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Square-Enix's Final Fantasy... PLEASE!

What's there to say about Final Fantasy? A series that is known for huge stories, crazy plot twists, amazing character/monster design, amazing music and visuals, thought and emotional invoking, exploration, hours and hours of game play. Final Fantasy is a series that I have been addicted to ever since I was in late elementary school. The idea of playing a game that was so different from most of the games of the time. You actually have to work to build your character up and think about what you a




I’ve been around since the release of the Coleco Telstar Colortron, but did not get into playing video games until the VCS or better known as the Atari 2600, to most people. As far back as I can remember I’ve always been into video game from a very young age playing that crappy Pac-Man on the VCS. Though as I was just looking around the internet tonight I started thinking, “what is my most fond memory when it comes to video game consoles?” I went all the way back to the past and then into the p



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