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kitsunebi's talking to himself again


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  On 9/16/2019 at 12:56 AM, JonnyCGood said:

If it's a Mega-CD game, then it's either the game proper or some kind of demo disc. If it's the game, then other people have likely stored a copy of it. However, if it's a unique demo disc then it should be preserved.


I loaded it into an emulator and...I'm not sure.  It's either a demo or the whole game.  It starts at the beginning of the game (using terrible-quality footage from the 2nd OVA episode), where you kill a goblin and then are allowed to wander around the opening town, but I didn't feel like playing it long enough to find out if it was only a demo or not (not a fan of JRPGs, really).

At any rate, whether it's the whole game or only part of it, I didn't see anything that would be exclusive to this disc, like behind the scenes vids or whatnot, so I think I'm safe not bothering to upload it.


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OK, here's a guide to Illbleed, a survival horror game for the Dreamcast.  But that's not important.  What's important is what's at the ass end of the book.  Was this cut from the Western release?  Probably. 

I removed the text from her ass. 


Is this game ass?  Dunno, never played it. 

I know what IS ass, though. 



Also, this:



And if anyone actually cares, here's a strategy guide:



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  On 9/16/2019 at 1:54 AM, kitsunebi77 said:

I loaded it into an emulator and...I'm not sure.  It's either a demo or the whole game.  It starts at the beginning of the game (using terrible-quality footage from the 2nd OVA episode), where you kill a goblin and then are allowed to wander around the opening town, but I didn't feel like playing it long enough to find out if it was only a demo or not (not a fan of JRPGs, really).

At any rate, whether it's the whole game or only part of it, I didn't see anything that would be exclusive to this disc, like behind the scenes vids or whatnot, so I think I'm safe not bothering to upload it.



I'd still be interested in a rip of the cd and the scan of the demo cover itself if you still have it. 

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  On 9/16/2019 at 12:50 PM, ml0045 said:

Ah, I stopped right before the end of the scan to ask (the page where the disc was missing) so I didn't see it. Anyway, thanks.


The copy of the game available at the Internet Archive here is 307MB:


I remember the disc included with the book being around 150MB, IIRC.  So it must have been a demo (it wouldn't make sense to include the full game with the book, anyway.)  But there was no indication that it was a demo - the disc booted to what looked like the start menu for the regular game.  I guess this was before people figured out how to use demo discs as flashy marketing tools, so they just basically presented the game exactly as is (though presumably only up to a certain point.)

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Here are 2 Suikoden II guides.  These were already available at the IA, but I'm adding them again, and I'll tell you why.  To Americans, this series is known as Suikoden.  In Japan, it's known as Gensou Suikoden.  No problem, right?  A search for "Suikoden" will bring it up either way, right?

Except that the guy who uploaded them named one of them "Gensosuikoden," and mispelled the other as "Gensosuikden," neither of which will come up in a search for "Suikoden." I won't embarrass this individual by calling them out by name, since they are a member here - but they're the same person who has uploaded lots of stuff downloaded from Retromags (including my own scans) to the IA without asking.  And once nearly got us into bad legal trouble. So $@#% em.

I've named them correctly, and hopefully more people will be able to find them.  I also fixed the second guide so that the pages in the preview will display correctly (something else they had wrong).





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  On 9/16/2019 at 7:54 PM, Habanero said:

I saw this exact scan uploaded elsewhere a week ago. Did you upload this elsewhere first? Just wondering. Also, Illbleed is a great little game. It could do with a remaster.


None of these are original scans. Where these scans come from in fact is a bit of a mystery. They've been floating around various sites for some time, and we're just adding them to archive.org for the first time.

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  On 9/16/2019 at 8:28 PM, Habanero said:

I was wondering about that, the first post is kitsune talking about his scans that don't belong on Retro, so I wasn't sure how much of the Archive uploads were his own scans.


I don't upload any of my own scans to the IA - I have more class than that! 😉  All of my scans are located exclusively here (except for a few that some jackhole has also uploaded to IA without my permission).

The IA is and will always be a vast disorganized wasteland of randomness - strictly dumping grounds.  Nothing I've ever uploaded there is my own scan (and thus does not belong on Retromags).  They also rarely meet Retromags' editing standards.  Which is why they go up at the Internet archive.  Very little at the IA is original content, and very little of it is of high quality.  Unlike an organized, curated website run by people actually producing content (such as Retromags) where content must be approved before being uploaded, the Internet Archive allows literally anyone and everyone to upload whatever they like.  As I said, it's a dump.

If you're looking for my original scans, those are here:


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This is the second guide to Emerald Dragon I've uploaded (the other was months ago).  This guide was released in 1990, so it covers the computer versions of the game (most likely the PC-98 version), as opposed to the 1994 PC Engine CD version or the 1995 Super Famicom version.  I'm not sure if the console versions are ports (in which case the maps and whatnot would still be useful) or if they're completely different games...



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This Dragon Slayer: Legend of Heroes II guide is new to archive, and this Puyo Puyo guide isn't (but this one is better edited than the one already there):




But what I REALLY want to talk about is how after waiting 3 hours for these things to derive, not one, but BOTH of them chose the actual cover as the first page of the flip book!  For the first time in...pretty much ever, I didn't have to go in and edit the contents xml file to select page one as the cover as opposed to page 17 as archive prefers.  After a miracle like this, I'm afraid all the magic in the world may have been used up and an extinction-level catastrophe is likely to occur tomorrow, so you'd best grab these now if you're interested.

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I thought I had already uploaded all of the Gundam guides, but just like how it is in Japan in real life, you can never truly escape the presence of Gundam.

Turn a corner...GUNDAM!

Look over your shoulder...GUNDAM!

Open the medicine cabinet...GUNDAM!

Close the medicine cabinet, omigodinthemirrorbehindyou...GUNDAM!!!!




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These guides for Wizardry VII are obviously companions to one another with a combined 500 pages of tips&tricks and secret codes!  Just kidding, this is an RPG.  Lots of cold hard data and maps, then.  The one on the left is the "guide" volume and the one on the right is the "data" volume.





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  On 9/22/2019 at 12:44 AM, Ethereal Dragonz said:


What is this sexy rat-peacock thing? 


Unless I'm mistaken, that's a Sphinx (well, there's mention of a Sphinx on the page of the book that picture is on.  Doesn't much resemble a traditional Sphinx, though).

Or as it's called in the game, a Myxlmynx.


Actually, Wizardry 7 is toned down a bit from Wiz6, where half of the female foes were topless.

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Here's another pair of Wizardry 7 guides, this time from Login.  Because why would you want all of your strategy guide in one book when you could pay twice as much for two?




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  On 9/23/2019 at 2:20 AM, ml0045 said:

I always wondered why I never saw many Wizardry guides online. It's probably because you had most of them. 😉 (Thanks, though I never played Wizardry).


LOL, yeah, looking at my archive page, I've uploaded 35 different Wizardry guides so far, and I think I've still got one or two more to go...

Wizardry holds the distinction of being one of the only Western gaming properties held in high regard in Japan.  Along with...I don't know, more recent stuff like Minecraft and Fortnite, I suppose.  Certainly the original is one of the most important and influential games ever, pretty much defining the RPG genre in both the West and in Japan.  But 1981 was a long time ago, and there haven't been any Wizardry games developed outside of Japan in nearly 20 years, so it's not uncommon for even diehard RPG fans to have never played a Wizardry game.  I'd never played one until recently, when I finished the first three games (well, the Super Famicom remakes, anyway).  I've dabbled with the 6th game on PC as well, but I just don't have time to play games anymore, let alone super-time-consuming ones like RPGs.

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  On 9/23/2019 at 2:40 AM, kitsunebi77 said:

Wizardry games developed outside of Japan in nearly 20 years, so it's not uncommon for even diehard RPG fans to have never played a Wizardry game.  I'd never played one until recently, when I finished the first three games (well, the Super Famicom remakes, anyway).  I've dabbled with the 6th game on PC as well, but I just don't have time to play games anymore, let alone super-time-consuming ones like RPGs.


I guess you can count me as a RPG fan who never played them. I obviously knew about them and their influence but just never played it. Perhaps it was the dungeon crawl aspect. I don't know. Doesn't mean I won't play them. Anyway, thanks for the guides again.

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