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The Nostalgia Thread (aka...I remember that!)


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This one is a bit weird, but I will explain it. One of my favorite bands ever is Iron Maiden. Bruce left the band in 94 I think for a solo career, and the bands new singer sounded completely different. While most people hated it, I loved the new sound and direction. In 2000, they got Bruce back and Blaze left to form his own solo career. So, for me, the 90s will always be known as the time I was in High School banging my head to Iron Maiden with their new singer while every one else went in the rap direction.


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Philly, we used to use AOL cd's as coasters back in the day, they work quite well at keeping condensation off your table.

Leathco, huge Maiden fan here as well. Got into them by buying an album as a joke, thinking that they would be awful, cheesy 80's hair metal. Boy, was I ever so wrong in my life...

As for me, anybody remember these:


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Boxed copies of Might and Magic I and 2 PC games from 1991-92. These two games are responsible for my love of computers, RPGs and gaming in general. I played them on a Tandy 1000HX from a single 3.5" floppy disk drive using EGA graphics which output a whopping 16 simultaneous, vibrant colors on the screen at the same time! I still remember coming up against 1,000 Assassins and hitting the keys to attack so fast that I would fill the keyboard buffer (it would beep once it was full) and then walk away while the computer dished out my commands to attack the monsters. A few minutes later I would return, check on the status, and enter more commands if necessary until all the enemies were dead. Then I would get paid huge sums of gold and experience...occasionally picking up a few nice magical items in the process. My step brother and I would take turns playing these games all the time.

Look at the pic below and recall how cool it used to be to buy a physical game and get an actual instruction manual! With these games I received a manual, a clue book, a full color hand drawn map, and even graph paper! Good times back then.


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I could create an endless post for this topic.

One of my favourites as a kid:


I also loved these:


And these:


Then there were the Jumbo Eye Poppers gum that was the size of those Giant jaw breakers that you can't fit in your mouth. I know they still make regular sized Eye Poppers, but they are not nearly as sour as the jumbo ones they had in the early 90s. Since you couldn't chew it because it was so big, you had to lick it, and I remember causing a lot og pain to my tongue. The green ones were the most sour.


And of course, being able to buy a bag of Hostess Potato chips


and a can of pop for a dollar in 1986/87.


That covers candy and snacks for now...

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  On 12/13/2015 at 12:30 AM, E-Day said:

I could create an endless post for this topic.

One of my favourites as a kid:


I also loved these:


And these:


Then there were the Jumbo Eye Poppers gum that was the size of those Giant jaw breakers that you can't fit in your mouth. I know they still make regular sized Eye Poppers, but they are not nearly as sour as the jumbo ones they had in the early 90s. Since you couldn't chew it because it was so big, you had to lick it, and I remember causing a lot og pain to my tongue. The green ones were the most sour.


And of course, being able to buy a bag of Hostess Potato chips


and a can of pop for a dollar in 1986/87.


That covers candy and snacks for now...

Damn dude, I see so much Canada in this post I'm afraid I'm going to sprout maple leaves from my eyeballs! Trigger warning! TRIGGER WARNING!! :)



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  On 12/12/2015 at 6:53 PM, te72 said:

Philly, we used to use AOL cd's as coasters back in the day, they work quite well at keeping condensation off your table.

Leathco, huge Maiden fan here as well. Got into them by buying an album as a joke, thinking that they would be awful, cheesy 80's hair metal. Boy, was I ever so wrong in my life...

As for me, anybody remember these:


Hell yeah, PS Underground! I've got four or five of them, but nowhere near your collection. :)



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E-day, a can of pop was $1 CAD back in the mid 80's? Sheesh, the USD sure has dropped more than I realized. Around that time in the US, it was closer to $0.25-0.35 for a can of pop! Also, I remember those Dinosour eggs. Not sure why, but I rememeber the packaging.

  On 12/13/2015 at 10:04 AM, MichaelLyles said:


Anyone remember these guys?

Who is the dude to the right of James? Ron McGovney? That is one OOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLDDDDD picture for sure.

  On 12/13/2015 at 3:25 PM, Areala said:

Hell yeah, PS Underground! I've got four or five of them, but nowhere near your collection. :)


I actually picked up issue 2.2 after this picture made me realize I never got it back from a friend who borrowed it. So now I have a total of 10 issues. Not the whole run, but good enough for me. :)

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  On 12/13/2015 at 3:24 PM, Areala said:

Damn dude, I see so much Canada in this post I'm afraid I'm going to sprout maple leaves from my eyeballs! Trigger warning! TRIGGER WARNING!! :)



I know the Hostess chips and the dollar bill are purely Canada, but wasn't the rest of the stuff available in the US?

  On 12/13/2015 at 11:44 PM, te72 said:

E-day, a can of pop was $1 CAD back in the mid 80's? Sheesh, the USD sure has dropped more than I realized. Around that time in the US, it was closer to $0.25-0.35 for a can of pop! Also, I remember those Dinosour eggs. Not sure why, but I rememeber the packaging

In the mid-80s I think a can of pop was 40-50 cents. In grade 3 I used to get a dollar every Saturday, and I remember going to the independent corner store with my friends every Saturday. I could get the small bag of chips and a can of pop for a dollar, and maybe a few penny candy as well. I also like getting Garbage Pail Kids cards and these:


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Philly, I have to wonder, TLC and Ridge Racer? I do, quite fondly remember the game, and its ability to have custom soundtracks. Way ahead of the time. I can't say I really remember what I would have been listening to myself. Possibly the actual soundtrack haha. Real Hero, if I recall... great song.

Question: you ever beat the black Lambo looking car? Last time I played it seriously, 18-20 years ago, I literally was nose and nose with him at the finish line. I lost, by some few thousandths of a second...

  On 12/14/2015 at 4:24 AM, Kain said:
  On 12/14/2015 at 3:54 AM, E-Day said:

I know the Hostess chips and the dollar bill are purely Canada, but wasn't the rest of the stuff available in the US?

In the mid-80s I think a can of pop was 40-50 cents. In grade 3 I used to get a dollar every Saturday, and I remember going to the independent corner store with my friends every Saturday. I could get the small bag of chips and a can of pop for a dollar, and maybe a few penny candy as well. I also like getting Garbage Pail Kids cards and these:


Ahh, that makes more sense. I didn't think the currency difference would have been that extreme, but then again, I was just a wee lad back then.

What are those Wacky Packages? I see the Quaker (Quacker? Is that a duck?) Oats can, what appears to be a box of Tide, and what appears to be a play on Crest toothpaste. Now I'm curious.

  On 12/14/2015 at 4:24 AM, Kain said:

Brick phones, who doens't like it. Nice item to get from ebay. Nice holiday gift for someone.


Heh, my mom had one of those back in the late 90's. It definitely worked... I like the idea of using them as a gag gift.

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  On 12/15/2015 at 3:21 AM, te72 said:

Philly, I have to wonder, TLC and Ridge Racer? I do, quite fondly remember the game, and its ability to have custom soundtracks. Way ahead of the time. I can't say I really remember what I would have been listening to myself. Possibly the actual soundtrack haha. Real Hero, if I recall... great song.

Question: you ever beat the black Lambo looking car? Last time I played it seriously, 18-20 years ago, I literally was nose and nose with him at the finish line. I lost, by some few thousandths of a second...

Well lets see these are the CDs I remember having back then....



So yeah, TLC was probably the chillest music to drive to. Also I beat the hell out of RidgeRacer, I probably still have the save files on my PSx card.

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  On 12/15/2015 at 3:21 AM, te72 said:

What are those Wacky Packages? I see the Quaker (Quacker? Is that a duck?) Oats can, what appears to be a box of Tide, and what appears to be a play on Crest toothpaste. Now I'm curious.

They were sticker cards that parodied actual brands. Quaker Oats became Quacker Oats, Cold Power detergent became Mold Power, etc.


Speaking of music, Apart from Weird Al, I didn't really get into music until I was in my teens. Then I started buying cassettes and later CDs:


Including stuff for kids :P



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You guys had good taste in music, I had most of those cd's myself. Might still have them somewhere in the closet, I have a box or two of cd's.

Also, Philly, hat's off to you if you were able to beat the black Lambo in that game. I still have my save file, I think my best race was something like 3:05 or something like that. I just remember beating the pants off the default records. Guess that's what happens when you get to a point in a game where you're playing by frames of animation...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 12/12/2015 at 6:53 PM, te72 said:

Philly, we used to use AOL cd's as coasters back in the day, they work quite well at keeping condensation off your table.

Leathco, huge Maiden fan here as well. Got into them by buying an album as a joke, thinking that they would be awful, cheesy 80's hair metal. Boy, was I ever so wrong in my life...

As for me, anybody remember these:


Totally forgot about PS Underground. I don't think I ever owned any but my buddy had them all.

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  On 1/1/2016 at 8:04 PM, Iano said:

Totally forgot about PS Underground. I don't think I ever owned any but my buddy had them all.

For the time, they were perfect. I ended up with a pretty healthy collection of games, but the internet wasn't the consuming time-suck that it is now, so those demos kept things interesting.

Plus, a lot of the stuff on them was like what you'd find on youtube these days. Behind the scenes, sneak peeks, trailers, etc. I loved the PS Underground.

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  On 1/2/2016 at 3:22 PM, dragonz said:

Keeping with the Canadian theme as I'm one myself:


I remember Clearly Canadian bottled water back in the early 90's, that stuff was really tasty. Not sure whatever happened to it though? What is this Orbitz stuff?

Also, Kombatologist, I worked at Blockbuster for almost 3 years back in my high school days. Used to be able to tell you where a particular copy of a movie came from, and a few other things, just from the number above the bar code there. Good times. Pay was crap, but I loved that job.

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