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Tech Gian

19 files

  1. Tech Gian Issue 011 (September 1997)

    このスキャンは皆のために作ったので、ぜひダウンロードして、友達に伝いて、楽しんでください!もしほかのところでこのスキャンを分け合ったら、「このファイルはRetromagsからで、そこで誰でもでタダでダウンロードすることできる」と伝いて下さい。雑誌電子化は皆のために。よろしくお願いします! *
    *This scan was made for everyone, so please download it, share it with your friends and enjoy! If you share this scan elsewhere, please say that the file is from Retromags, where anyone can download it for free. Magazine preservation is for everyone. Thank you!
    Adult content: covers adult games for the PC and consoles.

    Please note that the demo CD-ROM included between pages 2 and 5 is counted as pages 3 and 4 in the issue's pagination.

    I have uploaded the CD-ROM to the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/TechGian1997Sep
    This CD-ROM is designed to work in a 16-bit Windows environment, so it will not run on 64-bit versions of Windows unless emulating a 16-bit operating system.




  2. Tech Gian Issue 012 (October 1997)

    このスキャンは皆のために作ったので、ぜひダウンロードして、友達に伝いて、楽しんでください!もしほかのところでこのスキャンを分け合ったら、「このファイルはRetromagsからで、そこで誰でもでタダでダウンロードすることできる」と伝いて下さい。雑誌電子化は皆のために。よろしくお願いします! *
    *This scan was made for everyone, so please download it, share it with your friends and enjoy! If you share this scan elsewhere, please say that the file is from Retromags, where anyone can download it for free. Magazine preservation is for everyone. Thank you!
    Tech Gian covers adult bishoujo games and visual novels for PC and consoles.
    Special notes:
    This issue comes with a CD-ROM full of demos, videos, etc. This disc is designed for Windows 95, and as such needs to run in a 16-bit Windows environment. Modern versions of Windows may not run this disc unless emulating an older Windows environment, but for anyone interested, I have uploaded an ISO of the disc at archive.org here: https://archive.org/details/TechGian1997OctoberDemoDisc The above mentioned CD-ROM was originally held in a plastic sleeve inserted between the cover and the first page. As such, the front and back of the disc were assigned the page numbers of 3 and 4. I have included a photo of the disc at the end of the archive (my flatbed scanner is broken at the moment), but be aware that this is the reason the page numbers 3 and 4 are absent and the printed page numbers do not match up with the file numbers. ALL PAGES HAVE BEEN SCANNED AND INCLUDED. Regarding the manga section at the end of the magazine: While the magazine itself is read from left to right as in western countries, Japanese manga is read from right to left. As such, the manga section begins at the last page of the magazine and progresses backwards (page-number-wise). In order to facilitate reading the magazine on a CBR reader, I have reordered the manga section so it can be read in the proper sequence. Be aware that this means the printed page numbers will go in reverse order.




  3. Tech Gian Issue 013 (November 1997)

    このスキャンは皆のために作ったので、ぜひダウンロードして、友達に伝いて、楽しんでください!もしほかのところでこのスキャンを分け合ったら、「このファイルはRetromagsからで、そこで誰でもでタダでダウンロードすることできる」と伝いて下さい。雑誌電子化は皆のために。よろしくお願いします! *
    *This scan was made for everyone, so please download it, share it with your friends and enjoy! If you share this scan elsewhere, please say that the file is from Retromags, where anyone can download it for free. Magazine preservation is for everyone. Thank you!
    Tech Gian covers adult bishoujo games and visual novels for PC and consoles.
    Special notes:
    This issue came with a demo disc which was originally held in a plastic sleeve inserted between the cover and the first page. The front and back of the disc were assigned the page numbers of 3 and 4 which is the reason the page numbers 3 and 4 are absent from the scan and the printed page numbers do not match up with the file numbers. ALL PAGES HAVE BEEN SCANNED AND INCLUDED. Regarding the manga section at the end of the magazine: While the magazine itself is read from left to right as in western countries, Japanese manga is read from right to left. As such, the manga section begins at the last page of the magazine and progresses backwards (page-number-wise). In order to facilitate reading the magazine on a CBR reader, I have reordered the manga section so it can be read in the proper sequence. Be aware that this means the printed page numbers will go in reverse order.


    1 comment


  4. Tech Gian Issue 014 (December 1997)

    このスキャンは皆のために作ったので、ぜひダウンロードして、友達に伝いて、楽しんでください!もしほかのところでこのスキャンを分け合ったら、「このファイルはRetromagsからで、そこで誰でもでタダでダウンロードすることできる」と伝いて下さい。雑誌電子化は皆のために。よろしくお願いします! *
    *This scan was made for everyone, so please download it, share it with your friends and enjoy! If you share this scan elsewhere, please say that the file is from Retromags, where anyone can download it for free. Magazine preservation is for everyone. Thank you!
    Covers adult bishoujo games/visual novels for the PC. Content is intended for adults only. Downloader discretion is advised.
    Pages 3 and 4 of the magazine were attributed to the demo disc which I've uploaded at archive.org here.
    Be advised that the demo disc was designed to run on a Win95 OS, so it may not work on a modern system.
    As always, the comic section at the back has had its page order reversed so that it can be read in the same order as the rest of the magazine.




  5. Tech Gian Issue 015 (January 1998)

    このスキャンは皆のために作ったので、ぜひダウンロードして、友達に伝いて、楽しんでください!もしほかのところでこのスキャンを分け合ったら、「このファイルはRetromagsからで、そこで誰でもでタダでダウンロードすることできる」と伝いて下さい。雑誌電子化は皆のために。よろしくお願いします! *
    *This scan was made for everyone, so please download it, share it with your friends and enjoy! If you share this scan elsewhere, please say that the file is from Retromags, where anyone can download it for free. Magazine preservation is for everyone. Thank you!
    Covers adult bishoujo games/visual novels for the PC. Content is intended for adults only. Downloader discretion is advised.
    Pages 3 and 4 of the magazine were attributed to the demo disc which I've uploaded at archive.org here. (A photo of the disc is included at the end of this archive)
    Be advised that the demo disc was designed to run on a Win95 OS, so it may not work on a modern system.
    As always, the comic section at the back has had its page order reversed so that it can be read in the same order as the rest of the magazine.


    1 comment


  6. Tech Gian Issue 016 February 1998

    このスキャンは皆のために作ったので、ぜひダウンロードして、友達に伝いて、楽しんでください!もしほかのところでこのスキャンを分け合ったら、「このファイルはRetromagsからで、そこで誰でもでタダでダウンロードすることできる」と伝いて下さい。雑誌電子化は皆のために。よろしくお願いします! *
    *This scan was made for everyone, so please download it, share it with your friends and enjoy! If you share this scan elsewhere, please say that the file is from Retromags, where anyone can download it for free. Magazine preservation is for everyone. Thank you!
    Covers adult bishoujo games/visual novels for the PC. Content is intended for adults only. Downloader discretion is advised.
    Pages 3 and 4 of the magazine were attributed to the demo disc which I've uploaded at archive.org here. (A photo of the disc is included at the end of this archive)
    Be advised that the demo disc was designed to run on a Win95 OS, so it may not work on a modern system.
    As always, because the manga at the back was printed from right to left and starts on the last page and progresses inwards, I have reversed the order of pages so that it can be read in the same order as the rest of the magazine.




  7. Tech Gian Issue 017 March 1998

    このスキャンは皆のために作ったので、ぜひダウンロードして、友達に伝いて、楽しんでください!もしほかのところでこのスキャンを分け合ったら、「このファイルはRetromagsからで、そこで誰でもでタダでダウンロードすることできる」と伝いて下さい。雑誌電子化は皆のために。よろしくお願いします! *
    *This scan was made for everyone, so please download it, share it with your friends and enjoy! If you share this scan elsewhere, please say that the file is from Retromags, where anyone can download it for free. Magazine preservation is for everyone. Thank you!
    This issue will be of particular interest to at least one person around here, as it features a two-page preview of Divi Dead. 
    This issue also presented an unusual problem in that the last 40 pages or so look as if some kind of mold had eaten away a chunk of paper at the bottom of each page.  Without spending too much time trying to recreate the missing areas, I think I managed to make it fairly unnoticeable if you aren't looking carefully.  For anyone interested in knowing what I had to deal with, check out the last two pages (the inside-back cover and back cover), which I left with the missing areas as is.
    You can download the demo disc at archive.org here.  Be aware that it requires Win95 to run.
    Please feel free to comment or hit the "like" button if you download this or any other file.  That kind of encouragement is really the only motivation we have to keep scanning




  8. Tech Gian Issue 018 (April 1998)

    This issue: 2 words (for our resident warrior nun): DIVI DEAD
    I uploaded the demo disc to the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/TechGianApril1998
    Be warned that it is designed for WIN95 PCs, so unless you have experience running WIN95 software on modern machines, you'll be unlikely to get most of the demos working.
    *This scan was made for everyone, so please download it, share it with your friends and enjoy! If you share this scan elsewhere, please say that the file is from Retromags, where anyone can download it for free. Magazine preservation is for everyone. Thank you!




  9. Tech Gian Issue 019 (May 1998)

    ADULTS ONLY.  In addition to the previews of the bazillion and one adult games released every month in Japan, this issue's highlight might just be a feature article which covers the history of adult animated videos in Japan, discussing the highlights and providing what I assume is a thorough release list of videos released from 1984-1997.  You know, in case you've got an urge to "collect em all" and the only jigglypuffs you're interested aren't the Pokemon variety.
    I uploaded an ISO rip of the cover disc at the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/techgian019may1998   Be aware that getting the demos to run on a modern computer is going to be troublesome, since they were designed for Win95.  But it's there nonetheless.
    This scan was made for everyone, so please download it, share it with your friends and enjoy! If you share this scan elsewhere, please say that the file is from Retromags, where you can download it for free. Magazine preservation is for everyone. Thank you!
    PS: Please don't upload this file to the Internet Archive.  K thnx bye!


    1 comment


  10. Tech Gian Issue 020 (June 1998)

    The manga section in the back is read R-L, so during that section you must set your CBR reader to Japanese/manga mode in order for the facing pages to be oriented correctly. 
    You can download the demo CD that came with this issue HERE.




  11. Tech Gian Issue 021 (July 1998)

    The manga section in the back is read R-L, so during that section you must set your CBR reader to Japanese/manga mode in order for the facing pages to be oriented correctly. 
    You can download the demo CD that came with this issue HERE.




  12. Tech Gian Issue 022 (August 1998)

    I've uploaded the CD-ROM that came with this issue HERE.
    The manga section in the back is read R-L and your CBR reader must be switched to Japanese/Manga mode during that section in order for facing pages to be oriented correctly if using 2-page view mode.  If viewing single page view mode, no adjustments are necessary.
    Speaking of, a new manga serial replaces the one that had been running in all previous issues, and thank god, as the previous series was pretty gross, in my opinion.




  13. Tech Gian Issue 023 (September 1998)

    The CD-ROM included with this issue can be downloaded HERE.


    1 comment


  14. Tech Gian Issue 024 (October 1998)

    Download the included CD-ROM HERE.




  15. Tech Gian Issue 025 (November 1998)

    Adults only, the manga section is read right to left, the CD-ROM included with this issue can be downloaded HERE, yadda yadda yadda.
    TLDR: B(。)(。)BS.


    1 comment


  16. Tech Gian Issue 026 (December 1998)

    This one time, at band camp...
    The CD-ROM included with this issue can be downloaded HERE.


    1 comment


  17. Tech Gian Issue 027 (January 1999)

    I always give my mags a last look-see in two-page mode before releasing them to make sure everything is up to snuff.  I don't know why, but it really struck me how I hope everyone else takes the occasion to do the same thing at least once, using a CBR reader that was actually MADE for CBRs, not some P.O.S. PDF reader like Sumatra that inserts a break between facing pages.  Something about the big characters in the two-page ads filling up the entire screen just looks really nice, but not when a page break dispels the illusion (created through hard work in the editing stage) that you're looking at a single image.
    This is how mags should look on your screen.  One image.  Not two halves of a whole.  (These are just screenshots of my 1080 monitor display - the colored side borders are automatically created by my CBR reader based on the color profile of the adjacent image, in case anyone is wondering)





  18. Tech Gian Issue 031 (May 1999)

    It's interesting how Tech Gian front-loads all of the advertisements. All of the ads are grouped together near the start of the mag, and once the magazine proper starts, there isn't another ad until the inside back cover.  This is a stark contrast from the ad-heavy American mags I read in the late 90s where every other page was an ad.  Which do you prefer? 🤔
    The CD-ROM included with this issue can be downloaded from my Internet Archive account HERE.




  19. Tech Gian Issue 032 (June 1999)

    I uploaded the CD-ROM that came with this issue HERE.
    One day I'll have to find something to scan I can upload with a big "KIDS ONLY" warning.  Maybe if I find a mag that's cover to cover Minecraft, Fortnite, and Splatoon.  Or maybe if I ever re-scan any Nintendo Powers.  At any rate, this is not that mag.  (If an issue of Tech Gian DOES ever appear with the words "kids only" attached, for god's sake don't download it - you're likely to be arrested and have your hard drives confiscated by the FBI.)




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