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Areala Asks: What's The Longest You've Spent Playing One Game? (20160222)


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Welcome to the second installment of "Areala Asks", where I ask all you lovely forum denizens a question, and you placate me with answers.

This week's question is, "What is the longest you've spent playing one game?" Now this may sound impossible to answer because we've basically all been playing Skyrim since 2011, but that's not what I'm asking. I want to know how long you planted your ass on the floor, or the sofa, or a beanbag chair, or on your friend's shoulders, or in your own bed, or wherever else you were, and played one game in one sitting. This isn't "it took me three weeks to beat Fallout: New Vegas", this is, "I once went 48 hours without bathing or eating because I only had the SNES rental for two days, and I was determined to get my money's worth!" :)

We all get a little obsessed with our favorite hobby. When was the time you got the most obsessed with the game you just could not stop playing?

The topic's open now, and will close on the first of March, giving you one whole week (and a couple extra hours) to earn some forum credits, up your post count, and amuse me. So go to it, you wacky addicts. :)


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I usually like games in short burst, which is why I mostly play arcade games, but I do remember renting Zelda II: The Adventures of Link way back in '89 on a Friday and playing it till late on a Sunday with short breaks in between for food and a little sleep. I don't think I have done that with a game since. I would never be able to get my moneys worth out of a game like World of Warcraft.

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14 hours of Escape Velocity in 1996. I'd come home from school at 3:30 pm and play until 5:30, get two hours of sleep, wake up, go the school, then the do the same thing again. :)

I suppose it's possible I broke that record recently with Elite Dangerous without noticing, but I sincerely doubt it, since I don't let anything get in the way of sleep these days and Elite Dangerous can get really boring.

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  On 2/22/2016 at 11:50 PM, E-Day said:

I don't know about any one play session, but I sunk 93 hours into Final Fantasy VIII

Yeah, but 45 of those hours were spent doing nothing but using the 'Draw' system to pull magic out of enemies to enhance your stats, so I don't know if that should count... ;)



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My personal record, I believe, is on The Sims. When I got that game, I basically played non-stop for close to two days. I took breaks to use the bathroom, to phone in a pizza order, and to pay the pizza guy when he showed up to the apartment. I remember my wife (who was my roommate at that time) telling me goodbye as she left for work, saying hello to me when she came home nine hours later, telling me goodnight before she went to bed, then remarking how absurd it was that I was still on the computer when she got up the next morning to have breakfast. I was smart enough to save and quit before she got back from work, because otherwise I think there'd have been some angry words said... :)


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14 straight hours playing Spider-Man 2. We're talking 14 hours without stopping to eat, use the bathroom, take a phone call, anything. What can I say? I was completely enveloped by the urge to swing around a virtual New York city sandbox, hurl ragdoll thugs from the roofs of 20-story buildings, and piledrive them headfirst onto the concrete below from the top of the Empire State Building. Jesus, Spidey has to be stopped!!!

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My junior year of college, I lived in an apartment style housing with 3 other guys. One of them was a senior who only needed 2 classes to graduate. They were Tuesday/Thursday classes. To meet his 12 hour minimum to qualify for full time status, he did a 6 hour internship on Wednesdays. He wasn't a huge gamer, but since he had the time, he asked for something that would take up some of this 4 solid days of free time. We gave him Final Fantasy 7. Thursday night, he sat down to start playing. He was still playing when I left for classes Friday. He was still there when I returned. Saturday when I woke up, the game was paused and his car was gone. He arrived a few minutes later with a couple cases of Dew and chips and little debbie snacks. That is where he stayed until Monday night when he stopped to shower and do homework. That became his routine that semester for him. He'd game from Thursday night until Monday around supper time. I don't know how many games he went through, but as a college student, I was completely in awe of him.

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man, back in junior high/high school. one of my friends had a camper parked outside his house. it had power to it and all that jazz. we used to get out of school on Friday and play N64 until early the next morning, pass out for a few hours, and hit it again all day Saturday, and repeat for Sunday. It wouldn't be one continuous game, as somebody would always rage quit and we'd change games. the ones that got the most play were Goldeneye, WCW/nWo Revenge, Mario Kart, Smash Brothers, and NBA Hangtime.

but for a more specific answer, i used to have what i called "Diablo Tuesdays". i'd get off work around 3pm, come home, shower, and begin drinking (Captain Morgan + Dr. Pepper) and boot up Diablo II. i would play until i could no longer function. there were numerous times i had trouble making it up the steps to my bedroom and had to crash on the couch instead. A Couple of times i made it a goal of playing a 12 hour session. Not the easiest of tasks when you're equally as committed to drinking as to gaming.

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