Brady Games
52 files
Final Fantasy VII Official Strategy Guide
By E-Day
Official Final Fantasy VII Strategy Guide
Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time Official Strategy Guide
By Crimsonfox
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time Official Strategy Guide
Castlevania - Symphony of the Night Official Guide (1997)
By E-Day
Castlevania - Symphony of the Night Official Guide (1997)
Final Fantasy Chronicles BradyGames Guide - Chrono Trigger
By MigJmz
Final Fantasy Chronicles BradyGames Guide - Chrono Trigger
FFIV guide available here
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Diablo II Ultimate Strategy Guide
By Areala
There were multiple versions of this guide published and updated by BradyGames over the years. This particular edition is keyed to the Lord of Destruction expansion pack which came as part of the Diablo II Battle Chest boxed set. Since the guide makes no references to skill synergy bonuses but it does reference "the first patch", it likely corresponds to v1.08 of the game. Given the game's current edition is v1.14d, much of the information in this file will be outdated and inaccurate except to someone playing a pre-v1.10 copy in a solo campaign.
Enjoy! ❤️
Grand Theft Auto IV Brady Games Strategy Guide (2008)
By E-Day
Grand Theft Auto IV Brady Games Strategy Guide (2008)
Beavis and Butt-Head Cheater's Guide
By Areala
This book totally rules! Heh, heh, heh...
Yeah, so, you can, like, totally play the Beavis and Butt-Head game normally. Like, that's what Mr. Van Driesen would do. He'd call it "self-learning" or "acshulization" or some other stupid word that probably isn't, like, real and stuff.
Or you could use this book to, like, totally score with chicks and stuff. Like chicks, this book has nice tips. And it works with, like, all three different games. But, like, if you only have one or two of them, that's, like, fine too. You probably needed to save your money for, you know, GWAR tickets.
GWAR rocks!
But, like, if you need to beat the game--
(Heh, heh...I said 'beat'...)
--like, fast and stuff? Like, cuz a chick said she'd show you her boobs, but you had to, you know, beat the game first? I guess you could, uhhh, read the book and, I dunno, use the passwords and maps and things to see GWAR. And then score. Or at least, like, play with your butt-ons and stuff.
Beavis is into that. He once played with his butt-on so much that Mr. Buzzcut made him do pushups until blood came out his nose. That was cool! Huh-huh-huh...
Yeah, yeah, anyway, like, just read the book, uhhh, you know, FOR us. Cuz we're busy. Scoring. Yeah, scoring! With a chick! You, uh, you don't know her. She's from, like, Canada or some other state.
Enjoy! (Bungholes...) ❤️
Final Fantasy Chronicles - Final Fantasy IV BradyGames Guide
By MigJmz
Final Fantasy Chronicles - Final Fantasy IV BradyGames Guide
Chrono Trigger guide available here
It's An NBA Jam Thing Official Player's Guide
By Areala
Oh no! Fifty-four NBA pro all-stars have invaded your gaming space, determined to play a game of 2-on-2 with you at the helm. Obviously what you need here is a strategy guide to explain the finer points of offense and defense, and really break the game down for...
Sorry, I can't do this with a straight face. 😆
This is a basketball game. It's kind enough to give you the stats for all the different players right there on the screen, and assumes you're smart enough to understand the guy who is good at shooting 3-point shots should probably do that instead of going in for a dunk. There aren't any special moves, no fireballs or jump kicks or fatalities, just a joystick, a button to shoot, a button to pass, and a button to make you move faster until the meter runs out. I'm impressed that Corey Sandler, the same guy responsible for a bevy of those "Ultimate Unauthorized" books from the previous five years, somehow managed to talk Brady into buying the rights to make an official strategy guide to a game as straightforward as NBA Jam.
Midway, I am certain, laughed all the way to the bank with that money.
You could use the $10 you spend on this book to instead play 40 games of NBA Jam in the arcade (or 20 if the operator was a greedy turd burglar and set the machine to 50 cents/play) and you'd get just as good at it through actually playing. I reiterate: this is a basketball game where every rule except Traveling and Goaltending have been suspended. It's literally about who can toss a sphere through a circle the most. This is not rocket science.
The artwork is cool, the production values are high, and the paper quality is outstanding. It includes some cheat codes, some Game Genie goodies, and the necessary info to unlock most of the hidden characters in it, but you could get all that from an issue of EGM at half the price.
Utterly baffling, but hey, here it is, so indulge!
Donated by ModernZorker.
Enjoy! ❤️
Dead Island Official Strategy Guide (2011)
By E-Day
Dead Island Official Strategy Guide (2011)
Totally Unauthorized Guide to Resident Evil Director's Cut Pocket Guide
By Areala
This is a version of the original Totally Unauthorized Guide to Resident Evil pocket guide, adapted by David Cassady and Debra McBride for use with the Director's Cut of the game. It's based on a pre-release edition of the software, but like its predecessor it contains walkthroughs for both Chris and Jill's playthroughs, along with maps, enemy descriptions, and item and weapon locations.
Gone from the previous edition is the "speed run" text in red, so you'll have to figure out the optimal strategies for that sub-one-hour time yourself.
No mention of the terrible mess made of the soundtrack in the Director's Cut version either, but you don't buy a strategy guide to learn about the music, so that's not surprising.
Official Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Arcade Secrets
By MigJmz
Official Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Arcade Secrets
The Legend Of Zelda - The Wind Waker - Official Strategy Guide (2003)
By dablais
The Legend Of Zelda - The Wind Waker - Official Strategy Guide (2003)
Platform: Nintendo GameCube
Note, Magazine is complete but it's missing the huge map, it will be scanned and added in a couple of days.
Final Fantasy IX Official Strategy Guide (BradyGames, 2001)
By E-Day
Final Fantasy IX Official Strategy Guide (BradyGames, 2001)
GoldenEye 007 Totally Unauthorized Strategy Guide
By E-Day
Totally Unauthorized GoldenEye 007 Strategy Guide
Mario Party 4 - Official Strategy Guide (2002)
By dablais
Mario Party 4 - Official Strategy Guide (2002)
Totally Unauthorized Sega Games Guide
By Areala
Another totally unauthorized compilation book from BradyGames, this time aimed at the Sega Genesis, along with the Sega CD and 32X attachments. This is a pretty good book, all things considered. Lots of screenshots, printed in full colour on high-quality paper stock. Sega groupies will eat this right up!
Donated by ModernZorker.
Enjoy! ❤️
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection Official Fighter's Guide (2004)
By E-Day
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection Official Fighter's Guide (2004)
Totally Unauthorized PlayStation Games Book Volume 2
By E-Day
Totally Unauthorized PlayStation Games Book Volume 2
1,001 More Secret Codes
By Areala
The follow-up to 1,001 Secret Codes, released a year earlier. This book doesn't present any walkthroughs, guides, or strategies, it's simply a compilation of cheat codes, passwords, unlockables, and other goodies to help you get the most out of games you already own.
That said, they still manage to misspell the occasional game title, so that mid-90's Brady "quality assurance" is still alive and well. 😂
Oh well. At least it wasn't on the front cover this time.
Donated by ModernZorker.
Enjoy! ❤️
RPG Companion: An Insider's Guide to PC Roleplaying Games
By Areala
For all the time I've spent giving Brady Games guff about the quality of their mid-90's content, this is a pretty darn cool book. Maybe because it's aimed more at PC gamers, maybe because it's written by Ronald Wartow (who could both write about games and play them with equal skill), maybe it's because he solicited input from some of the industry's top designers, but this is a badass tome: 500 pages of knowledge, lore, and history all wrapped into one big bible-thick slab.
With the resurgence in availability of these games on modern systems thanks to services like GOG and Steam, the usefulness of books like this has come 'round again. Twenty-five years later, we can play through these games again without the need to hack around with boot floppies, CONFIG.SYS files, driver mishaps, IRQ conflicts, and restarting in MS-DOS mode to free up memory. This one contains walkthroughs for twenty-six different games, and while they aren't step-by-step, hold-your-hand sorts, they (along with the principles Wartow introduces in the early chapters) will get the job done while still leaving it up to your skills to actually play the game.
Lots of tables, interviews, screenshots, hints, cheats, and other information is dispensed about each game as well. Some of this stuff gets downright hacker-esque, with tips on hex editing, mucking around with your save files, where to find update patches, and other things books of the day didn't often comment on.
It also shipped with a free issue of "Interactive Entertainment", a magazine-on-CD which lasted for about 25 or so issues before it was folded in to become the cover disc for "Computer Games Strategy Plus" magazine. My copy was missing this CD-ROM, but has more than half of them available for download if you want to see what they were like.
Anyway, this is an awesome book, and it belongs in the library of anyone who grew up a classic era PC gamer, or who is interested in that era of PC gaming history.
Enjoy! ❤️
Totally Unauthorized Fighting Secrets III: No Mercy
By Areala
This book. Oh my gosh, this book.
I've seen a lot of strategy guides in my four decades on this planet. I've seen a number of books and guides which have typos in them. Sometimes in the text, sometimes (very rarely) in the table of contents or the index. But I want you to take a minute and open up the cover image for this book, and take a look at it. Because never have I seen a strategy guide so rushed to market that it misspelled the name of one of the games it covers on the front cover.
Can someone, anyone, please tell me about the game "Soul Egde"? Because I've certainly never heard of it. Soul Edge? Absolutely! But "Soul EGDE"?
On the front and back covers of your book?
Please, BradyGames, PLEASE tell me someone lost their job over letting that one slip through quality control.
As if the black-and-white only presentation wasn't cheap enough. As if the text-only interior didn't already scream "we put this whole thing together the night before the deadline". But then you expected us to pay ten dollars, in 1996 money, for a book with the misspelled title of a game on the covers?
You, sir, are the cash-grab guide book to end all cash-grab guide books.
Debinding this book brought me nigh-on orgasmic pleasure. And I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Good day to you, strategy guide.
Enjoy! ❤️
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