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James and Mike Mondays - Killing Time (Panasonic 3DO)


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Man, just watching them play this makes me want to run out and buy a 3DO! :lol:

...said nobody ever, except for you haha! Were there any good 3DO games other than Gex and SSF2? I remember seeing one at a local place that sold electronics back in the day. About all I really took from it was, $600 console? WHAT? This was back when an SNES/Genesis was maybe $150 new?

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...said nobody ever, except for you haha! Were there any good 3DO games other than Gex and SSF2? I remember seeing one at a local place that sold electronics back in the day. About all I really took from it was, $600 console? WHAT? This was back when an SNES/Genesis was maybe $150 new?

It was a good machine and one that looks better in retrospect with a some solid titles but initially yes it was a disaster from launch. Overpriced and games that were ok graphically but in order to enjoy them you had to pay a lot of money. If you can get one at a garage sale or flea market for a hundred bucks or so with some games and hook ups and controller go for it.

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I bought my 3DO for Wolfenstein and loved it. If I remember correctly Super Street Fighter II was also really good on that system. Quarantine and Hell looked compelling but I never really got to play them. Always wanted to check out Killing Time, the ads made it look crazy.

AVGN is great. You see the movie he made?

I was actually pretty disappointed with the movie. Like many SNL films it demonstrated that when the characters of a sketch are expected to fill the universe of a feature-length film the results are almost never successful (there have been some exceptions, of course, but I think this is generally the trend). Many of the situations that the Nerd found himself in weren't all that funny, the script didn't give anyone any particularly witty dialogue, and there was too much emphasis on sidekick characters that appeared out of absolutely nowhere. My biggest laugh came right at the beginning (when the Nerd's boss pulls a gun on him for some reason) but I reacted to the rest of the movie with little more than the occasional polite chuckle.

I love the Nerd but found the film to be overlong and much less entertaining than many episodes of the show. That said I don't regret stopping to check it out, and respect his ambition and affinity for cheesy low-budget storytelling.

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I bought my 3DO for Wolfenstein and loved it. If I remember correctly Super Street Fighter II was also really good on that system. Quarantine and Hell looked compelling but I never really got to play them. Always wanted to check out Killing Time, the ads made it look crazy.

I was actually pretty disappointed with the movie. Like many SNL films it demonstrated that when the characters of a sketch are expected to fill the universe of a feature-length film the results are almost never successful (there have been some exceptions, of course, but I think this is generally the trend). Many of the situations that the Nerd found himself in weren't all that funny, the script didn't give anyone any particularly witty dialogue, and there was too much emphasis on sidekick characters that appeared out of absolutely nowhere. My biggest laugh came right at the beginning (when the Nerd's boss pulls a gun on him for some reason) but I reacted to the rest of the movie with little more than the occasional polite chuckle.

I love the Nerd but found the film to be overlong and much less entertaining than many episodes of the show. That said I don't regret stopping to check it out, and respect his ambition and affinity for cheesy low-budget storytelling.

lol yeah I love the nerd too but I couldn't even finish the movie. I have no idea how it ends and I don't really care either. It just seemed to be trying way too hard.

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