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Game advice for a 10 year old


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My 10 year old son and I have completely different taste in games. I loved RPGs at his age, like Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy and Zelda. He does not enjoy them at all. He loves games like Wave Race, which he plays on the game cube.

I want to expand his collection of games, but honestly, I don't even know where to begin. I'm not a racing fan outside of Mario Kart, but as he's told me "it's not the same, dad".

So, can anyone recommend or suggest some potential games he might enjoy? We have the following systems.


GB Advance

Nintendo DS

Nintendo 3DS






Wii U


Thank you in advance!

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Hey Nutznboltz!

I don't have children, but I have some ideas for some games that might appeal to your son:

1 - Katamari Damacy (PS2) - You roll a ball called a Katamari around a stage, trying to gather up as many things as possible on your Katamari to make it a certain size before time runs out. You start out only being able to collect and roll over small objects like buttons, marbles, and so forth, but as your ball grows in size, you can pick up increasingly larger objects. By the time you can pick up cows with your Katamari, you'll be laughing your head off at how absurd it is. There's a sequel called We <3 Katamari too, so if you beat the first one, more collecting awaits.

2 - Test Drive: Eve of Destruction (PS2) - This is a driving game, but it's based around a demolition derby theme. You drive all kinds of different junker cars and use them at a bunch of different events (hence the 'Eve' in the title). Some are races, some are last-man-standing, most are combinations of the two, and the fun is in the sheer variety of events, the dynamic 'crash' cam which performs a nice Matrix-style 360-spin every time there's a major impact, and the strategy of trying to pick the right cars for the right events. I don't care for racing games, but I can play this one for HOURS.

3 - Burnout 3 (PS2) - This is like Eve of Destruction, only instead of driving junkers, you're driving souped-up speed machines through city streets and get more points for creating larger and more ridiculous traffic accidents. Absolutely not for people who can't distinguish reality from fantasy, but the crash cams and realistic damage give it a really nice look.

4 - Mario Party 1 - 7 (N64/GCN) - Any of these are ridiculously fun multi-player experiences, but probably best for those without anger control issues. You WILL wind up screwing one another over repeatedly in the different mini-games, and as long as you can both laugh it up, you'll have tons of fun. Word of caution though, these titles are frigging EXPENSIVE so expect to drop some dough if you want one.

5 - River City Ransom (NES) or River City Ransom Advance (GBA) - Part fighting game, part RPG. You can play two-player simultaneous on the NES, or link up systems on the GBA version. Fight the street gangs which have taken over your town, beat them up, take their money, and use it to buy stuff at the mall to make you stronger, faster, or unlock new special moves. This is one of my favorite NES games of all time along with...

6 - Super Dodge Ball (NES) - Imagine dodge ball as an Olympic sport, where you match wits with teams from around the world, all of whom have different stats and special throws. It has two different two-player modes, one which is a versus match where each player picks a team and battles it out, and the other which is 'Bean Ball', where all six players on the US team take over a local playground and fight it out with no rules and no referees until there's only one man standing.

7 - Tetris Attack (SNES) - This is a puzzle game kind of like Dr. Mario or Yoshi's Cookie, that lets you play two player competitive play or single-player if you prefer. Tons of different modes and difficulty settings, so you can customize it however you want. :)


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  On 2/24/2016 at 6:31 PM, nutznboltz2003 said:

I remember Dodgeball and River City Ransom! Those are great suggestions!

I'll look into Katamari more as that sounds oddly strange and crazy and right up the alley of a 10 year old. Thank you Areala for those suggestions.

My pleasure!

If I think of any others, I'll add to the suggestion list. :)



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  On 2/24/2016 at 7:22 PM, marktrade said:

When I was 10, I was absolutely enthralled by fighting games. So for that PS2 I'd recommend Tekken 5, Soul Calibur 3, Virtua Fighter 4, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, or Neo Geo Battle Colosseum.

I had not thought about fighting games. He does enjoy Smash Bros. so that could be a good option. I'll check those out, thank you!

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  On 2/24/2016 at 3:38 PM, nutznboltz2003 said:

I don't see him enjoying the Mega Man games sadly, but Animal Crossing is not one I had thought of! Is there a "best of" to start him off on, or could I just get him any version?

My understanding is that the 3DS version (or at least one of them, I can't remember if there are more) is the highest-rated and most immersive overall. I believe it's called Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

Of course the Gamecube original is lots of fun and probably incredibly cheap at this point. I think a 10 year-old would dig it. Hell, if I, a 28 year-old man (at the time) could get into it enough to have arguments with his girlfriend about cutting down each others' trees and stealing the town's best furniture then I would think that just about anyone can get into it. :)

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  On 2/25/2016 at 2:39 PM, miketheratguy said:

My understanding is that the 3DS version (or at least one of them, I can't remember if there are more) is the highest-rated and most immersive overall. I believe it's called Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

Of course the Gamecube original is lots of fun and probably incredibly cheap at this point. I think a 10 year-old would dig it. Hell, if I, a 28 year-old man (at the time) could get into it enough to have arguments with his girlfriend about cutting down each others' trees and stealing the town's best furniture then I would think that just about anyone can get into it. :)

I wanted to say thank you. He had some e-shop money from Christmas saved and I mentioned New Leaf. He checked it out and ended up getting it. So far, he's really liking it. I think I'll hit the local game shops and see if I can't find the GCN version as well.

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  On 2/29/2016 at 4:27 PM, nutznboltz2003 said:

I wanted to say thank you. He had some e-shop money from Christmas saved and I mentioned New Leaf. He checked it out and ended up getting it. So far, he's really liking it. I think I'll hit the local game shops and see if I can't find the GCN version as well.

No problem! Glad that he likes it, hopefully he'll stick with it. They're pretty immersive games.

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New Leaf is great. The Gamecube version is my favorite personally. It's got a lot of the old NRS games on it that Nintendo charges $5 a piece for these days. Scribblenauts it's a pretty good game for a 10 year old too. It let's you try to figure out puzzle type stuff by typing in anything you want. Even making zombie tacos and whatnot

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/2/2016 at 12:29 AM, urko948 said:

New Leaf is great. The Gamecube version is my favorite personally. It's got a lot of the old NRS games on it that Nintendo charges $5 a piece for these days. Scribblenauts it's a pretty good game for a 10 year old too. It let's you try to figure out puzzle type stuff by typing in anything you want. Even making zombie tacos and whatnot

Scribblenauts? I had to look into that one, and that looks pretty freaking cool! Thank you for the idea!

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  On 3/10/2016 at 4:05 PM, nutznboltz2003 said:

Scribblenauts? I had to look into that one, and that looks pretty freaking cool! Thank you for the idea!

Glad I could help. It is pretty cool. My nephews play it all the time and they love it. It's on the wii u 3ds and android. It may be in iTunes as well not sure though
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  • 4 months later...

If he's into racing, I'd probably go for the Sega side of it. Maybe some Cruis'n USA/World. Take him out to an arcade, I'm sure he'd have fun with a lot of those games. I watch a Youtube Channel called John's Arcade and another called Arcade Impossible, apparently you can link the arcades up over the net, and race with others if you can't afford more than one cabinet. :) You could always run a MAME emulator on your PC, if not, find an Xbox, they're super cheap now.

I'm a huge RPG fan like you are and not really into racing games outside of Mario Kart (though the Burnout series is sort of fun). I feel your disappointment. :P

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My 10 year old son and I have completely different taste in games.  I loved RPGs at his age, like Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy and Zelda.  He does not enjoy them at all.  He loves games like Wave Race, which he plays on the game cube.


I want to expand his collection of games, but honestly, I don't even know where to begin.  I'm not a racing fan outside of Mario Kart, but as he's told me "it's not the same, dad".


So, can anyone recommend or suggest some potential games he might enjoy?  We have the following systems.



GB Advance

Nintendo DS

Nintendo 3DS






Wii U



Thank you in advance!

Gameboy Advance
- Buy Advance Wars
-Advance Wars 2
-Mega Man Battle Network

Look up top 10 Gameboy advance because this handheld had 1000 variables.

Nintendo DS
- Get an R4 card
- Advance Wars Days of Ruin
- Advance Wars Dual Strike
- Mechanic Master
- New Super Mario Brothers
- If your trying to steer him to RPG start with an Action RPG Mario & Luigi Partners in time.  
It's based off the Super Nintendo game Mario RPG.
I personally find more enjoyment in Advance Wars because it's easy to jump into and save as well as simply being an awesome strategy action game and fun for any age.

- Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney was a sleeper hit.
Picture being Matlock and you get thrown into a case after investigating thoroughly at the crime scene and speaking to witnesses.  This is the easy part because once the judge begins hearing, the best part of the game begins.  You need to remember what you investigated and use that against the prosecution.  There is a background music that you barely notice while the prosecutor is trying to convict your client you are presented with opportunities to object.  When you retaliate or Object, the tempo noticeably changes and you have choices as to why you object.  Choose correctly and you are rewarded with a change in momentum of the trial as well as leading to the final judgement in your favor.  Choose wrong and you will feel like you just pissed your pants in front of the prosecutor.
-Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice for All.  
This is more of what you love.
- Finally there is some Zelda games, Mario Kart
and Pokemon games but this is standard affair
and I don't know what the boy might like.

I hate recommending old systems to young people
because they usually prefer the recent
advancements of graphics or at least a perfectly
designed 8 /16 bit.

So how about...
- Excite bike.  You can also get this on wiiware
- Rad Racer.  Not on Wii ware :)
- Original Zelda's.  Maybe for Dad?
- Tetris on NES is a classic.
- Any one of the Megaman games
-  Super Mario Brothers 3, 2, and original.  Get Super Mario Allstars for Super Nintendo. :D
-  Ninja Gaiden 1.  I found this to be the easiest and most enjoyable.  The 2nd is unnecessary
- Pro Sports Hockey is good if you're a Hockeyfan.  It actually is a Ruse.
-  Mike Tyson's Punch Out
- RC Pro Am 1 and 2.  It's kind of like Super
Sprint.  Collect money bags and come in 1st
place and you will be rewarded.
- Ski or Die Snowball fights, Snowboarding and
Skiing Competitions
-Skate or Die Skate or Die 2
- Super Sprint.  One of my favorites if you
don't play MAME
- Star Wars and Empire Strike Back.  Not
recommended but are considered good games
- Techmo Bowl  Not recommended for youth today.  
It was great for the time
-  Original Plain Jane Wrestlemania 1989 was
kinda easy and nostalgic.


- Zelda A Link to the Past
- Mario All Stars This is why you can avoid
Nintendo's Mario Bros., Mario 2 and Mario 3.  
Seriously.  Just play it on this cart.-
- Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger Final Fantasy.  
Play them on Playstation or Wii ware.

- Castlevania 4.  Try it now or on TG16 or NES

-Shadorun  My favorite on Genesis.  Pretty much the same as SNES.  This is a rental.

-Actraiser.  I like it.  It's an original but.   Not today's favorite.

-F Zero.  This is a good racing game.  Digital controls are well above par and its Nintendo. :)

- All the Donkey Kong Country games are realy nice.

- Mario Kart is the original and it is still fantastic.

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  On 2/24/2016 at 2:25 PM, nutznboltz2003 said:

My 10 year old son and I have completely different taste in games.  I loved RPGs at his age, like Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy and Zelda.  He does not enjoy them at all.  He loves games like Wave Race, which he plays on the game cube.


I don't like racing games either, but maybe he'd enjoy Crazy Taxi?  I had it for the Dreamcast, but it looks like its available on the PS2 and Gamecube, as well.


LOL, just noticed the OP hasn't logged in in over 3 months so may never even see this.  Oh well.

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I recommend F-Zero GX for gamecube, F-Zero GP legend for gameboy advance, and F-Zero Climax, also for gameboy advance.  F-Zero Climax is an import title, but the menus and narration are entirely in english;  It's the only F-Zero game with a track editor!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/9/2016 at 1:35 PM, RoboBlue said:

I recommend F-Zero GX for gamecube, F-Zero GP legend for gameboy advance, and F-Zero Climax, also for gameboy advance.  F-Zero Climax is an import title, but the menus and narration are entirely in english;  It's the only F-Zero game with a track editor!

You must like F-Zero. :D

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