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Areala Goes Up A Level!



On my PS3, that is. It's been a long, hard battle, but I have finally achieved Level 7 in terms of my trophy score. :)

I've put a lot of hours into getting those suckers, and I'm quite happy to see that it is paying off. My proudest achievement is still earning the Platinum trophy for Dead Space; beating that game on Impossible mode was hell on earth, but I slogged through it and earned my just reward. So far, it's the only game I have managed to get a Platinum for, though I am close with Fallout 3, needed just a mere 3 more trophies in order to receive it.

Most of the rest of my game stats showcase the kind of gamer I am: I play through stuff mostly for the story as opposed to anything else. It's not that I can't play on higher difficulty levels (Dead Space's Platinum proves that I can), it's just that I'd much rather experience the game's storyline without having to constantly worry about getting snuffed out. If I had more time, I'd worry about higher difficulty level playthroughs, but it takes a special kind of game to make me want to put the work into a Platinum. Dead Space and Fallout 3 are quite worthy of it. Bioshock might be...we'll have to see. Uncharted would be too, but I managed to beat that game and unlock all the goodies before it got trophy support, and the idea of going through it all over again is more than a little annoying. :)

I would certainly have made an exception for Resistance: Fall of Man, but they only gave trophy support to the sequel which I didn't feel is quite as good.

I'm very happy to see some other titles getting trophy support built in though; I was quite happy to see the update to Bionic Commando: Rearmed that supplied it with trophies, and in fact it was getting one of those trophies that took me to Level 7 earlier today.

Now...onward and upward. Level 8 is waiting...


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