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So,erm.  I beat Might and Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen.  Or did I?  I mean, I know I did, but it sure doesn't feel that way.  Because I'm still playing it.  Well, not really.  I'm playing the sequel.  Except it's the same game.  Except it's not. It's separate and it's the same.  It's two things combined that make something more than the sum of the parts. Huh? I'm so confused.

For anyone unfamiliar with the Might and Magic RPGs for the PC, the 3rd-5th games all used the same engine.  But while the 3rd game was it's own thing, the 4th and 5th games were designed to complement each other, each taking place on one side of a flat world - the light side and the dark side (Clouds of Xeen and Darkside of Xeen.)  After the 5th game was released, the two games were released together along with new content linking them both together (Worlds of Xeen.)  So I finished the 4th game (taking place on the light side of the world) and have now continued on with the same party onto the 5th game (taking place on the dark side of the world).  But you can also travel back and forth between the two sides of the world (in essence traveling between the two games) in order to complete areas that are only accessible after doing certain things in one or the other. 

So while I finished the 4th game, I'll still have to go back to some of those areas in order to finish the extra bits accessible after playing through the 5th game.  So I guess I haven't actually finished it yet.  Except I have. 

Nope, still confusing.

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That Might & Magic setup sounds pretty cool, kinda like Link To The Past, with the light / dark world. It's been a weird year for me, super busy out in the garage, so I've hardly played anything this year. Little bit of Gran Turismo 6, might have been all so far.


Oh, wait, no... I did go back and play some Moraff's World early in the year. DOS man, DOS...

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  • 2 months later...
  On 1/2/2018 at 1:55 AM, khouji said:

I was a pro player of Counter-Strike 10 years ago but when I played CS GO last month. I was beaten by new players today. ;)


Darned kids... I'd be willing to bet the same could be said of my Street Fighter skills. 20 years ago, I was competent with literally every character, I'd let opponents pick who I played as, just to spice things up.


Now? Hah. Haven't played seriously since SFA3 came out, what, 1999? I'd be a plaything for most anyone with a decent amount of skill, I'm sure.


As for what I've been playing lately, picked up an SNES Classic. Have already put in about 20 hours into Link to the Past, just have the final dungeon to wrap up and I'm done with that one. Little bit of time with Yoshi's Island with Megan (she's really good at it), and I'm walking her through the first Suikoden game, which I suspect is probably more fun for me than her, unfortunately. At least it's a short game, either way. :)

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  • 1 month later...
  On 2/7/2018 at 7:21 PM, vice350z said:

Still didn't finish Doom from June lol. I'm pretty far just need to finish but its hard even on easy...i stink at games.


I still haven't played Doom 3... from 2005 or whenever it was. Part of the fun of Doom games for me is being able to cheat, just to see the wanton destruction that can be caused. I'm in the same boat of stinking at games (mostly shooters), and on PS3 at least, you can't cheat in the Doom games. Because trophies. Grumble grumble, stupid need for dopamine via digital "reward" BS... let me play my game how I want to play it dagnabbit!


*shakes fist like Abe Simpson*

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I played most of Doom (2016) on PC without cheating but had to turn on a cheat mode where i'm at now just so I don't die so quickly. It's not a God mode, you can still die but at least not immediately. I'm not the greatest at FPS with a controller. I got a XIM4 for my PS4 just so i can use my keyboard and mouse. Actually better and more enjoyable that way.

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:lol: I assumed you were talking about the original Doom.  I forgot that people sometimes play newer games, too.  Not people like me, but people.:P

Seriously though, it bothers me when companies make a new game and give it the exact same title as an older classic.  Doom is Doom and it was released in 1993.  Anything else needs a different title.

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  On 2/8/2018 at 8:59 AM, kitsunebi77 said:

:lol: I assumed you were talking about the original Doom.  I forgot that people sometimes play newer games, too.  Not people like me, but people.:P

Seriously though, it bothers me when companies make a new game and give it the exact same title as an older classic.  Doom is Doom and it was released in 1993.  Anything else needs a different title.


James Rolfe (AVGN) does a side series called, "You know what's bullshit?" that has an amusing take on naming conventions in film and gaming...

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I always mix up playing retro games (mostly Amiga) with more recent games off Steam. When it comes to modern games, I'm what they call a "patient gamer". I always play games from about 7 or 8 years ago. It means I never pay more than $10 for any game, and my relatively inexpensive PC can play them all with all bells and whistles turned on. It also means that I never play games that are hyped up and then turn out to be shit. After many years, a solid perception of games' quality has arisen.

Anyway, in recent times I've been playing through 2009 games for the first time, such as Batman: Arkham Asylum, Mirror's Edge, Borderlands and STALKER: Call of Pripyat. Right now...I'm 50 hours through Dragon Age: Origins.

Once I'm done with that, it's onto 2010 I go (Mass Effect 2, BioShock 2, Fallout: New Vegas, Amnesia, Metro 2033, Torchlight etc.).

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  On 2/9/2018 at 9:16 PM, vice350z said:

I have so many games from the 90's to today and I think I've only finished one...lol. Half-Life would still be "new" to me since I started but never finished.


I'm the opposite. When I start a game...I finish it. Well, for modern games anyway. Once you go back to the 80s, games were often impossible to finish or indeed never ended.

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Steam sales...lol..money suckers. Do you ever look at how much you've spent on all your Steam games? Over 13.5 years I've spent $1100 on steam. Looking at a calculator...if I bough every single game at the lowest sale value, it would have been $833....i guess I wasn't patient enough on some games and it cost me an extra $267.


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$1100?  Hell, I used to spend over twice that EVERY YEAR on comics back when I lived in the States.  Ever since I moved to Japan though, the lack of availability of English-language comics has forced me to become a dirty pirate and save a ton of money.

The difference is I actually read the comics.  I wonder how many of those games you bought on Steam have barely been played?

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This thread took a turn for the amusing, you guys are cracking me up here!


Story time! Remember Excitebike? Well, buddy of mine used to play it with me on occasion when the NES was still the new thing. The scoring system seemed a bit weird to us though, in that, if you did really poorly, you might finish in 20th place or something like that. We only ever saw maybe 3 or 4 other competitors on the screen with us, where were all these other people racing? So... we decided to try an experiment. Started a race, went to lunch, came back and finished the race... in something like 1988th place, or some ridiculous number like that haha.


I'm trying to decide between Suikoden 4 (the only Suikoden main series game I haven't played through), Super Mario RPG, or finishing off the last series of races in GT6.

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  On 2/9/2018 at 11:20 PM, kitsunebi77 said:

An extra 545 hours? 

Well, sure.  You left it running and went on a 3 week vacation to the Mongolian Steppe.  I'm pretty sure we've all done that once or twice in our lives.:lol:


My PC is on 24/7 for streaming music..only thing I can think happened is I must have stopped playing the game but went to desktop and left the game running in the background....for 22 days lol. It must have been a long stretch of just not going on Steam to notice. I may have gone for a week vacation too.

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