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Gamepro Magazine Issues 81-90


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I have never received an official reason. I asked Sis Shuman about it in 2009 with he was the editor of the magazine. He knew about it, but didn't know the "why" since it was before he worked there. Last month I reached out to some former staff who worked there at the time. Mike Weigand is not sure exactly why, and I have yet to hear back from Lawrence Neves, aka Scary Larry.

I suspect that they did it to get ahead of EGM in the issue count by counting their special issues (16-bit Video Gaming, CD-ROM Gaming, Video Game Greatest Hits, Celebrity Video Gamers, etc) in that number. I would love to be able to confirm that there were 10 such issues. This is the assumption I am going on until I get a reason from someone who worked there. If you look at the masthead, the numbering never changed in the fine print at the bottom.

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I have never received an official reason. I asked Sis Shuman about it in 2009 with he was the editor of the magazine. He knew about it, but didn't know the "why" since it was before he worked there. Last month I reached out to some former staff who worked there at the time. Mike Weigand is not sure exactly why, and I have yet to hear back from Lawrence Neves, aka Scary Larry.

I suspect that they did it to get ahead of EGM in the issue count by counting their special issues (16-bit Video Gaming, CD-ROM Gaming, Video Game Greatest Hits, Celebrity Video Gamers, etc) in that number. I would love to be able to confirm that there were 10 such issues. This is the assumption I am going on until I get a reason from someone who worked there. If you look at the masthead, the numbering never changed in the fine print at the bottom.

Thanks for the response E-Day, that's a good assumption to go on for now.

Heh. I asked about this very same thing just a few weeks back.

I thought this may have been brought up in the past. I used the search function to see if it had been discussed, but nothing showed. Perhaps I am using the search function incorrectly.

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I thought this may have been brought up in the past. I used the search function to see if it had been discussed, but nothing showed. Perhaps I am using the search function incorrectly.

Don't worry. I think that a lot of us wonder the same thing once we notice the discrepancy. Based on the fact that I asked this before and got similar answers, answers that were apparently given to others before me (and now you after), it almost feels like it's a Retromags rite of passage, lol.

I've heard a few speculative explanations for the sudden Gamepro jump, and figure that the likeliest answers are that they tried to get the jump on the issue 100 landmark early (which would be really transparent, desperate and lame) or that when they started numbering the issues on the cover they'd miscounted and simply never bothered to correct the mistake (which would just be kind of dumb).

Either way it makes their 100th issue celebration kind of fraudulent and awkward in retrospect.

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I've heard the explanation that they miscounted when they started numbering issues, and just never bothered to fix the mistake. EGM claimed that it was because of them counting special issues, but I don't know if there was actually 10 special issues to account for that.

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On the one hand it seems pretty dumb to miscount your own magazine by ten whole issues. On the other hand it seems equally dumb (and more than a little dishonest) to suddenly decide to start counting special issues in a quest to beat everybody else to the number 100.

Either way we can all agree that Gamepro is terrible and should be abolished from the pages of Earth's history as quickly as is humanly possible.

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