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We should probably preserve a copy of that!


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Coming across some oddball things on eBay, figured I might as well start a thread to keep track of this stuff so that it can be acquired and preserved at some point. Even if we don't preserve these items, I believe we should at least have them in one of the databases (perhaps a book db) to let people know they exist.












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It's shameful how many of these I have... :)



You and me both. I have at least 6-8 of those Adventure books. Several book tip guides (if I don't have that copy of Hot Games I have something close), and other magazine style guides too.

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Coming across some oddball things on eBay, figured I might as well start a thread to keep track of this stuff so that it can be acquired and preserved at some point. Even if we don't preserve these items, I believe we should at least have them in one of the databases (perhaps a book db) to let people know they exist.

Yes, yes, yes and MORE YES! I have a ton of old video game books (Ultimate Unauthorized, Nintendo Game Secrets, etc.) and I love 'em, they're true relics of my childhood (even more so than many of the magazines) and I grab new ones whenever I can spot them. I would LOVE to see them preserved in digital form, and have considered sending you guys a couple of mine on more than one occasion to get the ball rolling.

You've absolutely got my enthusiastic thumbs up for this one. While the mag scene is flourishing, actual retro gaming books are all but nonexistent. If you guys would like to go ahead with this project there are at least a couple of books that I could send you for scanning.

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Personally, I'm a little opposed to preserving video game books. It just doesn't seem in the spirit of the site to allow people's books to be posted. I kind of equate magazines as newspapers and periodicals that are not being preserved elsewhere.

Strategy guides and the others seem fine to me.

I have a whole bunch of those game genie code books. I never really thought about scanning them. Since they are just codes inside , they have been better preserved on websites that have the codes. Having a scan of the actual pages doesn't really serve a purpose. Something where oreserv9ng the information itself is far more coal valuable and worthwhile than scanning the actual pages.

Edited by Sean697
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two things:

1- i definitely want that MK guide. i think i own 2 or 3 MK guides already, but not this one. to eBay!

2- what the fuck is going on in this cover? there is nothing in the Sonic games that even remotely resembles this. what dumbass missed their deadline and had to pick something out of the clipart bin?

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two things:

1- i definitely want that MK guide. i think i own 2 or 3 MK guides already, but not this one. to eBay!

2- what the fuck is going on in this cover? there is nothing in the Sonic games that even remotely resembles this. what dumbass missed their deadline and had to pick something out of the clipart bin?

That's why it's an unofficial guide. They couldn't use official artwork. And legally probrably didn't want to use anything similar.

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This one definitely needs to be preserved. No Nintendo Power collection is complete without it.

I remember going to see The Wizard almost for the sole purpose of getting that (I must have read about it in Nintendo Power?), and feeling ripped off that I didn't receive a copy. Being a kid, I didn't realize that they probably only gave them away on opening night and I was watching the movie at the end of its run in the local $0.99 theater.

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This one definitely needs to be preserved. No Nintendo Power collection is complete without it.


I remember going to see The Wizard almost for the sole purpose of getting that (I must have read about it in Nintendo Power?), and feeling ripped off that I didn't receive a copy. Being a kid, I didn't realize that they probably only gave them away on opening night and I was watching the movie at the end of its run in the local $0.99 theater.

I've got a digital copy of that Pocket Power that was given out for The Wizard, if you guys here at the site want to accept it as an upload I'd be happy to provide it (I can't recall when or where I got it nor can I vouch for the quality since I didn't scan it, but for whatever it's worth the offer is there).

I never got to see The Wizard at the theater, which bummed me out. I don't even know why I wouldn't have. I'm guessing that it just must not have been playing anywhere near me. I (im)patiently waited for it to show up on Pay-Per-View and ordered it as soon as I could, recorded it, then watched that VHS recording dozens and dozens of times over. That quaint relic from the past went on to become something that a buddy of mine and I would ritualistically make fun of, MST3K-style (you watch that thing enough times you notice all kinds of little details, like the extras on the Universal Studios tram who give the camera the finger), and the reminder of what Jenny Lewis was like before she became an excellent singer and all-around mega-babe.

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