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New Ghostbusters Trailer is out!


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I saw the movie.  It was... well... bad.


It seemed pretty clear to me that someone who actually cared about Ghostbusters wrote a first draft of the script, which was then edited by someone who wanted to make it a Spongebob cartoon, subjected to studio-mandated edits, and then directed by a guy who simply didn't care.  There was potential, but not much is left after all that whole process.

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  On 8/9/2016 at 2:10 AM, Jake said:


You can't deny that Hollywood has been running out of ideas since the late 90's early 2000's.  Everything is being rebooted or recreated or it's part of the Marvel Universe.  

All the Marvel movies lose money at the box office because the movies are expensive to make and not enough people see them in the theater.  The Meta game to the Marvel Universe is the merchandising.  Milk glasses, Bluray boxsets, comics, Incredible Hulk Butt-Plugs and Halloween costumes.


For the most part I like reboots but I don't like Ghostbusters.

It's sad when I look up all the remakes worked on right now and the good looking ones out number the originals 3 to one.  I have a few that look very interesting.

They're filming the new It just up the road from my mother and father-in-law's place. My sister-in-law took a picture of the house. Looks pretty creepy! That list of movies being reboot, looks good, I didn't more than half were getting a reboot.


  On 8/9/2016 at 3:41 AM, Jake said:

Now your getting it.  I misjudged Marvel movies though.  I never took interest in them and wrote them off as most other movies.  I could see myself one day when the price of 4K Oled TV's and AMD releases their performance chips in 2017 that I will enjoy  some of visual data I can pull from these movies.


CG's as much as I hate seeing Ninja Turtles 1991 turned into a computer graphics movie, they do scale well when produced from scratch by alot of talent with a Novelist for a writer and an impressive amount of computer power at their disposal.

I started watching the new Turtles movies, saw Megan Fox, got sick to my stomach, and the anxiety of seeing the poorly designed Turtles came back and I had to shut it off. It took me two original movies and four seasons, to put it out of my mind again. :(


  On 8/10/2016 at 2:55 PM, RoboBlue said:

I saw the movie.  It was... well... bad.


It seemed pretty clear to me that someone who actually cared about Ghostbusters wrote a first draft of the script, which was then edited by someone who wanted to make it a Spongebob cartoon, subjected to studio-mandated edits, and then directed by a guy who simply didn't care.  There was potential, but not much is left after all that whole process.

There is talk of an animated movie or a series again. I forget what they were going to call it "Ecto-something-or-other", (was a pretty lame name), but it would be awesome to have the original cast, with Dave Coulier as Lorenzo Music, back.

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  On 8/19/2016 at 8:55 AM, Samhain said:

I started watching the new Turtles movies, saw Megan Fox, got sick to my stomach, and the anxiety of seeing the poorly designed Turtles came back and I had to shut it off. It took me two original movies and four seasons, to put it out of my mind again. :(


LOL,  I hate those too, but I also feel the same way about the original movies and cartoon.  They make me have to curl up with a collection of the original Mirage comics to get my mind straight again...

So many incarnations of the Turtles...I guess everyone has their own favorites.

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  On 8/19/2016 at 9:12 AM, kitsunebi77 said:

LOL,  I hate those too, but I also feel the same way about the original movies and cartoon.  They make me have to curl up with a collection of the original Mirage comics to get my mind straight again...

So many incarnations of the Turtles...I guess everyone has their own favorites.

I never had access to the comics as a kid, so the cartoon was my first exposure to the Turtles. I do like the comics, and would love to have some originals, some day.

I watched one episode of the new Nickelodeon TMNT, my wife was flipping through the guide and stopped on it because she knows I'm a fan of the original. I was just about to explain that to her, and funny enough, it was a cross-dimensional episode where they'd jump into different Turtles universe, one was the original comic, and the other two was the 80's and 90's cartoon. :)

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  On 8/19/2016 at 9:43 AM, Samhain said:

I watched one episode of the new Nickelodeon TMNT, my wife was flipping through the guide and stopped on it because she knows I'm a fan of the original. I was just about to explain that to her, and funny enough, it was a cross-dimensional episode where they'd jump into different Turtles universe, one was the original comic, and the other two was the 80's and 90's cartoon. :)

That sounds kind of cool.  Were the comic Turtles in black and white?  I wonder how much of the audience for the new show is even aware of the previous incarnations?

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  On 8/19/2016 at 10:25 AM, kitsunebi77 said:

That sounds kind of cool.  Were the comic Turtles in black and white?  I wonder how much of the audience for the new show is even aware of the previous incarnations?

It is black and white, with the exception of the turtles that entered the dimension. They called the dimension the "Primary Turtle Reality". I believe (like Transformers), there will be some super fans that like everything TMNT related, kids of parents who grew up with comic and TV series will have told them about it. If the casual fan is watching, they got a little hint about what came before with this episode. It is pretty cool, and better than anything Bay could have ever done with it. :)

I've linked the episode, it's called Trans-Dimensional Turtles

Edited by Samhain
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