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New Release: Famitsu Issue 0455 (September 5 1997)


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I always wanted to learn Japanese, you would think after 10+ years of watching Bleach that I would know more than 5 words.

Learning to speak it is a hell of a lot easier than learning how to write/read it, I can tell you that... :)

Although "Me, Myself, and Irene" did a much better joke about it than I could come up with:



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This issue is pretty amazing.mive never really browsed a Famitsu before. Obviously at this point in time the Saturn was still winning in Japan. Lots of Saturn coverage. Man the review style really is just like EGM. Lots of odd stuff I noticed on the issue. Like the guy with the Fuck Me shirt on I think page 172. And ads for a mask to make your face thinner. Love the ads for the games in this. Even though I can't read Japanese , this is pretty fantastic.

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It isn't surprising that the review system is similar to EGM - EGM basically used Famitsu as the template for their magazine!

I love the fact that Famitsu is getting scanned. It is amazing they were able to pump out 200+ page issues, brimming with content, every week.

Also, I think that Famitsu is a great tool if you want to learn Japanese, since a lot of the text has furigana over it. The scans are really great quality, and it is easy to read them.

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