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Welcome to Retromags! Introduce Yourself (2016 Edition)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I'm 3DOExperience from New York. I thought I had an account here long ago under a different name but I guess not. I love game mags & books. I have a complete collection of Nintendo Power with many duplicates. I hope to one day make a full index of Everything in them and I'd like to do some scans if I can ever get my PC working correctly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I already started posting before even giving an introduction. How rude of me. :P

I'm Dan. Just some dude from the Great White North who likes (mostly old) gaming. I'd love the idea of this site making several out-of-print publications available, but unfortunately don't have any to contribute myself.

As much as I love video games, two other (often larger) obsessions are music and sports. I play a bit of bass guitar mostly, I'm constantly going to concerts, and my music tastes spread a variety of genres. As for my sports fandom, I mostly root for Toronto-based teams (Leafs, Raptors, Blue Jays, Argonauts), and the Chicago Bears. I also like other so-called geek culture things like Star Trek, comic books, and science fiction TV and film (even the bad ones as I'm a pretty big MSTie).

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  • 1 month later...

I am a Texan a bit over 30 years old who came here to see once more the magazines I read decades ago, especially Game Players (year 1994 - 1997 mainly) for it's humor. I'd like to read issues I haven't read before maybe even from magazine companies I never read from just to see if there's more stuff I can learn about games or the game industry I never knew. I already have a good bit of knowledge about the 16-bit and 32-bit era of games and enjoy pretty much any genre of game except sports and Japanese RPG's since turn-based games usually didn't have much depth in the combat.

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I am a Texan a bit over 30 years old who came here to see once more the magazines I read decades ago, especially Game Pla... wait, that isn't right. I am a 36 year old Texan, but Game Players is not the reason I came hear. I will probably check some Game Players issues out, especially if they have any Jaguar coverage.

My main reason for coming here was to download some Nintendo Power issues and other late 1980s magazine to read on an upcoming trip. My wife will be in class for a week and I need something to do during the day. Normally I would check out local retro video game stores, pawn shops, and thrift stores, but with a six month old in tow that does not sound very appealing. So I will spend my time, when not entertaining the little one, reading old magazines on an iPad.

I would really like to find as many issues as I can of any magazine that covered the 7800 and the Lynx.

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Hmm, I guess I'll make it a Texas triple play. I'm from Houston and I found this site because I was carrying around a huge box of old Nintendo Power magazines from 1992 to 1993. They are in pretty poor shape so I figured I would look online to see if there were any scans of them before I toss them out. Thankfully I found this site and the rest is history. I also have a few PCGAMER issues from late 1999 to early 2000 that I can hopefully contribute.

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How's everybody doin'? I'm in my mid-thirties and hail from Kentucky. I haven't been in a forum since around 2005, so I might take a while to get back in shape, so to speak. I am thrilled to find a forum dealing with retro video games, a passion of mine. I received my first NES in 1989, and haven't looked back.

I own an NES, SNES, N64 and also have a Super Game Boy. I'm just simply Cartridge Guy, I guess. I never got into the disc systems, ever since my college roommate had Driver for the Playstation, I fell in love with the game, and it would always freeze in the same place.

My other hobbies include popular music from the 1950s through the 1980s, old Topps baseball cards, and history, so much so that I got a Master's Degree in it. I am fascinated by the history of anything: what happened in the past that makes today what it is? And so forth.

Oh, and animation. I still have that simple, child-like fascination with pictures that move. Classic theatrical cartoons from the 1930s through the 1950s are it for me. Too bad the DVD collections cost so much nowadays.

Growing up in the mid to late 1980s, my sense of humor can get a bit stupid. Countless hours with Pee-wee Herman, Ernest P. Worrell, and Binky the Clown from Garfield and Friends ensure that, so I apologize in advance.

Anyway, I'm glad to be here, and I'll figure out the profile thingy sooner or later.

By the way, the name refers to my favorite sports teams; it seemed kind of harmless at the time. On the other hand, it makes it seem I helped to build Stonehenge or something.

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Hey guys, I'm a 36 year old retro gamer living in Texas. I grew up in the Netherlands.

My biggest passion is collectible action figures from Figuarts, NECA and Mattycollector and some vintage figures I used to own during my childhood.

Videogames is my 2nd passion, comic books 3rd.

My first video game console was the NES which I have the most fond childhood memories of.

Before I owned one; I used to go to the toy stores to spend 1 dutch guilder in the machine which held approx. 12 games. I tried out many games that way.

With my purchase of the NES; I received a free subscription of the Dutch "Club Nintendo" Magazine back in the early 90's. I kept the Club Nintendo magazines all through my childhood. I recently found out the Club Nintendo Magazines are translated from the UK and now I'm on a hunt to find those originals.

I eventually sold the NES for a new SNES which I loved at first but as the years went by I kept reading magazine articles in the Dutch "Power Unlimited" Magazine comparing the same games for SNES and Megadrive; with the Megadrive coming out on top with graphics and no censorship. Later on when the Lion King was released for the Sega Megadrive II; I sold my SNES and bought the megadrive Lion King set. I owned that Megadrive till 2011.

Around 1996 I bought a used SNES and later on a used NES. I learned how to make the NES region free and bought a converter for the SNES and my game library opened up internationally as well. I mostly collect just the loose cartridges.

In early 2000 I learned of Nintendo Power and started to collect them. I recall finding a scan of the 1st issue form retromags somewhere along the line as well.

My resent desire to own all magazines digitally as well for the tablet brought me here :)

I immigrated to the US in 2011 and had to leave behind most European region 2 /B PAL systems and games as there was not enough time left to sell off everything and not enough room for all. I kept some exclusive/changed games like Probotector(Contra), Blue Shadow(Shadow of the Ninja), Teenage Mutant Hero(Ninja) Turtles, Felix the Cat, Asterix, Formula 1. Why I immigrated? I started to play the MMORPG Ragnarok Online in 2003 and met my future wife there from Texas in 2007. We eventually decided it would be better for me to come live with her because she had difficulty learning the dutch language. I became a citizen last year.

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Hey all. I'm Chris, a 37-year-old developer from the UK weaned on the BBC Micro and, later, MS-DOS.

I make a series for YouTube about the stories behind older games, creators and hardware, and magazines are a really valuable source of research and visual material for that project. That and they're just a lot of fun to leaf through.

This field of preservation of gaming history is very important to me and I'm looking forward to getting involved in any way I can.

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  • Retromags Curator
  On 7/11/2016 at 8:13 PM, trioptimum said:

Hey all. I'm Chris, a 37-year-old developer from the UK weaned on the BBC Micro and, later, MS-DOS.

I make a series for YouTube about the stories behind older games, creators and hardware, and magazines are a really valuable source of research and visual material for that project. That and they're just a lot of fun to leaf through.

This field of preservation of gaming history is very important to me and I'm looking forward to getting involved in any way I can.

Oooooh! Link to your channel, please? :)



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  • Retromags Curator

Welcome, welcome, to all of our new forum friends! Thank you for joining us, and don't be shy about chiming in anywhere, even if it's just to tell me how amazingly awesome I am. ;)




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I'm new to the site (so thanks for the add). I'm in PA. I can't wait to start reading all the classic mags that I loved & grew up with years ago. I'm still kicking myself for not saving these from my youth!

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Im Mike. I host Playing with power, a podcast about reading and discussing each and every issue of Nintendo Power magazine. we've done 23 issues so far, and had great guest from Howard Philips stepdaughter, to the Guild wars 2 level designer Josh Forman, to con attendees and stand up comics. we've really blown up over our first year, and got downloads in japan and the UK, so please check https://www.facebook.com/playingwithpowerpodcast/ and find it on itunes. and we couldnt have done it without the issues linked here. so i want to thank you for making my awesome show possible. we post a link to each issue here on our facebook for each episode.

also, if we can get more issues after 125, that would be fantastic cause i would hate for my show to just suddenly stop lol. if there's anything i can do to help, let me know.

speaking of, i found this:


if any scanners live nearby British Columbia, this might fill in some blanks. Hope you guys check out the podcast and let me know. I would lvoe to have you guys on sometime, as you're the reason i can DO this show. :)

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Hi. I'm Tim, a 39 year-old in North Carolina. I discovered Retromags some time back, but don't remember the circumstances. I've been building up my retro game/Nintendo Power/strategy guide collection somewhat lately, and that made me think to check back on the site.

Right now, I'm scanning, editing and uploading around 20 covers to strategy guides I bought when I studied abroad in Japan a few years ago.

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  On 7/15/2016 at 3:42 AM, getthepower88 said:

Im Mike. I host Playing with power...

also, if we can get more issues after 125, that would be fantastic cause i would hate for my show to just suddenly stop lol. if there's anything i can do to help, let me know.

Hi Mike, welcome to Retromags. I do believe the cutoff is 10 years for defunct magazines (which unfortunately NP falls into) and 15 years for ongoing mags, the few that there are.

So, we're up to 2006 on NP, as I understand the rules. I'm sure one of the admin will clarify if I'm mistaken on any of this info. :)

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Hello I'm from Texas i just found this site a day ago looking for old magazine scans as I am a collector of 80's and 90's things, I'm an 80's baby. I love retro everything as the 80's 90's were imho the greatest times for Videogames/ music/ movies/ sports/ toys/ snacks etc.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I didn't notice this pinned topic, and made my first post to What are you playing.

Anyway, I just want to say "hi" and that I am happy to be here. I am a big fan of video game magazines and even a bigger fan of video games. I've been a collector all of my life and my focus now is trying to complete my NES library.

In my younger years I always bought magazines at our local 7-11 during the NES and SNES days, I didn't have a subscription until I was old enough to convince my parents of it which (sadly) was about the time of N64. My favorites being Game Pro and Nintendo power, but I had others (Electronic Gaming Monthly + variations, Expert Gamer, and quite a few strategy guides). I let a lot of my subscriptions run out during the late Gamecube/Early Wii era, which I wish I wouldn't have done. I didn't really keep the best track of my magazines so I am missing some, here and there, but would like to finish off my Nintendo Power and Game Pro collection, so if you know of anyone selling, please let me know, especially if it's NP#3, I can't for the life of me find that one. :)

On one of my more recent trips across the country (Canada), I answered an Kijiji ad for an arcade, I started talking with the guy, he's a retiring arcade owner, and he kind of showed me the ropes when I started asking questions. Anyway, he had a subscription to Replay Magazine, and was nice enough to give me a chunk of them to look over, before he threw them out. I haven't been in contact with him in a while, so I hope he still has them. Pretty interesting read. I'd be willing to scan them if I knew of a way to do it without having to take the magazine apart.

If anyone would like to see pictures of my video game collection, let me know. It's nothing spectacular, but I like it.

I look forward to meeting/interacting with a lot of you. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My name is Cris. I'm from the south suburbs of Chicago. I'm in my mid 30's. I found my way here thanks to the CU Podcast. Been collecting retro games since my late teens. Excited to dig into an archive of some of my favorite gaming publications of the past. I'll have to dig through some boxes at my parents and see if I have anything to donate to the cause.

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