancy
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