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Retromags Database Fields Explained


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In this thread, I am going to explain the fields in our various databases and what they are for and who can edit them.

Magazine Database

Fields Editable By All Registered Members

Cover Image - This field allows users to use the 4 digit number of any cover in our Gallery and have it display.

Editor - This field allows users to change the Editor of any given magazine record

Pages - This field allows users to provide a numerical value of how many pages were in a given magazine.

Price - This field allows users to provide text of the cover price of a magazine. Allows for decimal and dollar/pound signs

Summary of Contents - This field allows users to jot down what was covered in a given magazine.

Download Option 1 - Allows the user to provide an offsite download source such as FileFactory, Mega, 4Shared, etc.

Download Option 2 - Allows the user to provide an offsite download source such as FileFactory, Mega, 4Shared, etc.

Download Option 3 - Allows the user to provide an offsite download source such as FileFactory, Mega, 4Shared, etc.

Page Credits - Allows a user to add their name as a contributor to that record in the database. (Looking for a way to do this automatically)

Fields Editable By Team Members

In addition to the fields above

Publisher - This field allows users to change the Publisher of any given magazine record

Scanned by - Allows users to give credit to who scanned this magazine

Edited by - Allows users to give credit to who edited the scans of this magazine

Uploaded by - Allows users to give credit to who uploaded this magazine to the Download Manager.

Status - Allows users to change the status of this magazine. This status shows up under the magazine cover image when you browse the magazines. This is one of THREE required fields for the Retromags Collection tool to work. A magazine record must be set to PRESERVED, have an MD5 Value Present and have an Allowed Status of 1 (meaning True).

Status Notes - Allows users to jot down any notes about this scan. Does not show up anywhere on the magazine record, just when you are editing the record.

Fields Editable By Administrators

In addition to all the fields above

Category - This field allows admins to move a record from one category to another.

Magazine Title - This field controls the name of the magazine record

Issue # - This numeric field contains the issue number, so that records can be sorted correctly

Month - This field contains the month of the magazine record

Year - This field contains the year of the magazine record

Official Download - This field contains the URL of the download record in our download manager

Alternate Issue Number - This field will contain any alternate numbering schemes for magazine records, such as Volume 1, Issue 3 (not in use yet)

Publication Link - This field is what links the magazine record to the publication database record. This shows up as a the Home link under the cover

Subscribe Link - This field is used if a magazine is still able to be subscribed to. Will contain a URL to the publishers subscription page (not in use yet)

Country - This field contains the country of the magazine (ex. USA)

Language - This field contains the language of the magazine (ex. English)

Previous Issue - This field contains the URL of the previous magazine record. If nothing is before, it will link to the Publication record.

Next Issue - This field contains the URL of the next magazine record. If nothing is after, it will link to the Publication record.

Short URL - This field contains a short link to this record. (ex. http://rtmgs.co/np-1 will link to the record Nintendo Power Issue 1)

EBay Link - This field will link to Ebay for that specific magazine issue.

Amazon Link - This field will link to Amazon for that specific magazine issue

Newsgroup Link - This field will link to a small .NZB file which will allow you to download this issue via Newsgroups

Allowed - This field decides if the download links will show on any given record

RealURL - This field is the URL of the current record, the Comments section works off of this link.

Active - This field is set to 0 if the magazine is defunct and to 1 if the magazine is still being published. This helps me mass edit the Allowed field with an SQL query.

MD5 Checksum - This field contains the MD5 Checksum for a given magazine file. This is required to be filled in for the Retromags Collection Tool to rename and organize our files.

Official File Name - This field contains the official file name for this record if it were to be preserved. (ex. nintendo_power_001_-_1988_jul_aug)

Official Folder Name - This field contains the official folder name of where the file would be sorted into (ex. nintendo_power)

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