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New Ghostbusters Trailer is out!


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Could I suggest that perhaps all of the apprehension from the masses is not due to the fact that men are being replaced by women in the leading roles. But Rather it's that Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Harold Ramis are being replaced by well...anybody. I know that's what it is for me. Poor Ernie Hudson :unsure:

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so i just now watched this trailer for the first time.

i most likely WILL NOT be checking this film out in the theater. it doesn't look funny to me. or exciting. i'll probably watch it in a few years when it's on basic cable and has a moderate approval rating on rottentomatoes, or has decent word-of-mouth reviews. but i certainly won't rush out to see it regardless of how much money it makes.

the whole thing with the 4 female leads doesn't really effect me one way or the other. i mean, nobody complains when a film has 4 male leads. last i checked, females make up 50 or 51% of the population. but melissa mccarthy just isn't that funny in the roles she plays. and kristen wiig can be hilarious, but usually is so in smaller roles. i didn't recognize the other two women. [edit: i looked them up on wikipedia and i haven't seen a single thing that either one has done].

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  • 2 months later...

All this Ghostbuster buzz lately made me go and order the original 2 on Blu-Ray. I may buy the PS3 game as well. I'm too young to have seen the first one in the theaters, but I loved the cartoon and have fond memories of the sequel being my only drive-in movie experience to date.

As for the new one? Maybe I'll stream it online months from now, but I have low expectations.

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  • 1 month later...

The trailer was ok. I'll watch it when it comes out on Netflix. It's not epic enough to spend theater time on for me.

I grew up with Filmation's The Original Ghostbusters, The Real Ghostbusters and the Movies and love things that feed the nostalgia and expand on it in a good way.

This new movie feels like a parody of a comedy. I don't like that it's a reboot. I would have been far more accepting of it had it been a sequel of another Ghostbusters team starting somewhere else or taking over the reigns. "Back in the Saddle" (Extreme Ghostbusters) would have been the most awesome to see and I was hoping for Ghostbusters III with the original actors for many years...

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  • 1 month later...

It saddens me that it's not the original cast. I think they just made a Bridesmaids 2 movie and slapped them into a Ghostbusters universe. :/ I picked up that Firehouse RGB DVD set years ago, I'll more than likely watch that again. I just watched AVGN's review of the series. Check it out:

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  On 8/7/2016 at 5:07 AM, Samhain said:

It saddens me that it's not the original cast.


Really?  I mean, aside from the fact that one of them is dead, they're all pretty old.  I'm not sure how well they would have worn the suits at this point.  Maybe if they'd made it 10 years ago...

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  On 8/7/2016 at 5:31 AM, kitsunebi77 said:

Really?  I mean, aside from the fact that one of them is dead, they're all pretty old.  I'm not sure how well they would have worn the suits at this point.  Maybe if they'd made it 10 years ago...

There was a lot of talk about a third movie in the making, for years. It just never happened because non of them could agree on anything. I think I'm just a little bias because it could have been, but instead we got a Bridesmaids movie. Not that Bridesmaids wasn't bad or anything, it's just not Ghostbusters.

Would be cool if they could do a continuation of the cartoon. I'd be more inclined to watch that, over this movie.

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  On 8/7/2016 at 5:59 AM, Samhain said:

There was a lot of talk about a third movie in the making, for years. It just never happened because non of them could agree on anything. I think I'm just a little bias because it could have been, but instead we got a Bridesmaids movie. Not that Bridesmaids wasn't bad or anything, it's just not Ghostbusters.

Would be cool if they could do a continuation of the cartoon. I'd be more inclined to watch that, over this movie.


I haven't seen it, so I don't wanna say you're wrong, but...are you sure it has more in common with Bridesmaids than it does with Ghostbusters?  All I've seen is the trailers, but it would seem that there are more ghosts and ghostbusting than I would expect from a Bridesmaids sequel. :) 

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I haven't watched Ghostbusters 2016 yet.  I hold no prejudice against an action comedy staring all female cast but I do feel insulted by Hollywood's attempts to recreate one of my favorite movies of all time.

Let me take a moment and reflect on my favorite lines from the most popular characters from Ghostbusters 1984.



Peter Your always worried about your reputation.  Einstein did his best work when he was working as a patent clerk...

You know how much a patent clerk earns?  Personally I like the university they gave us. Money and facilities. We didn't have to produce anything.
You've never been out of college you don't know what it's like out there.  I've worked in the private sector they expect results.





For whatever reasons ray call it fate call it luck call it karma I believe everything happens for a reason.  I believe we were destined to get thrown out of this dump...  For What purpose?  To go into business for ourselves.
This Ecto Containment System that Spengler and I have in mind is going to require a load of bread to capitalize.   Where are we gonna get the money?  
I don't know I don't know.



What do you think Egon?
I think this building should be condemned.
There's serious metal fatigue in all the load bearing members, the wiring is substandard, and it's completely inadequate for our power needs and the neighborhood is like a demilitarized zone.




I'm Winston Zetermore your honor.
I've only been with the company for a couple of weeks.
But I got to tell you these things are real.
Since I've joined these men Ive seen sh!t that will turn you white.





You don't have any Exedrin or Extra Strngth Tylenol?
Gee I think All I got is acetylsalicylic acid generic see I can get 600 tablets of that for the same price as 300 of the name brand. It makes good financial advice hey this is real smoked salmon from Nova Scotia Canada $24.95/LB It only cost me     $14.12 after tax though Im getting this whole thing as a promotional expense that's why I invited clients instead of friends.




You having a good time Marv?  How are you doing, why don't you have some of the Bre?  It's at room temperature.  You think it's too warm in here for the bre? Louis Im going home.
Don't go home yet, listen maybe if we start dancing maybe other people will join in? Okay.  moment of dancing.  Oh don't move I just got to get the door. Ted Annette glad you could come give me your coats.  Everybody this is Ted and Annette Flemming.   Ted has a small business in receivership. Annette's drawing a salary from a deferred bonus from 2 years ago. They got 15,000 left on the house at 8%. So there okay.  So... does anybody want to play parcheesi?   Okay who brought the dog?



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I've never really understood why some people have gotten so bent out-of-shape over this.  If the 1984 version is the only real Ghostbusters movie to you, then so be it.  It's not like they're trying to put this new one in the same universe and tell you it's canon.  I have a great fondness for the Robert Englund Nightmare on Elm Streets (even though most of them suck, yes), but no one is forcing me to accept the Michael Bay version, so I can watch it from a frame of mind that removes it from the rest of the franchise as a separate curiosity that has no bearing on the films I like.


Seeing those screen grabs of Rick Moranis as Louis makes me suddenly hope that nobody decides to remake Little Shop of Horrors, another classic not in need of a makeover.

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  On 8/7/2016 at 6:26 AM, kitsunebi77 said:

I haven't seen it, so I don't wanna say you're wrong, but...are you sure it has more in common with Bridesmaids than it does with Ghostbusters?  All I've seen is the trailers, but it would seem that there are more ghosts and ghostbusting than I would expect from a Bridesmaids sequel. :)

I think the humor came out of a Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig's script for it. :) McCarthy use to be funny, but is a one dimensional actor like Will Ferrell, always screaming profanity. And, I've never really found Wiig's awkwardness to be that funny.


  On 8/7/2016 at 6:46 AM, Jake said:

I hold no prejudice against an action comedy staring all female cast

For me it had nothing to do with the female cast. I think I would have a hard time watching, knowing that it's not the original. With that said, could I ease up if it were a different cast? All I can say is "maybe", I don't know who could fill the roll as close to the original cast would.

Lol. I love the Louis Tully quotes. :)

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Yeah, the sex of the characters should be a non-issue since they aren't replacing the original characters.  If Venkman was suddenly a woman, that would be weird, but this version is all-new characters, so who cares?


What's weird to me is that there seems to be more drama around this movie than there was with the new Star Trek cast.  In that case, they were replacing the iconic original cast with new actors playing the same characters, but nobody rose this kind of stink.  The casting of Ghostbusters is, to me, a far easier thing to digest, since the characters are different.  Even if Melissa McCarthy does a terrible job of portraying Abbey Yates (I had to google that lol), it's her character to trash, and doesn't tarnish the image of Venkman or Stantz or whoever at all, much in the same way someone is free to prefer or dislike Picard, Sisko or Janeway without it affecting how they feel about Kirk.

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  On 8/7/2016 at 7:09 AM, kitsunebi77 said:

I've never really understood why some people have gotten so bent out-of-shape over this.  If the 1984 version is the only real Ghostbusters movie to you, then so be it.  It's not like they're trying to put this new one in the same universe and tell you it's canon.  I have a great fondness for the Robert Englund Nightmare on Elm Streets (even though most of them suck, yes), but no one is forcing me to accept the Michael Bay version, so I can watch it from a frame of mind that removes it from the rest of the franchise as a separate curiosity that has no bearing on the films I like.


You can't deny that Hollywood has been running out of ideas since the late 90's early 2000's.  Everything is being rebooted or recreated or it's part of the Marvel Universe.  

All the Marvel movies lose money at the box office because the movies are expensive to make and not enough people see them in the theater.  The Meta game to the Marvel Universe is the merchandising.  Milk glasses, Bluray boxsets, comics, Incredible Hulk Butt-Plugs and Halloween costumes.


For the most part I like reboots but I don't like Ghostbusters.

It's sad when I look up all the remakes worked on right now and the good looking ones out number the originals 3 to one.  I have a few that look very interesting.

Clue clue-movie-cast.jpg

The Birds  birds23.4.jpg

Big Man Japan  big_man_japan_2007_02.jpg

Logan's Run   Logans%20Run%20cap%201.png

Police Academy  Police%20Acadamy.png

Warriors  the_warriors.jpg

Pet Semetary   Pet%20Semetary%20cat%20pic%201.png

It   it%20kids%20bromm%20blood.png

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  On 8/9/2016 at 2:10 AM, Jake said:

All the Marvel movies lose money at the box office because the movies are expensive to make and not enough people see them in the theater. 


You can claim that Marvel might be over-saturating the market and I won't argue, but your comment about their films losing money at the box office and having to make it up in merchandising is false.  They are all profitable (very profitable).  The latest, for example, Captain America Civil War, had a 250 million budget, but made 1.15 billion at the box office.  The merchandising just makes it all the sweeter for them.



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  On 8/9/2016 at 2:37 AM, Jake said:

I suppose you are right although there is no clear answer to what it exactly cost to make these films and with Hollywood's shady accounting practices along with the blurred line between profit and revenue I can only look at what the box office earns which should be the only accurate number.


Maybe you didn't see it, but that link shows the production budget, along with the domestic and worldwide box office for all films in the MCU.  Fox and Sony Marvel movies aren't listed, but most of those are profitable as well, particularly after taking international box office into account - even "failures" like Fantastic Four.

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I believe you and what the the "internet" says but as for box office numbers, you are never gonna convince me they are accurate.  If not how much.   Hollywood is known for shady accounting and company's can say it was a profit or they could say it is not because the budget is an arbitrary number and the expenses are always well above that.


Im just saying that I do not trust the numbers.

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Now your getting it.  I misjudged Marvel movies though.  I never took interest in them and wrote them off as most other movies.  I could see myself one day when the price of 4K Oled TV's and AMD releases their performance chips in 2017 that I will enjoy  some of visual data I can pull from these movies.


CG's as much as I hate seeing Ninja Turtles 1991 turned into a computer graphics movie, they do scale well when produced from scratch by alot of talent with a Novelist for a writer and an impressive amount of computer power at their disposal.

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