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The stupid reasons we do the stupid things that we do



Eagle-eyed regulars around here may have noticed something different about Retromags over the past couple of days.  For the first time since February 21, 2016, I haven't uploaded anything to the gallery.

In 524 days, I uploaded exactly 7000 pics - that's an average of 13.25 pics per day.  And now I've stopped.

Why?  I've already commented about how I have a personal desire/mission to fill all the missing holes in the cover gallery.  And I've still got thousands of pics sitting in folders waiting to be uploaded, so it isn't that I've run out of covers to upload.  So what changed?

The stupidest of things, really.  A little number buried in a faraway section of the site most people never even visit - a number that tracked how many images I've uploaded.  It isn't a number anyone else was looking at - I'm positive I was the only person keeping track of it.  And yet, as it turns out, that number was the only thing keeping me going.  Thanks to a bug introduced in the latest site upgrade, that number no longer works, and no matter how many images one uploads, that number will never increase.  And surprisingly, I've found that I no longer have any desire to upload anything, at least not until it gets fixed.

As I said, it's a stupid reason.  If I was truly motivated by a desire to fill in all those ugly gray "photo coming soon" boxes in the database, then why quit over such a small thing?  That would be stupid.

Except maybe it's stupider than even I realized.  Maybe I was fooling myself into thinking I had an active interest in improving the site, and the real reason I was uploading images was just to watch that little number get bigger.  Not only would my reason for stopping be stupid, but my reason for contributing to the site in the first place would be indefensibly stupid.  Just one big cyclical pattern of stupid.  Could it be?  Could I be...that stupid?

Hmmm.  I hope not.  Until the stat tracker gets fixed, I guess I've got some time to think about it. 



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I'm sorry to hear that, I just discovered this site not a long time ago and I have to say I appreciate your work very much. Anyway, I'm pretty sad you decided to stop it but I respect your decision.

Financially, I'm not in a really good spot right now, but I think if I could find easily a way to thank you for your work I would give you what I can as donations or whatever. To be honest I just found your post, seeking to find a way to support your work. Obviously I can't say for sure but maybe a lot of people who use what you worked for, feels the same way. So maybe try to work on that instead of quitting ? Also Forget what I just said if there is a way to support you which is easy findable, I might have missed it... as I said I'm very new in here.

In any case if you want to stop there, I want to thank you for your work I really appreciate the fruit of your labour. I didn't research too much about it so sorry if it's a dumb question, but I wanted to ask too if you knew any place where I can learn how to scan stuffs as cleanly as possible ? I'm willing to give it a shot, especially when I will have money too. Because I just found out old issues of japanese video games magazine are pretty expensive and rare. But I might want to try it too, see if I can provide content too.

Anyway, sorry for bad grammar and stuff. Thank you again for what you've done, I'm using a lot of what you worked for so I'm glad you did that.



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Sorry I just woke up, and I entirely misread your post, I thought you weren't willing to provide content because number didn't grew up, and not because of the function of the site didn't work anymore. I really feel dumb now, haha... But what I said is still valid nonetheless. Thanks for your work, and I hope you will find the motivation to keep going one day because I appreciate your work.

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On 7/31/2017 at 5:15 PM, fami said:

Financially, I'm not in a really good spot right now, but I think if I could find easily a way to thank you for your work I would give you what I can as donations or whatever. To be honest I just found your post, seeking to find a way to support your work. Obviously I can't say for sure but maybe a lot of people who use what you worked for, feels the same way. So maybe try to work on that instead of quitting ? Also Forget what I just said if there is a way to support you which is easy findable, I might have missed it... as I said I'm very new in here

I wouldn't ever want people to pay me.  That would put too much pressure on me to do more, and I don't have enough free time as it is.:)


On 7/31/2017 at 5:15 PM, fami said:

I didn't research too much about it so sorry if it's a dumb question, but I wanted to ask too if you knew any place where I can learn how to scan stuffs as cleanly as possible ? I'm willing to give it a shot, especially when I will have money too. Because I just found out old issues of japanese video games magazine are pretty expensive and rare. But I might want to try it too, see if I can provide content too.

One day I want to make a guide on how I scan and edit mags.  For now, you can find E-Day's scanning guides under the "support" menu at the top of the page. 

A good scanner is a big help.  I use a Fuji ScanSnap ix500.  Beyond that, you need editing software.  I use Photoshop CS6, but I think there are free alternatives available (though I have no experience with them myself).

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