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  • Softballchic10

    An Open Letter to Ellie and Joel

    By Softballchic10

    There are certain games that come along from time to time that really get your attention. It could be for the action, the graphics or game play. However, it is a rare occasion that a game grabs you for all of these, plus the amazing experience of becoming emotionally attached and involved in the actions of characters. It is to this that I write this open letter to Ellie and Joel. I met them in the “The Last of Us.” *(Please note that I've tried to write this to contain no spoilers.

Where I Read ? Computer Gaming World V. 1, #1

I’m taking a break from Analog Computing this week to instead take a look at the first issue of Computer Gaming World, for November-December of 1981. We start off with an ad from SSI, hyping their port of their Civil War Strategy game ?Battle of Shiloh? and the World War II game ?Battle of the Bulge: Tigers in the Snow.? It’s kind of interesting. Nowadays we’re used to strategy games which will take either larger battles or even campaigns and allow the player to control them from the strategic



Book Review ? ?The Diamond Throne?

This week I have another book review for you, covering one of David Eddings’ fantasy novels, “The Diamond Throne” – part one of the Elenium. Filed under: Books, Reviews Source



Dire Grove - Hidden Object Games Meet The Blair Witch Project

So I've been fussing around with a few hidden object games over the last couple of months which is why my progress on this blog has been...infrequent to say the least. Some of them have been crap, a couple of them have been good, but only one has stuck out so far enough to make me want to write about it on here, and that's Dire Grove. Dire Grove is just one game in a series known as "Mystery Case Files". These have been published on a number of platforms including the Wii and the DS, b



Review ? Splinter Cell: Conviction

Well, this is my first go at the new video review format. Please feel free to give any constructive feedback in the comments. Filed under: Reviews, Video games Tagged: Reviews, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction, Ubisoft, Video games Source



Brown Vs. EMA Verdict, Comment to Sen. Yee

Now that we’ve gotten a verdict in the Supreme Court case of Brown (nee Schwarzenegger) vs. EMA, I’m going to give my thoughts on this very happy occasion, and a response to comments made by Senator Leland Yee. Filed under: News, Video games Tagged: California, First Amendment to the United States Constitution, Leland Yee, News, politics, United States Supreme Court, Video games Source



E3 2011 ? Unsold, and the Shame of the Show

Well, at long last I’m finally done with my E3 2011 videos, with my thoughts of the games which turned me off from them, and the shame of the show – a title that disgusted me to the point that I threw up in my mouth a little. Filed under: Video games Tagged: E3 2011, Video games Source



E3 2011 ? SOLD!

After much delay, it’s now time for me to talk about the games from this year’s E3 that caught my interest. Specifically, I’m referring to titles that I wasn’t already sold on coming in to the event (like Uncharted), or that were announced at the event (like Hitman: Absolution). Filed under: Video games Tagged: E3 2011, Video games Source



E3 2011 ? Sony & Nintendo Press Conferences

Well, I’ve finally gotten to the end of the E3 press conferences, with the two other console manufacturers – Sony and Nintendo. I’m putting both videos in one post, just for the sake of tidiness, and I’m putting them both below the cut. Sony Nintendo Filed under: Video games Tagged: analysis, E3 2011, Nintendo, Press Conference, Sony Source



E3 2011 ? Ubisoft Press Confrence Round Up

I actually uploaded this on Thursday, but I didn’t get a chance to properly get a blog post up for this until today. Here’s my thoughts on Ubisoft’s E3 Press Briefing, and the horror that was Mr. Caffeine. So, let’s make like Wayne’s World and go Doodlo-doodlo-doodlo. Related articles E3 ’11: Ubisoft Press Conference (pinkbananaworld.com) E3 2011: Nintendo and Ubisoft to Unleash Killer Freaks from Outer Space (dreadcentral.com) LIVE At Ubisoft and Nintendo’s Mysterious E3 Q&A Event



EA E3 2011 Press Confrence Recap

Now more than a little late to the party, I’m moving on with my thoughts on EA’s E3 Press Briefing from Monday. Filed under: Video games Tagged: analysis, E3, E3 2011, EA, video Source



Microsoft E3 2011 Press Confrence Recap

I’ve set up a Blip.tv channel recently (which is also why I changed the name of the blog), and with my acquisition of a webcam and lapel mike, you can look forward to seeing more video content on the site soon. First up are my thoughts on Microsoft’s E3 press conference. Filed under: Video games Tagged: E3, E3 2011, Electronic Entertainment Expo, Microsoft Source



Welcome To Earth

The Mass Effect series is on its way to becoming an epic trilogy, perhaps the most cohesive trilogy in games if it achieves what it set out to do. BioWare first introduced the sci fi saga in 2007, with a promise of a story that would span three games, each a self-contained episode of a much larger overarching tale. Moreover, they promised a personalized experience that recognized the player’s decisions along the way and shaped the world and events around those decisions, right up to the conclusi



Having Fun With Hindsight - GamePro #136

Continuing our look at magazine editors' predictions for the future, we're going back to the year 2000 and seeing what the GamePro gang saw in their gazing ball for the years to come. Some of them are serious, some of them are silly, and some of them really want to be accurate but just fall short. Let's see what all the fuss was about back when the clocks rolled over and nothing at all came of the Y2K scare! Since this magazine is from 2000, we don't have it archived here on Retromags.



There Is Something In The Sky

E3 2011 is in just over a week, which is just enough time for me to catch us up on some games that I am very much looking forward to. We’re just about halfway through the year and there have been some great titles already, but some of my most anticipated releases are yet to come. We’ll start with one that has recently had a fresh round of press coverage ahead of its E3 showing. The last time we looked at Irrational Games’ BioShock Infinite, Martyn walked us through the newly unveiled teaser tra



Quality Control ? Rock & Roll Racing

To be absolutely blunt, Rock & Roll Racing is like RC Pro-Am with some Heavy Metal & Hard Rock music, plus a psychotic announcer. To be fair, this isn’t totally a bad thing ? RC Pro-Am is one of the best racing games of its period, with pretty solid controls, a game-play style that keeps you hooked, and decent racing, though the game had some problems with its learning curve. Rock & Roll Racing basically fixes those learning curve problems and makes the gameplay a little more combat



Thoughts on the ?war? within Anonymous

So, this interesting little article from Ars Technica came up on my Digg feed, and I felt like commenting on it ? and I felt like commenting on it outside of a forum site like RPG.net. In a nutshell, a turf-war has started among Anonymous. One faction favors the group’s current anarchic “Anyone who wants to be part of anon can be part of anon, and use our big DDOS Of DOOM” (no, they don’t actually call it that). The other faction feels that Anon should be limited to those whose Kung Fu, if you



Having Fun With Hindsight - Flux Magazine #4

You're familiar with the cliche "Hindsight is 20/20" right? Of course you are, that's why it's a cliche. But that doesn't mean that we can't have some fun with it anyway. So to get this party started, I'm going to pick on Flux Magazine for a little while. Flux was a magazine from the mid-90s devoted to comic books, music and video games. It didn't last for very long (a mere 7 issues) but it attempted to brand itself as the more "mature" alternative to EGM and the like. What this mea



Where I Read ? Nintendo Power #52

It’s been almost a month since my last Where I Read, so to make up for it here’s my Where I Read for Nintendo Power issue #52 for September of 1993. This issue’s cover game is Super Mario All Stars, with Mario jumping and hitting a block. However, the inside includes guides for Final Fight 2, Rock & Roll Racing, and Enix’s RPG The 7th Saga. Let’s read on, shall we? Normally I don’t discuss the ads in the issues, because they’re generally for the magazine they’re in. However, I’m making an e



More Music Picks From Areala

Flipping through my ample CD collection for something new, I found something I bought several months ago but hadn't listened to yet. It's a sampler record from Silber Records entitled "drones, loves, honesties, sounds". I'd never heard of Silber Records before. It came in a simple cardboard sleeve, and I got it for a buck as I recall. One of those things I bought on a lark because I was curious, then forgot that I even had it until tonight. Well, I was gonna change that, so I popped it into



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