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New Wii Remote Colors Sucker Us For Another $150




Back on November 16th 2006 I stood in line outside my local Bestbuy waiting for a chance to buy a Nintendo Wii. I cared nothing about the PS3 launch that was happening the same week, and years earlier I ignored the launch of the Xbox 360. All I knew is that I would own a Nintendo Wii on launch day, and thats what I set out to accomplish. I believe that I ended up with two controllers, two nunchucks, two classic controllers, and 4 games. Within a week I was the most popular house for people to visit, people loved coming over to play some Wii Bowling. It was obvious that I was going to need an additional two controllers.

So I did what anyone would do, I went out and bought the remaining two controllers. When Nintendo launched the Wii Motion Plus add-ons last year, I had my girlfriend buy me 4 of them for my birthday. Now after THREE years of the Wii being around, Nintendo decides to finally add some additional colors for the controllers? Seriously Nintendo this is lame, you are not being cute or funny with this. You and I both know that after 3 years of being around....and having multiplayer titles such as Mario Kart Wii, Wii Sports Resort and others.....that we all have 4 controllers.

You should have launched colored controllers WAAAAY earlier in this consoles lifetime. This is just another way to siphon $150 out of my pocket. Congradulations! It worked <_< When I opened up my Bestbuy circular this past weekend and saw that you launched a Blue Wii remote AND a Pink Wii remote....no longer could I ignore the Black Wii remote you lauched last year. The need to have different color controllers overtook me, and I purchased 3 more Wii remotes to add to the 5 white ones I already have.

Why do I have 5 white Wii remotes? Well because you gave me a free one when I bought Wii Play. I wont even go into how much that game stunk here. Anyways, now I am going to have to put these extra controllers up on Ebay/Craigslist to try and recoup some of the cost. One question remains though, you finally decided to provide colored Wii remotes, but you couldnt get the Wii Motion Plus or sleeve to match? Only the black Wii remote has a matching jacket and Motion Plus. Again are you going to wait until we buy these ones, and then introduce the matching colored Wii Motion Plus accessory?

Many of you may be questioning why I want the colored controllers. Well I like being able to distinguish our controllers if we both place them down for a quick break. Sure I could put labels on them, but most of the time my controllers are inside of the Wii Wheel accessory. I do quite a bit of Mario Kart Wii each week, and those races can get pretty heated. Most of my guests will drop their controller in anger when I blue shell them 10 feet from the finish line and steal first place. Now due to my awesome skills in Mario Kart Wii, I am pretty sure that a few of my controllers are "mis-calibrated", and knowing that I have an "adult owned" controller that is not fugged up....is one of my keys to winning at Mario Kart. With these new colors, I will be reserving the black Wii Remote for my exclusive use.

While on the topic of the Wii Wheel, should I expect that you will be releasing a black, blue and pink version of those also? Ohhhh Nintendo you sure know how to drain my wallet dry :notworthy:

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I feel your pain Phillyman, Nintendo's taken a lot from my wallet over the year's too. I've got to say I really like the look of that blue controller but I don't really need it at the moment so I've got to be strong and fight the temptation to buy it. :)

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