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Dengeki PlayStation 131 (January 14, 2000)

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このスキャンは皆のために作ったので、ぜひダウンロードして、友達に伝いて、楽しんでください!もしほかのところでこのスキャンを分け合ったら、「このファイルはRetromagsからで、そこで誰でもでタダでダウンロードすることできる」と伝いて下さい。雑誌電子化は皆のために。よろしくお願いします! *

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Another Japanese magazine, another Gundam cover. These things can't be helped - it's like expecting something other than a car on the cover of a Car & Driver magazine. Which coincidentally might not have been a bad choice, as there's a cover story on Gran Turismo 2. Plus, lots of RPG strategy with sections on Parasite Eve 2, Tokimeki Memorial 2, Chrono Cross, Growlanser, Valkyrie Profile, and Little Princess: Marl Ōkoku no Ningyō Hime 2 (the sequel to Nippon Ichi's Rhapsody.)

This issue had a hell of a lot of glue that got everywhere during de-binding, so cleaning it up took longer than usual, but I think it turned out all right in the end. Enjoy!

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