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Game On! Issue 2 (June 1996)

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Game On! Issue 2 (June 1996)

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This was a short-lived magazine, meant to be the US extension of the popular Japanese magazine, Game On! The first issue introduces itself as Game On! USA, but it would only last 7 issues. The mag covers manga and anime, along with games based on manga and anime characters. I think I know why this magazine didnt last long. Issue #2 has a 30-page black & white segment from the Super Street Fighter II: Cammy manga, and another 24-page segment from Samuria Shodown manga, very similar to what issue #1 did. The first 18 pages talk about the race to make 3D fighting games, how Battle Arena Toshinden 2 came to the US with an interview, the latest news, and some interesting translation aspects when bringing games from Japan to the US. Its fascinating, but then you run into 55-pages of manga. Then you have 5 more pages of content, 5 pages of ads -- and thats it. The manga isnt bad, its professionally-produced, taken from the real books -- but it takes up most of the mag. I like the articles and interviews, but the large chunk dedicated to reprinting manga stories isn't for everybody. Check out the articles, then move on to the next issue:)

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