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Welcome to Retromags! Introduce Yourself (2016 Edition)


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I remember way back when bothering my mother for the latest video game magazine when we went shopping. Usually Nintendo Power, but sometimes EGM. Finally got to the point where I wheedled a subscription out of her. ;)

I don't have many of those anymore, but hopefully I'll be able to contribute something to the group.

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CJ Here.  33.  Musician, Photographer... I love reading, hiking, etc.

One of my Earliest memories is playing Atari in the guest bedroom of my grandparents old house. 


That memory is followed shortly by one of playing ET on Atari, and in the vague memories of my (Very young) child mind, thinking I must have been stupid, because I couldn't figure out how to play it.
I sure got fully vindicated on That one. haha

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I've been a member of 2014, but I haven't visited here in so long that I think it's okay for me to introduce myself here. (If I'm wrong, Phillyman, please delete my post.) 


So... Hi. I'm Bughuntertf, or HunterofBugs, as my username will tell you. I thought the latter was a clever variation on the former, I now realize I'm wrong. I was active here for a long time way back in 2014 and maybe a little of 2015. I was really into videogame magazines then, but it faded after a while. Thus my inactivity. Now I'm into videogame music, too, and more than that, I'm composing it - or, at least, I aspire too. So far, it hasn't faded. 


But anyways. I am back. I plan to add the contents info to the Nintendo Power info pages (finally finishing what I began back in 2014 with NP issue 253). I can't scan or preserve my magazines, but I can add their info into the database. (Again, assuming that is allowed. I heard about the NP controversy a while back, and, also, I'm not sure what has and hasn't changed with regards to the rules. If I am wrong about this, please correct me. I don't intend to add the info until I know for sure it's A-OK.)

Edited by HunterofBugs
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Hello, Hunter! Welcome back!. :)


Yes, by all means, the database entries are separate from the physical downloads so if you want to contribute indexing information, please do. Indexing is time-consuming, but relatively simple, and we love anybody willing to do the work. :)



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  On 9/14/2016 at 10:41 PM, Areala said:

Hello, Hunter! Welcome back!. :)


Yes, by all means, the database entries are separate from the physical downloads so if you want to contribute indexing information, please do. Indexing is time-consuming, but relatively simple, and we love anybody willing to do the work. :)





Excellent! I would be glad to continue indexing information. And thank you! It's good to be back, truthfully. This is a small forum, compared to others I'm a part of, but in some ways this one is my favorite. So I'm glad to be back and in the thick of it.

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  On 9/14/2016 at 10:44 PM, HunterofBugs said:

Excellent! I would be glad to continue indexing information. And thank you! It's good to be back, truthfully. This is a small forum, compared to others I'm a part of, but in some ways this one is my favorite. So I'm glad to be back and in the thick of it.

Admit it: you just missed me. ;)




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  • 1 month later...

Hey, hey! I'm new to the forums, so I just wanted to introduce myself. I am Squidbee, and my love for all things retro brought me to this site. Specifically, it was my love for Nintendo Power that led me down the rabbit hole to this website. Nintendo was all the rage in my childhood, and I thought having a subscription to Nintendo Power would make me the coolest kid on the playground...I was wrong. :)

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Oh, hello. I'm in my 20s currently, been gaming since i was 9 or something. In those times i started with Megadrive than moved to PC because reasons and only some time later got interested in consoles again; and now i'm interested in arcades etc. also. Game magazines are nice. I remember how i was reading them and dreaming about all those games and platforms that are mentioned there. You know, when you didn't have internet yet, those times.

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I am from the U.K and joined this site so I could experience the history of video games as I never got to grow up in the 80s and only started gaming in the early 2000s. I am currently playing games I never got to experience as a kid and playing some ones I did grow up with for nostalgia sake. I ahve currenly beat Castlevania Chronicles for the PS1 as I had never played a Castlevania game before.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey! I'm Swamp. Age 28 born and raised in Chicago. Ex-military (U.S. Air Force), living in New Zealand atm. I've been into collecting magazines since I was young. I remember writing down cheat codes from the Tips & Tricks magazines at Walgreens and grocery stores as my parents went shopping.


I found this site after searching online for the Holidays issue of the ODCM (US). I found it here, as well as this awesome community. I'll do my best to win some Famitsu issues for donations. 

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  On 11/28/2016 at 8:58 PM, Swamp said:

I found this site after searching online for the Holidays issue of the ODCM (US). I found it here, as well as this awesome community. I'll do my best to win some Famitsu issues for donations. 


I've got bunches of Famitsu lying around, so you're welcome to check with me before dropping coin on an auction.  Of course, if you want to scan something yourself or donate your mags to Kiwi at OldGameMags (he would obviously be the closest to you), I say go for it, regardless of whether I already own it or not, since it's not likely I'll ever have time to scan them all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm new to the forums, but have been visiting the site sporadically for the past few years. I prefer classic gaming over what the modern games industry has turned into, and for me the magazines were a huge part of the experience. I started out with a Nintendo Power subscription back in the early 90s and spent the rest of the decade collecting various others. Game Players and later EGM were my favorite.

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Hello, everyone. I just turned 45 and I'm a longtime retrogamer and collector. I own a new 3DS, wii u, 360 and some more systems from past generations. I started with a 2600 and I remember missile command was 34.99 at the time. I bought a snes right after it was released and Mario World and Gradius 3 kept me busy for a while. However, the Genesis was my all-time favorite console. The first game I bought for it was Thunderforce 3 followed by Raiden. At that point, shmups were my favorite genre. The Genesis hosted some real winners such as M.U.S.H.A and Elemental Master. I loved the Genesis because most of its games had kind of a dark and serious atmosphere such as Kid Chameleon and Spiderman vs. the kingpin. I started getting an EGM subscription in April 1991 and I have collected game magazines since. I really enjoyed the 1990s in the timeline of gaming history. 

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  On 12/20/2016 at 3:07 PM, megadrive89 said:

Hello, everyone. I just turned 45 and I'm a longtime retrogamer and collector. I own a new 3DS, wii u, 360 and some more systems from past generations. I started with a 2600 and I remember missile command was 34.99 at the time. I bought a snes right after it was released and Mario World and Gradius 3 kept me busy for a while. However, the Genesis was my all-time favorite console. The first game I bought for it was Thunderforce 3 followed by Raiden. At that point, shmups were my favorite genre. The Genesis hosted some real winners such as M.U.S.H.A and Elemental Master. I loved the Genesis because most of its games had kind of a dark and serious atmosphere such as Kid Chameleon and Spiderman vs. the kingpin. I started getting an EGM subscription in April 1991 and I have collected game magazines since. I really enjoyed the 1990s in the timeline of gaming history. 


Welcome to the forum, Pinkpuff'd one! :)




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  • 3 weeks later...

Just found out about this site today.  Born in the 80's, been gaming since the 90's.  Used to have 3 boxes full of game mags up until 2002 when I graduated and my family decided to move.. and for some reason during the move my mom threw away 2 of the boxes.. saying something like "oh you weren't really ever going to look through those magazines again"  ...chyeaa thanks.

Well over the years and all the moving around I've still somehow managed to keep that one box with me.  It's a mixed bag really, mainly Tips & Tricks which was my fav.  But yeh I can't wait to explore and contribute to this site!



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I have been a gamer since the NES era, and I came here to read old magazines. I miss the days when you could find them everywhere. adly, the internet has made printed work too expensive to be worthwhile anymore.


I hope that I can enjoy these classics here along with all of you.

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