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  On 6/28/2016 at 10:56 AM, Jie said:

I'm having fun with it. But then again, I'm someone who have been playing since 1986 or so, so graphics really do not bother me much.

Sorry, I wasn't clear, I meant the gameplay. Not too many rpgs are particularly graphically critical, after all. Glad you're enjoying it.

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Been playing FF8 for the past few days. Right now at the beginning of disc 3. I have never played a mixed bag such as this. This game is pretty bad objectively and its negatives outweigh the positives. Yet I can't call it bad or good, I had some fun and much frustrations. Just a mess of a game.

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Speaking of Rayman 2: The Great Escape, I'm playing that one currently for the N64. I'm trying to find all of the lums without the help of a tip site, but it doesn't seem possible. For instance, in one of the temples, while riding the plum on top of the lava, I look up and see a cage a million miles into the air, and I'm as stumped as all get out.

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  On 6/30/2016 at 5:13 PM, ddark said:

Been playing FF8 for the past few days. Right now at the beginning of disc 3. I have never played a mixed bag such as this. This game is pretty bad objectively and its negatives outweigh the positives. Yet I can't call it bad or good, I had some fun and much frustrations. Just a mess of a game.

I always thought FF8 held up pretty well. I still don't really understand the story, but the aesthetics of the game, as well as the music, were enough to keep me going. The characters had well defined personalities too. :)

Plus, finding new ways of utterly breaking the difficulty of the game was always fun.

  On 7/1/2016 at 6:43 PM, cardsandcelts said:

Speaking of Rayman 2: The Great Escape, I'm playing that one currently for the N64. I'm trying to find all of the lums without the help of a tip site, but it doesn't seem possible. For instance, in one of the temples, while riding the plum on top of the lava, I look up and see a cage a million miles into the air, and I'm as stumped as all get out.

I have a bit of a rule in that regard. I enjoy a challenge, but I also have a limited amount of time for games these days. So, if I get stuck on something, and can't figure it out within a reasonable amount of time (usually whatever time it is between sessions, days in most cases), then I will look it up or move on if it is something trivial.

Beyond Good & Evil was a good example of this, trying to find all the animals, I found all but a couple without help, but there were those that stumped me.

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  On 7/2/2016 at 5:54 AM, te72 said:

I always thought FF8 held up pretty well. I still don't really understand the story, but the aesthetics of the game, as well as the music, were enough to keep me going. The characters had well defined personalities too. :)

Plus, finding new ways of utterly breaking the difficulty of the game was always fun.

The problem is the base systems are so broken that, even when you are using a mechanic you feel like you are exploiting the system.

And the character personalities were well defined to some extent. But the orphanage scene and along with the fact that the characters seem to change personalities depending on what the "plot" wants them to do.. ...I am not so sure. The story is a mess. Complexity and mess are not the same thing.

Astounding music though. Probably one of the best videogame music ever.

As a video game I see tons of bad design. It's a cool interactive movie, it seems like a hybrid of point and click adventure games and jrpgs.

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I've recently played and beaten The Walking Dead Season 2 on the PS3. Awesome game, the story is great!

I'm looking forward to Season 3! The Last of Us is my all time favorite Zombie Apocalypse game and I hope a second game will be released.

I played and beat Super Mario World on the SNES emu after that.

Once I got the Blue Yoshi; I kept him and finished the game through all the levels with Blue Yoshi.

I'm currently playing Red Dead Redemption on the PS3. It's my first time playing it. I love the open world sandbox :)

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  On 7/8/2016 at 9:50 PM, synth said:

I've recently played and beaten The Walking Dead Season 2 on the PS3. Awesome game, the story is great!

I'm looking forward to Season 3! The Last of Us is my all time favorite Zombie Apocalypse game and I hope a second game will be released.

I played and beat Super Mario World on the SNES emu after that.

Once I got the Blue Yoshi; I kept him and finished the game through all the levels with Blue Yoshi.

I'm currently playing Red Dead Redemption on the PS3. It's my first time playing it. I love the open world sandbox :)


I used to make Mario walk a million miles just to have the yellow Yoshi, but would always lose him against something painfully easy. Green Yoshi, do the impossible. Yellow Yoshi, goomba fodder.

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  On 7/3/2016 at 9:58 AM, ddark said:

The problem is the base systems are so broken that, even when you are using a mechanic you feel like you are exploiting the system.

And the character personalities were well defined to some extent. But the orphanage scene and along with the fact that the characters seem to change personalities depending on what the "plot" wants them to do.. ...I am not so sure. The story is a mess. Complexity and mess are not the same thing.

Astounding music though. Probably one of the best videogame music ever.

As a video game I see tons of bad design. It's a cool interactive movie, it seems like a hybrid of point and click adventure games and jrpgs.

Fair criticism all around. I've taken to reading screenshot LP's of some of my favorite games over the years, as well as a couple video LP's. I find that it has opened up a whole new appreciation of certain games, as well as helped me discover some unintentional humor in others.

Not to mention seeing some exploits that I never would have thought to try. Some games have the weirdest bugs, even in the modern era.

  On 7/9/2016 at 6:19 PM, cardsandcelts said:

I used to make Mario walk a million miles just to have the yellow Yoshi, but would always lose him against something painfully easy. Green Yoshi, do the impossible. Yellow Yoshi, goomba fodder.

Thank you for confirming a memory I thought I had. I wasn't sure if the colored Yoshis were in a later game, or if they originated in SMB. The colored Yoshis were found on the star road levels, correct?

Side note: For the last couple years, my fiance and I have been playing a little game where we put a plush Yoshi doll (classic Green, if it matters?) in unexpected places throughout the house. It's been a lot of fun, and some of the pictures I've taken have turned out great. :)

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I'm currently playing "Revenge of the Gator" on GB. There's something strangely addicting about video game pinball. Next up, "Power Stone" for the DC. Super Smash Bros. ain't got nothing on this one! :-)

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Pretty awesome games guys... And a bit of an update since my original posting... I moved east from Texas to South Carolina and for the time being only have my Xbox, N64 , and A few Games for PS1, PS2 and PS3... so while I wait for the rest of the games to get east...I've been investing time into Diddy Kong Racing and Hybrid Heaven for N64, Painkiller : Hell Wars, Crash Bandicoot : The Wrath of Cortex and Tony Hawk's Underground for Xbox , And Blitz : The League for Playstation 2

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I remember playing NBA Jam with a pot head 20 years ago and I sucked but he was Jamming with Pippen and Armstrong.  That was no fun and it seamed I was so far behind that I didn't either bother playing.


I have recently started playing Shining Force 3 starting with the first scenario and I plan on playing the next 2 scenarios.

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  On 7/22/2016 at 3:21 AM, ButtonMasher said:

I've been playing White Knight Chronicles for the PS3.  It got mixed reviews, but I'm having fun with it.

Factor 5 developed that series, right? I always liked how they made games. Even if they weren't great by whatever standards, they were always well made.


  On 7/22/2016 at 3:37 AM, Jake said:

I have recently started playing Shining Force 3 starting with the first scenario and I plan on playing the next 2 scenarios.

Shining Force 3? I loved the first two, but never had a Saturn, so I missed out.

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I got started with Shining Force 3 years ago but never had the time to play through like when I had the time on Genesis and Game Gear.  I like how there are alternate endings depending on choices.  The game sells itself.  It is kinda like Final Fantasy Tactics with the all flavor Sega.  I have the most recent translations redied on my Hyperspin when Im ready.  This is a good example of emulation and fan hacking where it is better than the original.  I need English and Scenario 2 and 3 are in Japanese.  I feel lucky but still sad that Sega's choices led to it's death.

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  On 7/22/2016 at 7:22 AM, Jake said:

This is a good example of emulation and fan hacking where it is better than the original.  I need English and Scenario 2 and 3 are in Japanese.  I feel lucky but still sad that Sega's choices led to it's death.

I've always appreciated fan translations that were well done. I mean, if the company won't sell you a game in a language you understand, it's hard to feel too bad about emulating it. Perfect example of this? Seiken Densetsu 3, or what would have likely been known as Secret of Mana 2 here in the states. Great game, and would have sold well, I believe, but for whatever reason, Square pulled the plug on us English speaking players.


Sega never really died though, they just quit making consoles. The games they have made since the demise of the DC have been pretty solid, no?


  On 7/22/2016 at 9:58 PM, danowar said:

Have beaten CSI: Dark Motives after a playthrough of The Thing.

Currently undecided whether to continue playing or toss it into the gutter: Spy Hunter - Nowhere to Run.

I just don't know, the camera is so ass.

Spy Hunter, I wonder if they used the same driving engine as that Rush game that came out around that era. That game also felt a little wonky. To be fair, some things just work better in 2d, I think Spy Hunter is probably one of those things...

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  On 7/23/2016 at 5:16 AM, te72 said:

Sega never really died though, they just quit making consoles. The games they have made since the demise of the DC have been pretty solid, no?


Yeah, and I wouldn't say Sega lost its spot in the console war through its own actions - they were churning out some quality stuff on the Dreamcast, but the public gave up on them and decided to wait on the PS2.  Superior hype wins the day.  As sad as I was to see the Dreamcast denied a fair shake, though, I've gotta admit that the console market is overcrowded as it is, so perhaps it's all for the best.

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  On 7/23/2016 at 5:30 AM, kitsunebi77 said:

Yeah, and I wouldn't say Sega lost its spot in the console war through its own actions - they were churning out some quality stuff on the Dreamcast, but the public gave up on them and decided to wait on the PS2.  Superior hype wins the day.  As sad as I was to see the Dreamcast denied a fair shake, though, I've gotta admit that the console market is overcrowded as it is, so perhaps it's all for the best.

I would say that it wasn't a matter of hype though, there was precedent. In the late 90's, the PS1 was REALLY hitting its stride, while the Saturn? Pretty much a done deal by then. Given the rate of tech advancement then too, I still think Sega was unfortunately jumping the gun by releasing a system before Sony a second time.


I did have a few friends with the DC, and it was a pretty cool system while it lasted.


Makes me wonder though, does anyone ever think Nintendo might do the same? Become a game developer rather than hardware manufacturer? I dunno if I see it, their systems and games rely so heavily on unique control schemes. Even going back to the NES, with it's, get this, TWO buttons. Then shoulder buttons. Then analog stick (not forgetting Atari here, just saying it was unique for the time), etc, etc, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahhh... MGS5. First entry in the main series that I haven't bought on day one. Not that I'm not excited to play it, just... real life stuff keeping me too busy to put the time in just yet. That, and I'd wanna play it on PS4, that I don't have at the moment. Looks fun though!

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Hello all, this'll be my first post to the site.

In anticipation for the new Zelda: Breath of the Wild, I've been playing through the Zelda games. I picked up the Hyrule Hysteria game and got a little bit better insight of the timeline, and am wishing that I would have played them that way as opposed to release date.

What do you think?

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