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How To Be Notified Of New Releases at Retromags!


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Retromags allows you to stay informed of changes around our site by choosing what you wish to be notified on. Most of our users want to know when a new magazine or guide has been preserved and is available for download. This can be achieved in a number of different ways.....

Follow the "New Releases" Forum Section

When a new release is made available to our community, we generally post a New Release topic in our forums. This section can be found at the following URL


When you arrive on that page you will notice that in the upper right hand corner a "Follow this forum" button is present.


If you click on that button you will be presented with any options available for customization.


Most users can simply leave the default "Immediate" value checked for the notification. But what does this mean? The receive notification instantly means that a when a new topic is posted to the New Releases forum section, that a notification alert will appear up at the top of the Retromags website next to your name.


Now that is great if you are signed in to Retromags, or if you visit daily. But what if you want to get an email when this alert is triggered? Well you need to use the power of our notification system by going into its options. First click on the Notification icon at the top of your screen, then onto the Options link.


I won't go into explaining the options screen as it is pretty self explanatory. But forum sections are not the only thing you can follow this way. In the above example we explained how to follow all of the Retromags New Releases. What if you want to follow just a portion of our releases? Well the Download Manager also has follow buttons and they work on multiple levels

Follow the Download Manager

Lets say you want to follow the Download Manager. Go to the following URL


You will notice no follow button on the homepage of our Download Manager, but as soon as you drill down to the Video Game Magazines or Strategy Guides section you will.


This allows you to follow ONLY Video Game Magazine releases, or ONLY Strategy Guide releases. Where this really shines is that you can continue to drill down and you can follow ONLY USA magazines, or even ONLY Nintendo Power Magazines. This system allows you to choose what you get notified on.

Follow The Magazine Database

The Follow button is also available in the Magazine Database for users who want to know when information is added to specific countries or publications. This can be helpful for users who are waiting for information to be added to a certain magazine. If you wanted to follow any additions to our USA database of magazines you would simply go to the following page and click follow!



Want to only be notified of updates to Electronic Gaming Monthly, just go down another level and click the follow button there....


Following Retromags Without an Account

Last we will cover how to follow if you do not have an account with Retromags. If you wish to keep up with our releases you can do so thru our FeedBurner account. What is FeedBurner? Well FeedBurner is owned by Google and it leverages our RSS feeds to email users when a new item appears. This is all done thru Feedburner and is automatic. Feedburner continuously checks the Retromags website to see if a new RSS feed item has been created, if one has then it sends 1 email for that day with any updates. Using this method you will be notified ONLY on days that have releases. If 10 new magazines are added tomorrow, you will only receive 1 email at 5PM (Eastern USA). You can add yourself to our FeedBurner mailing list by going to the following link....


That link will bring you to a page to enter your email address. The RSS feed that our Feedburner account works off of is the RSS feed for the New Releases forum section. In the future I may add additional Feedburner links for specific countries or publications.


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