Star Trek: The Official Monthly Magazine (UK)
8 files
Star Trek - The Official Monthly Magazine 011 (January 1996)
By kitsunebi
Mags debound and shipped across the sea by yours truly, and scanned by J of Oz.
This title remains a total b!%ch and a half to edit. I can only get through about 10 pages per hour - it's a nightmare.
Luckily for the world, the resulting edited files mean that no one will ever be forced to look at brown-haloed copies of these mags ever again. Digital preservation ftw.
Star Trek - The Official Monthly Magazine 010 (December 1995)
By kitsunebi
Scanned by J of Oz
For once I can't show you a before and after comparison of the raw vs edited pages, since I already deleted the raw files - oops. Suffice it to say, what you'll find here once again is an edit of the mag that looks light years better than the hot-off-the-scanner pages did, and probably looks better than it did when they were hot off the press. Can I get a George Takei "Oh my!"???
Star Trek - The Official Monthly Magazine 009 (November 1995)
By kitsunebi
Scanned by J of Oz
Let's all take a minute and be grateful for magazine publishers who print their magazines on quality paper stock (I'm looking at you, Japan.)
Sadly, not all publishers make quality a priority when printing their mags. When it came to publishing these UK Star Trek mags, the goal clearly wasn't for the mags to "live long and prosper," but rather something more like "they're periodicals, who gives a #^%@? Let 'em rot."
The print quality of these mags is atrocious. Poor J of Oz was stuck scanning these ST mags for me, and I've heard tale of how the ink on the pages actually rubs off on his scanner rollers while being scanned, forcing him to constantly clean them lest that ink then be transferred onto subsequent pages. And the aging of the paper? Good lord. I've seen newspapers announcing D Day that were less yellowed. This is unfortunately up to me to deal with in the editing stage, and let me tell you, it's no walk in the park making these things presentable. But I guess that's the whole point of digitizing and preserving these paper pieces of history in the first place, so that we aren't beholden to how long the physical copy lasts.
Star Trek - The Official Monthly Magazine 008 (October 1995)
By kitsunebi
Scanned by J of Oz
It's funny - I actually HAD the collector's card mentioned on the cover. But at some point between debinding all of the Star Trek mags I bought and shipping them off to J of Oz to get them scanned, I misplaced the card. I'm sure it's around here SOMEWHERE, and if I ever find it, I'll add it to the scan. But to be honest, as useless tchotchkes attached to UK magazine covers go, this was a pretty lame one. Just a thick cardboard card with a picture of the Enterprise on one side. Maybe mine decided it wanted to follow in the footsteps of all of its fellow useless cards which graced the cover of this issue, and magically floated itself into my trash to join with its forebears?
Don't shed a tear over its absence, is what I'm saying.
Star Trek - The Official Monthly Magazine 007 (September 1995)
By kitsunebi
Scanned by the Great J of Oz and debound, donated & edited by the fair to middling me.
Lots of DS9 love this issue with interviews with Sisko, Kira, & Odo. Well, the actors. But I don't trust y'all to know their names.
Star Trek - The Official Monthly Magazine 006 (August 1995)
By kitsunebi
Scanned by the great J of Oz. Debound, donated & edited by the not so great but OK I guess me. Downloaded and enjoyed by people who are awesome. More than happy to be ignored by any "SF fans" who would rather be watching the SW prequels. 😜
Star Trek: The Official Monthly Magazine 005 (July 1995)
By kitsunebi
Another joint collaboration with the wonderful J of Oz (he of over 1,000 scans at OGM) who helped me out with these UK mags which are too wide to fit in my A4 scanner.
I bought it, debound it, and shipped it. He scanned it. I edited it. You're gonna download it.
Extensive restoration work was done to ensure this mag can still be enjoyed in the 23rd century and beyond.
Star Trek: The Official Monthly Magazine 003 (May 1995)
By kitsunebi
Scanned by the wonderful J of Oz (he of over 1,000 scans at OGM) who came to my rescue when I purchased a bunch of these before realizing they wouldn't fit in my A4 scanner. Sadly, these UK mags aren't printed on the highest grade of paper, so there was quite a bit of yellowing, especially around the edges of the pages, so I Photoshopped the living bejeezus out of them until you would swear this mag was new. 😆
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