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Nintendo Magazine System (UK) - a complete(ish) digital set in circulation?


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I'm working on a research project and am rather urgently trying to find digital issues of Nintendo Magazine System (UK). Ideally need the entire run (upto #53 when the name changed).

From searching around online I've seen several old discussions on various forums which seem to suggest a complete or near-complete set of this magazine may be floating around in internet-land. Can anyone confirm this?

Obviously retromags doesn't have these available currently, but I was wondering if any gaming mag collectors here could point me in the direction of somewhere else online that might have a decent bulk of issues? All I can find is issues 1-12 on outofprintarchive.com and a few more random issues on oldgamemags.com, but I get the impression there may be invitation-only type places where more comprehensive coverage could be found. Would really appreciate assistance, thanks guys.

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Yeh luckily I grabbed the OGM ones yesterday, as they've now added password protection today

Take this as an example of my suspicions that a complete set may be about - if you look here at this old discussion of digital retro gaming magazines:


A user named "Mr. Pickle" stated in 2013 that he has a complete scanned set of Nintendo Magazine System. Can anyone help me find this set?

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