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What about issues with multiple covers?


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While rummaging for those old Ptom's I found stacks of mags I forgot I had. GMR and EGM. I took a quick look and think I can scan some covers. I'll make sure they're acquired before I decide to recycle anything. But here's my question. Even though you have entries for all the GMR's I saw at least 3 or 4 where I own the alternate cover to the one shown. How complete do you want to get and how would you want to tweak the DB to support such a thing? Do you want me to scan 'em?

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Yes, please scan any missing covers and upload them to the Gallery. We want all variations of the covers, also if you find any covers in the Gallery that you believe you can provide a better quality scan of, feel free to replace them.

I will hunt around and see if I can find someone to code in the functionality to support multiple images.

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All the alternate covers for GMR were already uploaded to the gallery way back in 2009 by keving.


They don't display in the magazine database right now because currently the database only has room for one cover.

My question is, how would we go about replacing one of these covers in the gallery? My scan of issue #1 has more color. I also have some scans without the address label.

Edited by marktrade
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  • Retromags Curator

All the alternate covers for GMR were already uploaded to the gallery way back in 2009 by keving.


They don't display in the magazine database right now because currently the database only has room for one cover.

My question is, how would we go about replacing one of these covers in the gallery? My scan of issue #1 has more color. I also have some scans without the address label.

Right now only staff can delete images from the Gallery, but I think I have an idea. How about I create a hidden category in the Gallery, that only Team Members can see. Then I can give all Team Members the ability to move images between categories. Then from time to time, E-day or I can purge that hidden category of replaced images.

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Right now only staff can delete images from the Gallery, but I think I have an idea. How about I create a hidden category in the Gallery, that only Team Members can see. Then I can give all Team Members the ability to move images between categories. Then from time to time, E-day or I can purge that hidden category of replaced images.

Sounds good. It might be a good idea to keep a thread running where people could make a post whenever they upload a better cover so that a team member is made aware and can shuffle the images around. Or I suppose they could just mention it in the shoutbox, but it might get forgotten about if not taken care of right away.

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  • Retromags Curator

Team Members can now EDIT and MOVE Gallery images, this also carries the ability to REPLACE images. Standard users are still welcome to upload better versions of images to our Gallery, but that method will still require Staff or Team Members to move the old version to the Trash Bin.

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Team Members can now EDIT and MOVE Gallery images, this also carries the ability to REPLACE images. Standard users are still welcome to upload better versions of images to our Gallery, but that method will still require Staff or Team Members to move the old version to the Trash Bin.

Right. I probably worded what I said poorly. What I meant was, if a standard user uploads a better pic of an image already in the gallery, it would be helpful if they make a post somewhere (either in the forum or the shoutbox) so that a member is aware that a file is in need of moving. Because speaking for myself, I'm not familiar with every image in the cover gallery, so I'd have no idea if a recently uploaded cover was a better version of one already in the database, or simply a brand new addition.

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Stil need a hi res scan for the actual magazine scan to add of the GEX 3 cover.

It would be nice if high-res scans of all alternate covers could all be put in one place. That way, those of us who have already downloaded the magazines can add the alternate covers to our cbr files to make them complete.

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It would be nice if high-res scans of all alternate covers could all be put in one place. That way, those of us who have already downloaded the magazines can add the alternate covers to our cbr files to make them complete.

They will eventually get added to the scans. And the MD5 checksum will be updated. But yes currently that means DL the whole mag again.

If you want it now, here it is, but you will have to color correct, resize, rename, and add to your CBR. And it liekely wont match the one that gets added to scan exactly so your copy will not match the site. But if none of that bothers you, here it is:


Edited by Sean697
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