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How to Solve Scribblenauts Level 2-11 (Puzzle)



How to Solve Scribblenauts Level 2-11 (Puzzle)



World: Metro

Level: 11

Type: Puzzle

Par: 4

Hint: Get rid of the rats, but don't hurt the chef's dog!

This is a tricky level, you cant use a gun because of the gangsters in the restaurant. How did I solve it? I wrote "cat" to kill the two mice at the bottom, and then I wrote "mouse trap" to kill the mouse at the top. If you have any other ways to solve this level, feel free to let us know via the comment system below B)


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  • Retromags Curator

I didn't think of using a cat. I grabbed the three rats on the main floor and put them in the oven (and then turned it on). Then I used a pair of wings to fly up to where the dog is and quickly grabbed the last rat so I could put that one in the oven too.

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I grabbed the rats on the main level and put them in a basket. Then I used a jet pack to get up to the second level and grab the rat before the dog could get me. Then I put the final rat in the basket. Everyone's happy! :)

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Guest laurkaye


I used a baseball bat to kill the rats on the bottom level, as well as the gangster holding the machine gun. I put on a pair of wings, grabbed the machine gun left by the gangster, flew up to where the last rat was and aimed to kill it from on top of the wall (without hurting the dog of course).

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Guest C.C. playin scribblenaut


Haha, i used the rat catcher for the very top part cuz i couldn't get the rat w/o havin to diex_X

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