The safety of children online is not just my responsibility or your responsibility or the parents' responsibility. It is everyone's responsibility. Online, children are exposed to things that were never meant to be seen or heard by the young or the old. As an example of this, and a reminder to all of our Retromags readers to take this kind of thing seriously, I give you the following public service message in its entirety.
Use this image. Keep this image. Post it on your break room wall at work. Save it to your hard drive and make it your desktop wallpaper. Forward it to all your friends, your relatives, even your parents. Remind them that online safety is everyone's business, and they should get involved too. Because when it comes to the Old Ones, your sanity is no laughing matter.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
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