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GameFan Volume 4 Issue 09 (September 1996)

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GameFan Volume 4 Issue 09 (September 1996)

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Highlights for this issue: (Volume 4 Issue 09) An interview with Naughty Dog, and an interview with Eidetic, the developer of Bubsy 3D that I found interesting to read. The review for Super Mario 64 gets 12-pages, and PilotWings 64 gets a 8-page preview. we see a beautiful layout for the review of Legend of Oasis (saturn), an update for Legacy of Kain (ps1), and Tekken 2 gets an 8-page review. we get reviews of several PS1 games, Gunship, Strike Point, Space Hulk, and Ridge Racer Revolution. RPG fans will love the previews of Lunar Silver Star Story, Langrisser III, on the Saturn. Plus, a review of the import version of what would end up being "Lunacy" (saturn). The AnimeFan section is back, which covers several new anime for the time. Oh My Goddess!, Burn Up W, Neon Genesis Evangelion, MD Geist II, Power Dolls, and a few more. 

I feel the page layouts are much better than during the 16-bit game coverage. They're not as garish as they sometimes were back then, with a flood of oranges and reds that sometimes were a bit much. But here, there's a lot better blending, like with the coverage on Destruction Derby, which takes some of the lighter colors from some screenshots and blurs them into a background with hints of smoke and dark spots of debris. It looks good. I think it helps that the consoles themselves are using way more colors. Some new people are also added to the crew. Mike Griffin (aka Jacques Strap) heads up GF Sport now, and Gary Harrod from London. There's more talk about launching MegaFan, another publication meant to be an arcade/strategy mag, and you can find the order form for it here as well (6 issues a year for $15). MegaFan would only release a few issues in the end (2-3 at most). There was a GameFan 32 also planned, but then they just inserted the first issue INTO the pages of GameFan itself.

Edited by StrykerOfEnyo
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