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kitsunebi's talking to himself again


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  On 5/23/2020 at 1:34 PM, kitsunebi said:

It defeats the whole point of archive if you have to download the files to look at them.  The only positive thing that trashfire of a website has going for it is the ability to view files in-browser (unless the uploader gets lazy, like in these two links).


Not ideal, but at least it ensures they are backed up somewhere that is not some random site that uses external file uploading. Never know when those will simply die out or the download links go dead. Someone else should take them and upload them so they can b easily previewed though.


Hey everybody - rather than waste time downloading random artbooks you'll flip through in 30 seconds and forget,


 Oh if it's something I'm interested in I read them through to the end looking for useful information. If there's anything like an interview or interesting section I have it sent for a proper translation. I'm mostly interested in the scholarship angle.

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Good lord.  I recently made fun of a Famicom mag for putting Dragon Quest on its cover 19 issues in a row.  But as I add Famitsu Xbox to our database, I just noticed that it has Dead or Alive somewhere on its cover a total of 43 out of its 44 issues.  God knows why that one solitary issue didn't mention DoA on the cover.  Probably a mistake, I suppose.  I bet someone lost their job for that oversight...😆

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  On 5/23/2020 at 7:14 PM, JonnyCGood said:

 Oh if it's something I'm interested in I read them through to the end looking for useful information. If there's anything like an interview or interesting section I have it sent for a proper translation. I'm mostly interested in the scholarship angle.


You should check this mag out. I've been reading a bit of it every now and then, pretty interesting so far. I'm considering buying more issues to scan (if it's not a pain in the ass to find them).

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  On 5/29/2020 at 5:51 PM, Habanero said:

You should check this mag out. I've been reading a bit of it every now and then, pretty interesting so far. I'm considering buying more issues to scan (if it's not a pain in the ass to find them).


I realize I scan Japanese mags since that's what I have easy access to, but for the record, I have no interest in Japanese games, or Japanese gaming mags.  Also not much interest in video games/video game mags in general.

I recently said the same thing over at Oldgamemags, but literally the only gaming mags that are of any interest to me are the first 90 issues or so of PC Gamer USA (when it was published by Imagine, before they were bought by Future and the quality dropped) as well as its predecessors run by the same staff/writers - Game Player's PC Entertainment, Game Player's Strategy Guide to PC Games, and Game Player's MS-DOS Strategy Guide.

Find me issues of any of those and I'll get excited.  Otherwise it's just one more mag I have no interest in other than adding to the DB.😋

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No worries, everyone has their interests. Personally I can't stand most Western mags, even as far back as the early 90's. They're always trying to sell you shit. If you're lucky you'll get a dev interview and some beta screenshots. Hence me reading JP gaming mags lately. I might see about getting a few interviews translated.

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I agree, most western mags are trash as well (well, the video game ones, anyway.)  Hence the extremely small selection of mags I listed which I don't mind reading, all of which were made by the same group of writers and editors, and none of which cover video games.

I'm not sure I'd fault mags for trying to sell me stuff and then praise developer interviews all in the same argument, though.😋 What is any sane developer gonna do but hype their own games?

Retrospective reviews/interviews can be interesting, since at that point the game has been released and its merits laid bare to the world.  But I'm not very interested in anything written or spoken about games still in development since most of it is either speculation or hype.  I understand that some people like to pore over that stuff years later looking for clues to things that might have been in development but changed before the game was released, but "what might have been" has never held much fascination for me, unless there's a chance that it will some day come to light.  (Hello, Snyder cut!😆)

I feel the same way about film documentaries.  Something documenting the production of a film, created during the filming, will bore me to tears - I see no value in listening to yet another storyboard artist/set designer/cg artist/composer/director/whoever tell me how they do their job while discussing a film that none of them have even seen yet.  But a new documentary made about a film from decades ago can be fascinating, since they focus much less on the nuts and bolts of how the film was made and spend more time on talking about what made that film so special that people are still interested in it decades later.

EDITed to add: That reminds me, anyone who has any fondness for DS9 has GOT to watch "What We Left Behind." Great doc.

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  On 5/29/2020 at 11:09 PM, kitsunebi said:

I agree, most western mags are trash as well (well, the video game ones, anyway.)  Hence the extremely small selection of mags I listed which I don't mind reading, all of which were made by the same group of writers and editors, and none of which cover video games.


This has been brought before but the amount of ads and sparse content like actual guides which covered very little for games in USA magazines was its biggest con.

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  On 5/29/2020 at 11:18 PM, ml0045 said:

This has been brought before but the amount of ads and sparse content like actual guides which covered very little for games in USA magazines was its biggest con.


Yeah, the USA magazine (RIP) was a casualty of the USA's geography.  The logistics of shipping magazines across an area that wide makes if astronomically more expensive than in a country the size of Japan.

If over 1/3 of the population of the USA lived in California, that's Japan in a nutshell.  Sure California is still big (as states go), but if it had 126 million people living there, that's a very densely populated location.  Mags wouldn't have to be shipped nearly so far, nor to anywhere near the number of different locations as if they were serving the entire continental USA.  So the publishers can afford to publish their mags without as much dependence on ad revenue.

Also, unlike American mags, Japanese magazine publishers are the same publishers making all the strategy guides, and most times, the games as well.  So a mag like Famitsu, published by ASCII, and later Kadokawa (which publishes almost all Japanese game mags still in print today, and has its own games division as well), is full of all kinds of cross promotion.  They can write about the games that their own company publishes, and also print multi-part strategy guides in their issues for those games, which they can then collect in book form and publish as separate strategy guides as well.  So you've got games, magazines, and guides all made by the same publisher - it makes keeping your mag in print way more feasible, even without the previously mentioned advantage of Japan's geographical advantage.

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American magazines also ship across Canada as well, which is larger in size, though not in distance to reach everywhere since Hawaii and Alaska are quite far away. I'm not sure, but I think some of the US magazines get the ones for Canada printed here and then distributed. My copies of Maximum PC seem to get mailed to me from London, Ontario rather than from the US. I'm not sure how long that magazine will be around though. The last circulation numbers for 2019 were at about 25,000 issues. That's fine for somewhere like the UK, but for the entirety of North America it's nothing.

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  On 6/2/2020 at 6:13 PM, JonnyCGood said:


I uploaded Wizardry Gaiden 2 guidebook. Now did you have this book and were planning on uploading it or maybe uploaded it before and I missed? Asking because I don't want duplications.


Not sure if I had it or not (I never looked at any of those guides until I uploaded them, at which point I deleted them), but I'm positive I never uploaded it -  I can't stand scans where facing pages are saved as a single jpg.

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  On 6/2/2020 at 9:21 PM, kitsunebi said:

Not sure if I had it or not (I never looked at any of those guides until I uploaded them, at which point I deleted them), but I'm positive I never uploaded it -  I can't stand scans where facing pages are saved as a single jpg.


Okay, just going through my files and making sure I'm not double uploading. Also uploaded Xanadu Databook vol. 2


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  On 6/4/2020 at 10:28 PM, 2nasty said:

oops it a accident i cant figure out how to take it off haha sorry about ur rep


It's a stupid button that I would remove if I could.  I think it's meant to be used for punishing trolls for making hurtful/racist comments and the like...which should really be the jobs of moderators.  But it sometimes gets used as a "dislike" button, which in other forums is often used by someone AGREEING with you about disliking something. Here, though, it permanently subtracts one point of rep from the original poster, so it's kind of more like a "I dislike YOU" button.

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  On 2/14/2020 at 11:47 PM, kitsunebi said:

I've shared this with some people before but hadn't uploaded it to the Internet Wasteyard before, so here it is.  This is a special edition of Comptiq from January 1987 which exclusively covers adult games.  This would go on to be a popular mini-section of each issue for years to come (the section's pages were sealed together and had to be cut with scissors in order to be read, so that bookstore browsers had to actually buy the mag to get to the good stuff.😆)

Personally, I find something charming and almost innocent about the primitive graphics on display here, despite the content.



I have a better quality version of this book at higher resolution. Maybe it's an upscale though? If you think it's a better quality you can upload it to replace your version.



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  • 6 months later...

Kitsunebi has gone back to uploading these Japanese books. I actually have all these books on my HDD but got lazy in uploading them myself. And they seem to be sourced to Chinese scanning forums such as Endless Fight. A user from that forum has started an archive account to post their scans to archive directly.

There's probably some middle-man too. We have no idea whether these scans are being posted with permission by the way.


Edited by JonnyCGood
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