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  • Softballchic10

    An Open Letter to Ellie and Joel

    By Softballchic10

    There are certain games that come along from time to time that really get your attention. It could be for the action, the graphics or game play. However, it is a rare occasion that a game grabs you for all of these, plus the amazing experience of becoming emotionally attached and involved in the actions of characters. It is to this that I write this open letter to Ellie and Joel. I met them in the “The Last of Us.” *(Please note that I've tried to write this to contain no spoilers.

Quote of the Day: Richard Garriott

No, I did all the art, I did all the sound effects, I wrote every line of text, I wrote every line of code, I wrote all the manuals, the prequels and all the way up though Ultima 4 were almost entirely solo endeavors, in every aspect. It was a one-man band. -Richard Garriott, in interview with IndustryGamers </img> </img> </img> </img> </img> Source



Quote of the Day: Terry Gilliam

?You just sit there and watch the explosions,? Gilliam said. ?I couldn?t tell you what the movie was about. The movie hammers the audience into submission. They are influenced by video games, but in video games at least you are immersed; in these movies you?re left out. In films, there?s so much overt fantasy now that I don?t watch a lot because everything is possible now. There?s no tension there.” -Terry Gilliam @ Hero Complex </img> </img> </img> </img> </img> S



Video Game Review ? Goldeneye 007 Reloaded

This week I’ve got another video game review, and one of a current video game – Goldeneye 007 Reloaded for the Xbox 360. Related articles ‘GoldenEye 007: Reloaded’ Review (gamerant.com) Filed under: Reviews, Video games, videos Tagged: GoldenEye, Goldeneye 007, video game, Xbox 360 Source



Letter to My Past Self

Akira Yamaoka, for the Silent Hill 3 soundtrack, composed a song entitled "Letter - from the lost days". Sung by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, it's the narration of the present-day protagonist directed to herself some years in the future, expressing her hopes, dreams, and fears. It's a hauntingly beautiful track:   But while flipping through a book of inspirational writing ideas yesterday, one in particular caught my eye. The suggestion was to write a letter to yourself in the past. Amidst



Review ? Wrestle Kingdom 1

It’s been a long time since I’ve done any wrestling reviews on the blog – it’s time to change that a little bit, as I present a review of some Puro, with Wrestle Kingdom I, one of New Japan Pro Wrestling’s January 4th Dome Shows. Filed under: Reviews, videos, Wrestling Tagged: AJPW, NJPW, Puroresu, Wrestle Kingdom Source



Video Game Review ? Gears of War 2

Image via Wikipedia Sorry for this review taking so long to go up – when I originally downloaded the gameplay footage from Skorch82 for this video review, it was somehow corrupted – which meant I couldn’t convert it from FLV, which meant I couldn’t edit it in properly. Thus, I had to re-download all the video on the fly while I was editing the video. Hence the delay. However, the work is done and now my review is presented for your consideration. Now, without further ado, I prevent my review o



Book Review ? The Ruby Knight

This week I have a review of the second installment of David Eddings’ heroic fantasy series, the Elenium, The Ruby Knight. Filed under: Books, videos Tagged: book review, David Eddings, The Elenium, video review Source



When Are Bad Ideas Good Ideas? Goats vs Nazis and Dropsy

Kickstarter, bless ‘em, have made possible many projects that would have been much, much harder for indie developers to initiate only a few measly years ago. We’ve seen plenty of really interesting projects receive funding via the platform, including Kentucky Route Zero, Octodad 2, Star Command and Blade Symphony. Goats vs Nazis, then, is the latest game project to kickstart their development with the platform. I don’t even know where to start – or end, for that matter. Certainly, Goats vs Naz



Video Game Review ? Blur

Image by Gioxx via Flickr This week I’m back after a computer failure-related absence, I’m back, with a new camera, and a new microphone. Unfortunately, I don’t have editing software as yet, so I’m going with a one-take, this time. Hopefully I’ll have some editing software by my next episode. This week I have a review of Blur for the Xbox 360, by Bizarre Creations. Filed under: Video games, videos Tagged: Activision, Bizarre Creations, Blur, Xbox 360 Source



Rage in Numbers

At the time of writing, the main support topic for Rage on the Steam forums has been viewed an amazing 475,000 times. The comparable thread on Bethesda’s forums – a whopping 140,000 views. In addition to the most egregious issues with texture popping above, Vsync, Anisotropic filtering and texture quality settings were only added in a patch. The first (1st) and only (1) patch. Certainly, omitting these more fine-tuned customization features in this day and age is not in the least unheard of, bu



Ensnaring Customers: Spiderweb Carnage Sale

I’ll let Jeff Vogel, the man behind the Seattle-based RPG game company Spiderweb Software, do the talking: Glorious October Carnage Sale! In celebration of a fantastic year (releasing Avadon and putting out our first titles on Steam and the iPad), we are permanently lowering the prices of everything we sell by 20% or more! Even better, for the entire month of October, all of our products for Windows and Mac will be 10% off! In his blog, Vogel also outlines his motivations for the change in



The Indie Stone: Brave-Faced & Hard-Headed

“Ah, but The Indie Stone is a brave-faced stone.” -Brendan Caldwell In what can only be described (in suitably hyperbolic tones) as the most unfortunate development process ever (Duke Nukem Forever, you say? Ptsch! Ptschhh!), the Indie Stone have had their dev laptops stolen. According to the team, the latest update – and as such, months of work – to Project Zomboid was lost due to the game being backed up between the two stolen machines, yet seldom externally. A massive, repetitive witch-hunt b



[Let's Read] - Nintendo Power #9

Let's Read - Nintendo Power #9 1989 comes to a close with the Nov./Dec. issue of Nintendo Power, but the big N isn't leaving the 80s behind with a whimper. They're going out with a BRICK. Or rather, a bunch of bricks in the form of a puzzle game from a Russian mathematician that would turn adults and children alike into absolute zombies in the coming months. I'm talking about none other than Tetris, and its impact on the gaming world makes it ripe for inclusion as this issue's cover feature. "G



The Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle

I was almost going to let this pass by without making a note. Another Humble Bundle has gone up, but it’s one of those in-between ones without a number; moreoever, it was initially offering only one main game, which felt somewhat off and going against the community vibe that the previous bundles have had. But when that one game happens to be my favourite indie game of the year, and on top of that they go and add my second favourite indie game of the year, I just can’t deny it acknowledgement. Th



Book Review ? Deal Breaker

This week I have a review of the first Myron Bolitar mystery novel – “Deal Breaker“. Filed under: Books Tagged: Books, Fiction, Harlan Coben, Myron Bolitar, Reviews Source



Video Review ? Lego Batman

Image via Wikipedia This week brings us another video game review, this time of Lego Batman. Filed under: Video games Tagged: Lego Batman, Video games Source



Film review ? The Bourne Identity (1988)

Image via Wikipedia This week I have a proper film review, as I take a look at The Bourne Identity (the little-known 1988 version). Filed under: film, Reviews, videos Tagged: Bourne Identity, Jason Bourne, Richard Chamberlain Source



Sound Trackin' - Cliff Martinez's "Contagion"

Whether it's for a film, a television show or a video game, I'm a sucker for a great soundtrack. I'm even more of a sucker for soundtracks that don't have lyrics, where it feels more like an organic, singular entity than something that a dozen artists threw one track apiece at and called it a day. And Cliff Martinez reeled me in completely with his absolutely enthralling score for this year's viral outbreak disaster film "Contagion." Contagion, as a film, isn't a particularly tradition



Editorial ? Harlan Ellison?s Lawsuit

This week, I’m going a little more topical with my videos and discussing a current event – Harlan Ellison‘s attempt to stop the release of the film In Time. Related articles Sci-Fi Author Harlan Ellison Claims ‘In Time’ is Ripping Him Off, Sues to Stop The Film’s Release (moviefone.com) Film: Newswire: Harlan Ellison suing makers of In Time, as any Harlan Ellison would (avclub.com) Harlan Ellison Suing New Regency, Claims ‘In Time’ Rips Off His Short Story (slashfilm.com) On the Books



Hard Reset Review

Disclaimer: Blade Runner was not harmed in the writing of this review. For those potentially coming fresh off Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the cyberpunk action-adventure of the moment (also included on our list of recent cyberpunk titles), Flying Wild Hog?s début throwback FPS Hard Reset might take some getting used to. After all, the game?s name could and should be taken in reference to its status as an earnest homage to ?all those forgotten Dooms, Quakes, and Painkillers?. What the ex-members



Are You AFRAID? You Should Be...

You want to know something? Jack Kilborn isn't right in the head. They say you've got to be a little off upstairs to write horror stories in the first place, but...sweet mother of pearl, somebody dropped Kilborn on his skull five or six times then fed his psyche into a Veg-O-Matic for shits and giggles just to see what would come out on the other end ("It slices...it dices...it warps fragile little minds..."). The most likely culprit? Joe Konrath, the real live writer behind Kilborn's pseudo



Book Review ? The Bourne Identity

This week I have another book review, as I look at Robert Ludlum‘s classic conspiracy thriller, “The Bourne Identity” Filed under: Books, Reviews Tagged: Books, Bourne Identity, Jason Bourne, Robert Ludlum Source



Review ? The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms

Another week, another review – and this time I’m doubling-up on the book reviews with my take on another of this year’s Hugo Award winners – The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms. Related articles Book Review: N.K. Jemisin’s The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (parkinglotconfessional.com) Filed under: Books Tagged: book review, fantasy, Hugo Award, Literature, Reviews and Criticism, science fiction Source



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