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The Slowdown

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Bionic Commando Recharmed



The new Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 characters that Capcom has been posting on their official Facebook page are adorable and really wacky:

Bionic-Commando-Rearmed-2-01-160x120.jpgBionic-Commando-Rearmed-2-02-160x120.jpgBionic-Commando-Rearmed-2-03-160x120.jpgBionic-Commando-Rearmed-2-04-160x120.jpgBionic-Commando-Rearmed-2-05-160x120.jpgBionic-Commando-Rearmed-2-06-160x120.jpgBionic-Commando-Rearmed-2-07-160x120.jpgThe game itself will probably play just like the first one – not everyone’s cuppa tea and whatnot – but hey, this time around, it sports a roster full of cute chicks with big teeth along with a series of funny slash fugly dudes! Really, just seeing characters with natural smiles is a change of pace, and heck, I think I even see some overbite to go with the big ass grins and grills!

slowdown?i=iBXx7N-BMjQ:JLFOB3QtJqE:D7DqB2pKExk</img> slowdown?i=iBXx7N-BMjQ:JLFOB3QtJqE:gIN9vFwOqvQ</img> slowdown?i=iBXx7N-BMjQ:JLFOB3QtJqE:V_sGLiPBpWU</img> slowdown?d=qj6IDK7rITs</img> slowdown?d=6et-BrRH4jw</img>



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