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Dengeki PlayStation 086 (October 23, 1998)

1 Screenshot

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このスキャンは皆のために作ったので、ぜひダウンロードして、友達に伝いて、楽しんでください!もしほかのところでこのスキャンを分け合ったら、「このファイルはRetromagsからで、そこで誰でもでタダでダウンロードすることできる」と伝いて下さい。雑誌電子化は皆のために。よろしくお願いします! *

Saga Frontier 2, Metal Gear Solid, and  Suikoden II are just a few of the games featured here that Western gamers are familiar with.  But as always, the main interest here (for me, anyway) are the dozens upon dozens of Japanese-only exclusives you might not have read about before.  ENJOY!

232 pages

Please note that there was one page that had been torn out of the magazine.  The front side was the second half of a two-page advertisement and is missing from this scan.  The back side was a different ad, which I have included here using an identical copy of the ad from a different magazine.

EDIT: The missing page has been provided by Akane and is now included in the download, making this mag COMPLETE!😎

*This scan was made for everyone, so please download it, share it with your friends and enjoy! If you share this scan elsewhere, please say that the file is from Retromags, where anyone can download it for free. Magazine preservation is for everyone. Thank you!

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Dengeki PlayStation is usually in the top 2 bestselling videogame mags.  Sometimes it takes the top spot, sometimes Famitsu does.  And then Dengeki G's Magazine is usually 3rd, but that's only "gal" games.

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Thanks, Akane.   For anyone who's already downloaded the magazine and just wants to add the one missing page, here it is, re-sized and renamed so that it can be inserted into your file.  Just remove the "missing page" file and add this one:


I'll re-upload the file with the missing page included, but there's nothing different other than this single page, so no need to re-download the entire thing.

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