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Issues 1-1400 of Famitsu! ONLY $25,250!


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3 million yen. OK, I know the price is crazy. Insane even. And it would pretty much fill an entire delivery truck all on its own.

But what I really want to focus on is 2nd of the three photos. Somebody had pretty much an entire room of their house dedicated to keeping issues of Famitsu. Now THAT'S crazy.

Also, the brevity of the information given and the short turnaround time on the listing (it seems to have been a 1 day listing) makes me wonder if some super nerd is in desperate need of quick cash to keep the Yakuza from cutting off his gaming finger.


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It is rare that I utter this phrase in a completely serious fashion, but if anything related to the hobby is going to trigger it, it's going to be an auction like this.


I mean, good cripes, this guy has more issues of Famitsu alone than I have issues of EVERYTHING I HAVE EVER OWNED. Even if I had the money to acquire this collection, I'd first have to spend twice that much on the climate-controlled building needed to warehouse it.

But daaaaaaaayum if I did... *drool*

I don't know what made this guy have to sell so quickly, but I wish him all the good fortune in the world. :)


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There are storage rental places in my area for $40 or $60 a month. I shudder to think of the shipping, though.

Twenty-five thousand dollar auction, and the man's worried about shipping...

Not that the rest of us aren't all dying a little inside at the knowledge these things are right there, just out of reach.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the definition of a Retromags addict. Everyone, take a big bow. :)



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Actually, now that I'm home from work and I look at the photos I feel the pain. :( It's like it's right there!!

I do have some good news, though. I went through my outdoor storage closet today and found a few more issues of Weekly Famitsu that I forgot I had, plus an issue of Gamest from 1999 and 1993 issue of V-Jump!

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I just think of it as less than two dollars an issue. :)

If only I had time to convince my wife that the second mortgage would be totally, totally worth it... :)

Edited to add: I assumed this would be an easy sell. The last time I heard such profane and articulate usage of the f-bomb was watching Alec Baldwin ream out Ed Harris, Jack Lemmon, and Alan Arkin in 'Glengarry Glen Ross':

I'll broach the topic again tomorrow morning after she's had time to sleep. She'll be more receptive to my point of view then.



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Clearly you were dazed and in shock from seeing such a collection up for grabs.

Btw, any ideas on the point of the 3rd picture? The first is of issue 1, which makes sense. The second is to get an idea of the size of the entire collection. The 3rd just seems completely random. I actually have that issue - it's issue 1341, so it isn't like he's showing the most current issue in the lot, either. It's just completely random as far as I can see, unless he thinks that the actress on the cover has a fan base mentally challenged enough that they'd be willing to part with 3 million yen to get an issue they could probably find elsewhere for about 300 yen...

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Yeah, I have this naive sanity-filter where I assume people are sane and give them the benefit of the doubt. It gets me into trouble sometimes!

The only way I could see that making sense is if each issue of the first several years go for $500 or something. Now, that may be true, but I still find it hard to believe.

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The same guy is auctioning off a beat-up looking copy of issue 1 (not nearly as nice as the one in the complete set) for $130 or so.

There's a reprint of issue 1 currently at 500 yen I might take a chance at. As long as the contents are the same, I could care less about the collectability.

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No nibbles on the big auction - it's been relisted if any of you millionaires are still interested.

In the meantime, I bought the reprint of the 1st issue. The cover definitely needs cleanup work, but hopefully the insides are OK. I'll see what I can do about getting a scan together. Just don't hold your breath for a timely release - I'll be super busy with work for the next couple of months.

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  • 1 year later...

Bwahahaha.  Sorry to resurrect an ancient thread, but I just noticed that this same exact auction is still being listed 2 years later (well, it's been updated from issues 1-1400 to issues 1-1500.)  It's still going for 3 million yen, but thanks to the yen becoming stronger, that now equates to $27,090 instead of $25,250.  Oh well, at least now you're getting 100 extra issues, right?  And hey, the shipping is FREE!



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8 hours ago, Areala said:

Buy it! Buy it! Buy it buy it buy it!! :)

Sure thing.  You wouldn't mind fronting me the $27,000, would you?  Oh, and I'll need an extra $500 per month or so so I can rent a small apartment to hold them in (storage units are typically very small and expensive here, so getting one (or more) large enough to store 1500 issues of Famitsu would likely cost nearly as much as a cheap apartment.)

But HEY!  FREE SHIPPING!!!!!!  Whatta deal!

I wonder at what point this guy realized that having an entire collection of Famitsu taking up space wasn't all it was cracked up to be.  I'm also amused that over the past two years that he's been unsuccessfully trying to sell the collection, he's apparently continued to buy the new issues as they come out so he can include them in the auction.

Honestly, his only hope of ever selling these is to break it up into smaller lots and sell them at a much lower price.  Maybe he doesn't even really want to sell them, and the auction is just sort of his way of showing off.  Or more likely, his wife demanded he get rid of them but he doesn't want to, so he set an unrealistic price on an excessively large lot which he knew no one would ever buy, but he could point to the auction and say "See, honey?  I'm trying to sell them!!"

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