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Best aspect of your childhood


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What was the best aspect of your childhood? Many of us had awesome years as kids with certain things standing out more then others and you could say "yea, that's what made my childhood awesome" what was that certain aspect or situation? But then not all of our childhoods were the best with ups and downs but often times there was something to always go back on that really made all of the childhood memorable and enjoyable to recount of. The favorite aspect of my childhood was I never really had to worry about nothing and I could just hang out with friends in their rooms and just game. When I was younger I also really enjoyed going through my older brothers video game magazines without them knowing (don't tell em) which is one of the reasons why I'm here to reminisce and look back on the magazines that I knew and other things I didn't know of.

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My favorite childhood activity was going around my town playing the various arcade games at the gas stations, restaurants, and grocery stores. Back then there'd be new ones in most locations every six months or so.

My mother refused to let me go to the local arcade in the mall. It was too dark for her and she feared drugs were being sold in there or something. So I obeyed her and went everywhere else arcade games were located.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The best aspects of my childhood was probably that it was so care free. During the summers I had no fancy swimming pool but I stayed up under the water hose for hours on in. When I was inside I would watch TBS or HBO all day. Cartoons, comics, toys, and videogames were the most important things to me and school wouldn't get in the way. Looking back on it, school really wasn't that bad either. I sorta wish I took it more seriously, really, but of course I was just a kid.

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I agree with pretty much everything that's been said so far. The sense of being carefree, happy, living with such limited responsibility and limitless possibility. Time went by more slowly and the days were populated by friends, family, and fun. Video games, discovering now-classic movies for the first time, realizing that there's scant medical evidence to support cooties and deciding to chase girls.

Man. I miss being a kid. I couldn't possibly describe all the things that made my childhood great in the space of a single text window, I'd need several chapters of a book.

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I grew up in a very rural farming community. No comic shops, no game stores, and no arcade aside from a Paperboy at the Drive In. For me, the best part of childhood was not worrying about anything and being able to grab the tackle box and pole and go fishing almost whenever I wanted. We just biked out to the river and fished from the train bridge.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/24/2016 at 9:00 PM, nutznboltz2003 said:

I grew up in a very rural farming community. No comic shops, no game stores, and no arcade aside from a Paperboy at the Drive In. For me, the best part of childhood was not worrying about anything and being able to grab the tackle box and pole and go fishing almost whenever I wanted. We just biked out to the river and fished from the train bridge.

I know what you mean. I lived in the middle of nowhere too. More like in the middle of the middle of nowhere. We had an arcade for about a week or two before it shut down due to drug sales and everything. Everything was better as a kid, really. It's not so much that it was because I was a kid but things were just better back then. People didn't sue other people every other day there weren't mass shootings every day. Hell, cartoons these days are terrible. With the likes of Uncle Grandpa and Stephen Universe and everything those shows don't compare to shows like Rocko's Modern Life. A show like that would never be allowed on TV these days, everyones so protective of their kids now and don't let them watch or play anything that might "warp" their minds. Even candy these days sucks, A king size candybar now is like a regular one from when I was a kid. Not even when I was a kid, maybe a year or two ago. The 90's was the best. The music, the movies, the new technologies coming along I think it was crazy for everyone. Going from NES games to Dreamcast games in 10 years. Small cell phones you could take with you anywhere, VHS changing to DVDs. I really don't think kids these days are gonna have any milestones. They're not gonna boot up their XBox 7s and think back, "damn remember X-Box 6?" Nothing really notable is happening these days.

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  • 1 month later...

being a kids with no worries about the world, nothing at all. Just the thought of having new games to play with your family and friends. The mall arcades, wow.

Where i'm from arcades used to be illegal for minors to go to, this was back in the 80's and early 90's before the started opening those family arcade type. Arcade used to be kinda seedy place where people will play snooker/pool and drinks beer. We kids used to hang out at the corner where the put all the arcade games and the adults will leave us a lone even when we are not supposed to be there. There was some close call with the cops or some gangs but it was all parts of the experience i guess.

We kids did a lot of stupid thing when we were young.

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  • 3 months later...

The best thing about being a kid was being able to immense myself carefree with all the Toys, Cartoons, Shows, Movies, Comics, Magazines and Videogames!

There are too many moments that stick out. It's just a fuzzy nostalgic feeling altogether. I'm still young at heart!

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In an ironic twist, the best part of my childhood was the lack of the internet.

I won't go on that rant, but things definitely felt more special back then. Late 80's, through the 90's would consider my childhood, for reference.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Going to arcade's and playing street fighter 2, mortal Kombat 1-3 and ultimate, terminator 2, area 51, gauntlet, rampage, teenage mutant ninja turtles, the Simpsons etc. Also loved watching Saturday morning cartoons while eating cereal at my grandmas house and playing with toys battle beasts transformers m.u.s.c.l.e.s, gi Joe's etc. I miss those days so i try and collect as much as i can from magazines to toys Videogames old snacks etc.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have so many great memories being a kid, but I'll give you the highlights, in no particular order:

  • Weekend movie/video game rentals. I loved visiting those places with my family and friends.
  • Getting the newest issue of a gaming magazine, whether it was off the rack, or through the mail.
  • Finally getting my own TV for my bedroom, to play video games without having to wait for a sporting event or TV show to end.
  • Popping in a new game for the first time, either at my place, cousins, or friends.
  • Forts!


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